[Telepathy-commits] [telepathy-gabble/master] Replace test-group-race with a test using the new test API

Will Thompson will.thompson at collabora.co.uk
Thu Sep 18 10:57:24 PDT 2008

In the process, fix a race condition in the test itself!
 tests/twisted/roster/request-never-answered.py |   53 ++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/twisted/test-group-race.py               |   62 ------------------------
 2 files changed, 53 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/twisted/roster/request-never-answered.py
 delete mode 100644 tests/twisted/test-group-race.py

diff --git a/tests/twisted/roster/request-never-answered.py b/tests/twisted/roster/request-never-answered.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..deb3776
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/twisted/roster/request-never-answered.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Exhibit a bug where RequestChannel times out when requesting a group channel
+if the roster hasn't been received at the time of the call.
+import dbus
+from gabbletest import exec_test, sync_stream
+from servicetest import sync_dbus, call_async
+def test(q, bus, conn, stream):
+    conn.Connect()
+    # q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='StatusChanged', args=[0, 1])
+    roster_event = q.expect('stream-iq', query_ns='jabber:iq:roster')
+    roster_event.stanza['type'] = 'result'
+    call_async(q, conn, "RequestHandles", HT_GROUP, ['test'])
+    event = q.expect('dbus-return', method='RequestHandles')
+    test_handle = event.value[0][0]
+    call_async(q, conn, 'RequestChannel',
+        'org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.ContactList', HT_GROUP,
+        test_handle, True)
+    # A previous incarnation of this test --- written with the intention that
+    # RequestChannel would be called before the roster was received, to expose
+    # a bug in Gabble triggered by that ordering --- was racy: if the D-Bus
+    # daemon happened to be particularly busy, the call to RequestChannel
+    # reached Gabble after the roster stanza. (The race was discovered when
+    # that reversed order triggered a newly-introduced instance of the
+    # opposite bug to the one the test was targetting!) So we sync the XMPP
+    # stream and D-Bus queue here.
+    sync_stream(q, stream)
+    sync_dbus(bus, q, conn)
+    # send an empty roster
+    stream.send(roster_event.stanza)
+    while True:
+        event = q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='NewChannel')
+        path, type, handle_type, handle, suppress_handler = event.args
+        if handle_type == HT_GROUP and handle == test_handle:
+            break;
+    event = q.expect('dbus-return', method='RequestChannel')
+    assert event.value[0] == path, (event.args[0], path)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    exec_test(test)
diff --git a/tests/twisted/test-group-race.py b/tests/twisted/test-group-race.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d73ef58..0000000
--- a/tests/twisted/test-group-race.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-"""Exhibit a bug: RequestChannel D-Bus timeout when requesting a group channel
-when the roster wasn't received yet"""
-# must come before the twisted imports due to side-effects
-from gabbletest import go, make_result_iq
-from servicetest import call_async, lazy, match, tp_name_prefix, unwrap, Event
-from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory, Protocol
-from twisted.words.protocols.jabber.client import IQ
-from twisted.words.xish import domish, xpath
-from twisted.internet import reactor
- at lazy
- at match('dbus-signal', signal='StatusChanged', args=[0, 1])
-def expect_connected(event, data):
-    return True
- at match('stream-iq', query_ns='jabber:iq:roster')
-def expect_roster_iq(event, data):
-    event.stanza['type'] = 'result'
-    # handle type is Handle_Type_Group
-    call_async(data['test'], data['conn_iface'], 'RequestHandles', 4,
-            ['test'])
-    # We'll send the reply *after* our channel request
-    data['roster_reply'] = event.stanza
-    return True
- at match('dbus-return', method='RequestHandles')
-def expect_request_handles_return(event, data):
-    handles = event.value[0]
-    data['group_test_handle'] = handles[0]
-    call_async(data['test'], data['conn_iface'], 'RequestChannel',
-    'org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.ContactList', 4, handles[0], True)
-    data['stream'].send(data['roster_reply'])
-    return True
- at lazy
- at match('dbus-return', method='RequestChannel')
-def expect_request_channel_return(event, data):
-    return True
- at match('dbus-signal', signal='NewChannel')
-def expect_new_channel(event, data):
-    if event.args[1] != 'org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.ContactList':
-        return False
-    if event.args[2] != 4: # handle type is not Handle_Type_Group
-        return False
-    assert event.args[3] == data['group_test_handle']
-    return True
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    go()

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