[telepathy-mission-control/master] Add a trivial regression test for Reconnect (only tests that it doesn't actually crash MC)

Simon McVittie simon.mcvittie at collabora.co.uk
Tue Apr 14 10:17:09 PDT 2009

 test/twisted/Makefile.am                  |    1 +
 test/twisted/account-manager/reconnect.py |  104 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 105 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 test/twisted/account-manager/reconnect.py

diff --git a/test/twisted/Makefile.am b/test/twisted/Makefile.am
index 5d70c9e..96b70cc 100644
--- a/test/twisted/Makefile.am
+++ b/test/twisted/Makefile.am
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ TWISTED_TESTS =
 	account-bad-cm.py \
 	account-manager/auto-away.py \
+	account-manager/reconnect.py \
 	account-requests/cancel.py \
 	account-requests/create-text.py \
 	account-requests/delete-account-during-request.py \
diff --git a/test/twisted/account-manager/reconnect.py b/test/twisted/account-manager/reconnect.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b603400
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/twisted/account-manager/reconnect.py
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+import dbus
+import dbus.service
+from servicetest import EventPattern, tp_name_prefix, tp_path_prefix
+from mctest import exec_test, SimulatedConnection, create_fakecm_account,\
+        SimulatedChannel
+import constants as cs
+def test(q, bus, mc):
+    cm_name_ref = dbus.service.BusName(
+            tp_name_prefix + '.ConnectionManager.fakecm', bus=bus)
+    # Create an account
+    params = dbus.Dictionary({"account": "someguy at example.com",
+        "password": "secrecy"}, signature='sv')
+    (cm_name_ref, account) = create_fakecm_account(q, bus, mc, params)
+    # Enable the account
+    account.Set(cs.ACCOUNT, 'Enabled', True,
+            dbus_interface=cs.PROPERTIES_IFACE)
+    q.expect('dbus-signal',
+            path=account.object_path,
+            signal='AccountPropertyChanged',
+            interface=cs.ACCOUNT)
+    # Go online
+    requested_presence = dbus.Struct((dbus.UInt32(2L), dbus.String(u'brb'),
+                dbus.String(u'Be back soon!')))
+    account.Set(cs.ACCOUNT,
+            'RequestedPresence', requested_presence,
+            dbus_interface=cs.PROPERTIES_IFACE)
+    e = q.expect('dbus-method-call', method='RequestConnection',
+            args=['fakeprotocol', params],
+            destination=tp_name_prefix + '.ConnectionManager.fakecm',
+            path=tp_path_prefix + '/ConnectionManager/fakecm',
+            interface=tp_name_prefix + '.ConnectionManager',
+            handled=False)
+    conn = SimulatedConnection(q, bus, 'fakecm', 'fakeprotocol', '_',
+            'myself')
+    q.dbus_return(e.message, conn.bus_name, conn.object_path, signature='so')
+    # MC calls GetStatus (maybe) and then Connect
+    q.expect('dbus-method-call', method='Connect',
+            path=conn.object_path, handled=True)
+    # Connect succeeds
+    # MC does some setup, including fetching the list of Channels
+    q.expect_many(
+            EventPattern('dbus-method-call',
+                interface=cs.PROPERTIES_IFACE, method='GetAll',
+                args=[cs.CONN_IFACE_REQUESTS],
+                path=conn.object_path, handled=True),
+            )
+    # Assert that the NormalizedName is harvested from the Connection at some
+    # point
+    while 1:
+        e = q.expect('dbus-signal',
+                interface=cs.ACCOUNT, signal='AccountPropertyChanged',
+                path=account.object_path)
+        if 'NormalizedName' in e.args[0]:
+            assert e.args[0]['NormalizedName'] == 'myself', e.args
+            break
+    # Check the requested presence is online
+    properties = account.GetAll(cs.ACCOUNT,
+            dbus_interface=cs.PROPERTIES_IFACE)
+    assert properties is not None
+    assert properties.get('RequestedPresence') == requested_presence, \
+        properties.get('RequestedPresence')
+    # Reconnect
+    account.Reconnect(dbus_interface=cs.ACCOUNT)
+    # Put the account offline
+    requested_presence = (dbus.UInt32(cs.PRESENCE_TYPE_OFFLINE), 'offline', '')
+    account.Set(cs.ACCOUNT,
+            'RequestedPresence', requested_presence,
+            dbus_interface=cs.PROPERTIES_IFACE)
+    # In response, MC tells us to Disconnect, and we do
+    q.expect('dbus-method-call', method='Disconnect',
+            path=conn.object_path, handled=True)
+    # MC terminates the channel
+    # FIXME: it shouldn't do this!
+    #q.expect('dbus-method-call', method='Close',
+    #        path=chan.object_path, handled=True)
+    properties = account.GetAll(cs.ACCOUNT, dbus_interface=cs.PROPERTIES_IFACE)
+    assert properties['Connection'] == '/'
+    assert properties['ConnectionStatus'] == cs.CONN_STATUS_DISCONNECTED
+    assert properties['CurrentPresence'] == requested_presence
+    assert properties['RequestedPresence'] == requested_presence
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    exec_test(test, {})

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