[Telepathy-commits] [telepathy-gabble/master] rename offer-muc-stream-tube-ibb.py to offer-muc-stream-tube.py

Guillaume Desmottes guillaume.desmottes at collabora.co.uk
Wed Feb 25 05:56:52 PST 2009

 tests/twisted/Makefile.am                        |    2 +-
 tests/twisted/tubes/offer-muc-stream-tube-ibb.py |  383 ---------------------
 tests/twisted/tubes/offer-muc-stream-tube.py     |  391 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 392 insertions(+), 384 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 tests/twisted/tubes/offer-muc-stream-tube-ibb.py
 create mode 100644 tests/twisted/tubes/offer-muc-stream-tube.py

diff --git a/tests/twisted/Makefile.am b/tests/twisted/Makefile.am
index 3b4fa4d..c78ac49 100644
--- a/tests/twisted/Makefile.am
+++ b/tests/twisted/Makefile.am
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ TWISTED_TESTS = \
 	tubes/offer-accept-private-dbus-stream-tube-socks5.py \
 	tubes/offer-accept-private-stream-tube-si-fallback.py \
 	tubes/offer-muc-dbus-tube.py \
-	tubes/offer-muc-stream-tube-ibb.py \
+	tubes/offer-muc-stream-tube.py \
 	tubes/offer-no-caps.py \
 	tubes/offer-private-dbus-tube-ibb.py \
 	tubes/request-invalid-dbus-tube.py \
diff --git a/tests/twisted/tubes/offer-muc-stream-tube-ibb.py b/tests/twisted/tubes/offer-muc-stream-tube-ibb.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7efc4b0..0000000
--- a/tests/twisted/tubes/offer-muc-stream-tube-ibb.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
-"""Test IBB stream tube support in the context of a MUC."""
-import errno
-import os
-import dbus
-from servicetest import call_async, EventPattern, EventProtocolFactory, unwrap
-from gabbletest import exec_test, make_result_iq, acknowledge_iq, make_muc_presence
-from bytestream import create_si_offer, parse_si_reply, BytestreamIBB
-import constants as cs
-import ns
-import tubetestutil as t
-from twisted.words.xish import xpath
-from twisted.internet import reactor
-sample_parameters = dbus.Dictionary({
-    's': 'hello',
-    'ay': dbus.ByteArray('hello'),
-    'u': dbus.UInt32(123),
-    'i': dbus.Int32(-123),
-    }, signature='sv')
-def set_up_listener_socket(q, path):
-    factory = EventProtocolFactory(q)
-    full_path = os.getcwd() + path
-    try:
-        os.remove(full_path)
-    except OSError, e:
-        if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
-            raise
-    reactor.listenUNIX(full_path, factory)
-    return full_path
-def test(q, bus, conn, stream):
-    srv_path = set_up_listener_socket(q, '/stream')
-    conn.Connect()
-    _, iq_event = q.expect_many(
-        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='StatusChanged', args=[0, 1]),
-        EventPattern('stream-iq', to=None, query_ns='vcard-temp',
-            query_name='vCard'))
-    acknowledge_iq(stream, iq_event.stanza)
-    t.check_conn_properties(q, conn)
-    self_handle = conn.GetSelfHandle()
-    self_name = conn.InspectHandles(1, [self_handle])[0]
-    call_async(q, conn, 'RequestHandles', cs.HT_ROOM,
-        ['chat at conf.localhost'])
-    event = q.expect('stream-iq', to='conf.localhost',
-            query_ns='http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info')
-    result = make_result_iq(stream, event.stanza)
-    feature = result.firstChildElement().addElement('feature')
-    feature['var'] = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/muc'
-    stream.send(result)
-    event = q.expect('dbus-return', method='RequestHandles')
-    handles = event.value[0]
-    chat_handle = handles[0]
-    # request tubes channel
-    call_async(q, conn, 'RequestChannel', cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES,
-        cs.HT_ROOM, chat_handle, True)
-    _, stream_event = q.expect_many(
-        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='MembersChanged',
-            args=[u'', [], [], [], [2], 0, 0]),
-        EventPattern('stream-presence', to='chat at conf.localhost/test'))
-    # Send presence for other member of room.
-    stream.send(make_muc_presence('owner', 'moderator', 'chat at conf.localhost', 'bob'))
-    # Send presence for own membership of room.
-    stream.send(make_muc_presence('none', 'participant', 'chat at conf.localhost', 'test'))
-    q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='MembersChanged',
-            args=[u'', [2, 3], [], [], [], 0, 0])
-    assert conn.InspectHandles(1, [2]) == ['chat at conf.localhost/test']
-    assert conn.InspectHandles(1, [3]) == ['chat at conf.localhost/bob']
-    bob_handle = 3
-    # text and tubes channels are created
-    # FIXME: We can't check NewChannel signals (old API) because two of them
-    # would be fired and we can't catch twice the same signals without specifying
-    # all their arguments.
-    new_sig, returned = q.expect_many(
-        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='NewChannels'),
-        EventPattern('dbus-return', method='RequestChannel'))
-    channels = new_sig.args[0]
-    assert len(channels) == 2
-    for channel in channels:
-        path, props = channel
-        type = props[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE]
-        if type == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT:
-            # check text channel properties
-            assert props[cs.TARGET_HANDLE] == chat_handle
-            assert props[cs.TARGET_HANDLE_TYPE] == cs.HT_ROOM
-            assert props[cs.TARGET_ID] == 'chat at conf.localhost'
-            assert props[cs.REQUESTED] == False
-            assert props[cs.INITIATOR_HANDLE] == self_handle
-            assert props[cs.INITIATOR_ID] == self_name
-        elif type == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES:
-            # check tubes channel properties
-            assert props[cs.TARGET_HANDLE_TYPE] == cs.HT_ROOM
-            assert props[cs.TARGET_HANDLE] == chat_handle
-            assert props[cs.TARGET_ID] == 'chat at conf.localhost'
-            assert props[cs.REQUESTED] == True
-            assert props[cs.INITIATOR_HANDLE] == self_handle
-            assert props[cs.INITIATOR_ID] == self_name
-        else:
-            assert True
-    tubes_chan = bus.get_object(conn.bus_name, returned.value[0])
-    tubes_iface = dbus.Interface(tubes_chan, cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES)
-    tubes_self_handle = tubes_chan.GetSelfHandle(dbus_interface=cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_GROUP)
-    # offer stream tube (old API) using an Unix socket
-    call_async(q, tubes_iface, 'OfferStreamTube',
-        'echo', sample_parameters, 0, dbus.ByteArray(srv_path), 0, "")
-    new_tube_event, stream_event, _, new_channels_event = q.expect_many(
-        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='NewTube'),
-        EventPattern('stream-presence', to='chat at conf.localhost/test'),
-        EventPattern('dbus-return', method='OfferStreamTube'),
-        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='NewChannels'))
-    # handle new_tube_event
-    stream_tube_id = new_tube_event.args[0]
-    assert new_tube_event.args[1] == tubes_self_handle
-    assert new_tube_event.args[2] == 1       # Stream
-    assert new_tube_event.args[3] == 'echo'
-    assert new_tube_event.args[4] == sample_parameters
-    assert new_tube_event.args[5] == cs.TUBE_CHANNEL_STATE_OPEN
-    # handle stream_event
-    # We announce our newly created tube in our muc presence
-    presence = stream_event.stanza
-    x_nodes = xpath.queryForNodes('/presence/x[@xmlns="http://jabber.org/'
-            'protocol/muc"]', presence)
-    assert x_nodes is not None
-    assert len(x_nodes) == 1
-    tubes_nodes = xpath.queryForNodes('/presence/tubes[@xmlns="%s"]'
-        % ns.TUBES, presence)
-    assert tubes_nodes is not None
-    assert len(tubes_nodes) == 1
-    tube_nodes = xpath.queryForNodes('/tubes/tube', tubes_nodes[0])
-    assert tube_nodes is not None
-    assert len(tube_nodes) == 1
-    for tube in tube_nodes:
-        assert tube['type'] == 'stream'
-        assert not tube.hasAttribute('initiator')
-        assert tube['service'] == 'echo'
-        assert not tube.hasAttribute('stream-id')
-        assert not tube.hasAttribute('dbus-name')
-        assert tube['id'] == str(stream_tube_id)
-    params = {}
-    parameter_nodes = xpath.queryForNodes('/tube/parameters/parameter', tube)
-    for node in parameter_nodes:
-        assert node['name'] not in params
-        params[node['name']] = (node['type'], str(node))
-    assert params == {'ay': ('bytes', 'aGVsbG8='),
-                      's': ('str', 'hello'),
-                      'i': ('int', '-123'),
-                      'u': ('uint', '123'),
-                     }
-    # tube is also announced using new API
-    channels = new_channels_event.args[0]
-    assert len(channels) == 1
-    path, props = channels[0]
-    assert props[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAM_TUBE
-    assert props[cs.INITIATOR_HANDLE] == tubes_self_handle
-    assert props[cs.INITIATOR_ID] == 'chat at conf.localhost/test'
-    assert props[cs.REQUESTED] == True
-    assert props[cs.TARGET_HANDLE] == chat_handle
-    assert props[cs.TARGET_ID] == 'chat at conf.localhost'
-    assert props[cs.STREAM_TUBE_SERVICE] == 'echo'
-    tube_chan = bus.get_object(conn.bus_name, path)
-    tube_props = tube_chan.GetAll(cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_TUBE, dbus_interface=cs.PROPERTIES_IFACE,
-        byte_arrays=True)
-    assert tube_props['Parameters'] == sample_parameters
-    assert tube_props['State'] == cs.TUBE_CHANNEL_STATE_OPEN
-    tubes = tubes_iface.ListTubes(byte_arrays=True)
-    assert tubes == [(
-        stream_tube_id,
-        tubes_self_handle,
-        1,      # Stream
-        'echo',
-        sample_parameters,
-        )]
-    assert len(tubes) == 1, unwrap(tubes)
-    expected_tube = (stream_tube_id, tubes_self_handle, cs.TUBE_TYPE_STREAM,
-        'echo', sample_parameters, cs.TUBE_STATE_OPEN)
-    t.check_tube_in_tubes(expected_tube, tubes)
-    # FIXME: if we use an unknown JID here, everything fails
-    # (the code uses lookup where it should use ensure)
-    # The CM is the server, so fake a client wanting to talk to it
-    bytestream = BytestreamIBB(stream, q, 'alpha', 'chat at conf.localhost/bob', 'test at localhost/Resource')
-    iq, si = create_si_offer(stream, bytestream.initiator, bytestream.target,
-        bytestream.stream_id, ns.TUBES, [bytestream.get_ns()])
-    stream_node = si.addElement((ns.TUBES, 'muc-stream'))
-    stream_node['tube'] = str(stream_tube_id)
-    stream.send(iq)
-    event = q.expect('socket-connected')
-    protocol = event.protocol
-    iq_event, _ = q.expect_many(
-        EventPattern('stream-iq', iq_type='result'),
-        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='StreamTubeNewConnection',
-            args=[stream_tube_id, bob_handle]))
-    # handle iq_event
-    proto = parse_si_reply(iq_event.stanza)
-    assert proto == bytestream.get_ns()
-    tube = xpath.queryForNodes('/iq//si/tube[@xmlns="%s"]' % ns.TUBES, iq_event.stanza)
-    assert len(tube) == 1
-    # have the fake client open the stream
-    bytestream.open_bytestream()
-    q.expect('stream-iq', iq_type='result')
-    # have the fake client send us some data
-    bytestream.send_data('hello initiator')
-    # the server reply
-    event = q.expect('socket-data', data='hello initiator', protocol=protocol)
-    protocol.sendData('hello joiner')
-    # we receive server's data
-    binary = bytestream.get_data()
-    # offer a stream tube to another room (new API)
-    srv_path = set_up_listener_socket(q, '/stream2')
-    requestotron = dbus.Interface(conn, cs.CONN_IFACE_REQUESTS)
-    call_async(q, requestotron, 'CreateChannel',
-         cs.TARGET_HANDLE_TYPE: cs.HT_ROOM,
-         cs.TARGET_ID: 'chat2 at conf.localhost',
-         cs.STREAM_TUBE_SERVICE: 'newecho',
-        })
-    # Send presence for other member of room.
-    stream.send(make_muc_presence('owner', 'moderator', 'chat2 at conf.localhost', 'bob'))
-    # Send presence for own membership of room.
-    stream.send(make_muc_presence('none', 'participant', 'chat2 at conf.localhost', 'test'))
-    event = q.expect('dbus-return', method='CreateChannel')
-    new_tube_path, new_tube_props = event.value
-    # first text and tubes channels are announced
-    event = q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='NewChannels')
-    channels = event.args[0]
-    assert len(channels) == 2
-    path1, prop1 = channels[0]
-    path2, prop2 = channels[1]
-    assert sorted([prop1[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE], prop2[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE]]) == \
-    got_text, got_tubes = False, False
-    for path, props in channels:
-        if props[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT:
-            got_text = True
-        elif props[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES:
-            got_tubes = True
-        else:
-            assert False
-        assert props[cs.INITIATOR_HANDLE] == self_handle
-        assert props[cs.INITIATOR_ID] == self_name
-        assert cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_GROUP in props[cs.INTERFACES]
-        assert props[cs.TARGET_ID] == 'chat2 at conf.localhost'
-        assert props[cs.REQUESTED] == False
-    assert (got_text, got_tubes) == (True, True)
-    # now the tube channel is announced
-    # FIXME: in this case, all channels should probably be announced together
-    event = q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='NewChannels')
-    channels = event.args[0]
-    assert len(channels) == 1
-    path, prop = channels[0]
-    assert prop[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAM_TUBE
-    assert prop[cs.INITIATOR_ID] == 'chat2 at conf.localhost/test'
-    assert prop[cs.REQUESTED] == True
-    assert prop[cs.TARGET_HANDLE_TYPE] == cs.HT_ROOM
-    assert prop[cs.TARGET_ID] == 'chat2 at conf.localhost'
-    assert prop[cs.STREAM_TUBE_SERVICE] == 'newecho'
-    tube_chan = bus.get_object(conn.bus_name, path)
-    stream_tube_iface = dbus.Interface(tube_chan, cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAM_TUBE)
-    chan_iface = dbus.Interface(tube_chan, cs.CHANNEL)
-    tube_props = tube_chan.GetAll(cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_TUBE, dbus_interface=cs.PROPERTIES_IFACE)
-    assert tube_props['State'] == cs.TUBE_CHANNEL_STATE_NOT_OFFERED
-    # offer the tube
-    call_async(q, stream_tube_iface, 'OfferStreamTube',
-        cs.SOCKET_ADDRESS_TYPE_UNIX, dbus.ByteArray(srv_path), cs.SOCKET_ACCESS_CONTROL_LOCALHOST, "",
-        {'foo': 'bar'})
-    new_tube_event, stream_event, _, status_event = q.expect_many(
-        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='NewTube'),
-        EventPattern('stream-presence', to='chat2 at conf.localhost/test'),
-        EventPattern('dbus-return', method='OfferStreamTube'),
-        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='TubeChannelStateChanged', args=[cs.TUBE_CHANNEL_STATE_OPEN]))
-    tube_self_handle = tube_chan.GetSelfHandle(dbus_interface=cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_GROUP)
-    assert conn.InspectHandles(cs.HT_CONTACT, [tube_self_handle]) == ['chat2 at conf.localhost/test']
-    # handle new_tube_event
-    stream_tube_id = new_tube_event.args[0]
-    assert new_tube_event.args[2] == 1       # Stream
-    assert new_tube_event.args[3] == 'newecho'
-    assert new_tube_event.args[4] == {'foo': 'bar'}
-    assert new_tube_event.args[5] == cs.TUBE_CHANNEL_STATE_OPEN
-    presence = stream_event.stanza
-    x_nodes = xpath.queryForNodes('/presence/x[@xmlns="http://jabber.org/'
-            'protocol/muc"]', presence)
-    assert x_nodes is not None
-    assert len(x_nodes) == 1
-    tubes_nodes = xpath.queryForNodes('/presence/tubes[@xmlns="%s"]'
-        % ns.TUBES, presence)
-    assert tubes_nodes is not None
-    assert len(tubes_nodes) == 1
-    tube_nodes = xpath.queryForNodes('/tubes/tube', tubes_nodes[0])
-    assert tube_nodes is not None
-    assert len(tube_nodes) == 1
-    for tube in tube_nodes:
-        assert tube['type'] == 'stream'
-        assert not tube.hasAttribute('initiator')
-        assert tube['service'] == 'newecho'
-        assert not tube.hasAttribute('stream-id')
-        assert not tube.hasAttribute('dbus-name')
-        assert tube['id'] == str(stream_tube_id)
-    params = {}
-    parameter_nodes = xpath.queryForNodes('/tube/parameters/parameter', tube)
-    for node in parameter_nodes:
-        assert node['name'] not in params
-        params[node['name']] = (node['type'], str(node))
-    assert params == {'foo': ('str', 'bar')}
-    chan_iface.Close()
-    q.expect_many(
-        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='Closed'),
-        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='ChannelClosed'))
-    # OK, we're done
-    conn.Disconnect()
-    q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='StatusChanged', args=[2, 1])
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    exec_test(test)
diff --git a/tests/twisted/tubes/offer-muc-stream-tube.py b/tests/twisted/tubes/offer-muc-stream-tube.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ada775e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/twisted/tubes/offer-muc-stream-tube.py
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+"""Test stream tube support in the context of a MUC."""
+import errno
+import os
+import dbus
+from servicetest import call_async, EventPattern, EventProtocolFactory, unwrap
+from gabbletest import exec_test, make_result_iq, acknowledge_iq, make_muc_presence
+from bytestream import create_si_offer, parse_si_reply, BytestreamIBB, BytestreamS5B
+import constants as cs
+import ns
+import tubetestutil as t
+from twisted.words.xish import xpath
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+sample_parameters = dbus.Dictionary({
+    's': 'hello',
+    'ay': dbus.ByteArray('hello'),
+    'u': dbus.UInt32(123),
+    'i': dbus.Int32(-123),
+    }, signature='sv')
+def set_up_listener_socket(q, path):
+    factory = EventProtocolFactory(q)
+    full_path = os.getcwd() + path
+    try:
+        os.remove(full_path)
+    except OSError, e:
+        if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+            raise
+    reactor.listenUNIX(full_path, factory)
+    return full_path
+def test_ibb(q, bus, conn, stream):
+    run_test(q, bus, conn, stream, BytestreamIBB)
+def test_socks5(q, bus, conn, stream):
+    run_test(q, bus, conn, stream, BytestreamS5B)
+def run_test(q, bus, conn, stream, bytestream_cls):
+    srv_path = set_up_listener_socket(q, '/stream')
+    conn.Connect()
+    _, iq_event = q.expect_many(
+        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='StatusChanged', args=[0, 1]),
+        EventPattern('stream-iq', to=None, query_ns='vcard-temp',
+            query_name='vCard'))
+    acknowledge_iq(stream, iq_event.stanza)
+    t.check_conn_properties(q, conn)
+    self_handle = conn.GetSelfHandle()
+    self_name = conn.InspectHandles(1, [self_handle])[0]
+    call_async(q, conn, 'RequestHandles', cs.HT_ROOM,
+        ['chat at conf.localhost'])
+    event = q.expect('stream-iq', to='conf.localhost',
+            query_ns='http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info')
+    result = make_result_iq(stream, event.stanza)
+    feature = result.firstChildElement().addElement('feature')
+    feature['var'] = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/muc'
+    stream.send(result)
+    event = q.expect('dbus-return', method='RequestHandles')
+    handles = event.value[0]
+    chat_handle = handles[0]
+    # request tubes channel
+    call_async(q, conn, 'RequestChannel', cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES,
+        cs.HT_ROOM, chat_handle, True)
+    _, stream_event = q.expect_many(
+        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='MembersChanged',
+            args=[u'', [], [], [], [2], 0, 0]),
+        EventPattern('stream-presence', to='chat at conf.localhost/test'))
+    # Send presence for other member of room.
+    stream.send(make_muc_presence('owner', 'moderator', 'chat at conf.localhost', 'bob'))
+    # Send presence for own membership of room.
+    stream.send(make_muc_presence('none', 'participant', 'chat at conf.localhost', 'test'))
+    q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='MembersChanged',
+            args=[u'', [2, 3], [], [], [], 0, 0])
+    assert conn.InspectHandles(1, [2]) == ['chat at conf.localhost/test']
+    assert conn.InspectHandles(1, [3]) == ['chat at conf.localhost/bob']
+    bob_handle = 3
+    # text and tubes channels are created
+    # FIXME: We can't check NewChannel signals (old API) because two of them
+    # would be fired and we can't catch twice the same signals without specifying
+    # all their arguments.
+    new_sig, returned = q.expect_many(
+        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='NewChannels'),
+        EventPattern('dbus-return', method='RequestChannel'))
+    channels = new_sig.args[0]
+    assert len(channels) == 2
+    for channel in channels:
+        path, props = channel
+        type = props[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE]
+        if type == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT:
+            # check text channel properties
+            assert props[cs.TARGET_HANDLE] == chat_handle
+            assert props[cs.TARGET_HANDLE_TYPE] == cs.HT_ROOM
+            assert props[cs.TARGET_ID] == 'chat at conf.localhost'
+            assert props[cs.REQUESTED] == False
+            assert props[cs.INITIATOR_HANDLE] == self_handle
+            assert props[cs.INITIATOR_ID] == self_name
+        elif type == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES:
+            # check tubes channel properties
+            assert props[cs.TARGET_HANDLE_TYPE] == cs.HT_ROOM
+            assert props[cs.TARGET_HANDLE] == chat_handle
+            assert props[cs.TARGET_ID] == 'chat at conf.localhost'
+            assert props[cs.REQUESTED] == True
+            assert props[cs.INITIATOR_HANDLE] == self_handle
+            assert props[cs.INITIATOR_ID] == self_name
+        else:
+            assert True
+    tubes_chan = bus.get_object(conn.bus_name, returned.value[0])
+    tubes_iface = dbus.Interface(tubes_chan, cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES)
+    tubes_self_handle = tubes_chan.GetSelfHandle(dbus_interface=cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_GROUP)
+    # offer stream tube (old API) using an Unix socket
+    call_async(q, tubes_iface, 'OfferStreamTube',
+        'echo', sample_parameters, 0, dbus.ByteArray(srv_path), 0, "")
+    new_tube_event, stream_event, _, new_channels_event = q.expect_many(
+        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='NewTube'),
+        EventPattern('stream-presence', to='chat at conf.localhost/test'),
+        EventPattern('dbus-return', method='OfferStreamTube'),
+        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='NewChannels'))
+    # handle new_tube_event
+    stream_tube_id = new_tube_event.args[0]
+    assert new_tube_event.args[1] == tubes_self_handle
+    assert new_tube_event.args[2] == 1       # Stream
+    assert new_tube_event.args[3] == 'echo'
+    assert new_tube_event.args[4] == sample_parameters
+    assert new_tube_event.args[5] == cs.TUBE_CHANNEL_STATE_OPEN
+    # handle stream_event
+    # We announce our newly created tube in our muc presence
+    presence = stream_event.stanza
+    x_nodes = xpath.queryForNodes('/presence/x[@xmlns="http://jabber.org/'
+            'protocol/muc"]', presence)
+    assert x_nodes is not None
+    assert len(x_nodes) == 1
+    tubes_nodes = xpath.queryForNodes('/presence/tubes[@xmlns="%s"]'
+        % ns.TUBES, presence)
+    assert tubes_nodes is not None
+    assert len(tubes_nodes) == 1
+    tube_nodes = xpath.queryForNodes('/tubes/tube', tubes_nodes[0])
+    assert tube_nodes is not None
+    assert len(tube_nodes) == 1
+    for tube in tube_nodes:
+        assert tube['type'] == 'stream'
+        assert not tube.hasAttribute('initiator')
+        assert tube['service'] == 'echo'
+        assert not tube.hasAttribute('stream-id')
+        assert not tube.hasAttribute('dbus-name')
+        assert tube['id'] == str(stream_tube_id)
+    params = {}
+    parameter_nodes = xpath.queryForNodes('/tube/parameters/parameter', tube)
+    for node in parameter_nodes:
+        assert node['name'] not in params
+        params[node['name']] = (node['type'], str(node))
+    assert params == {'ay': ('bytes', 'aGVsbG8='),
+                      's': ('str', 'hello'),
+                      'i': ('int', '-123'),
+                      'u': ('uint', '123'),
+                     }
+    # tube is also announced using new API
+    channels = new_channels_event.args[0]
+    assert len(channels) == 1
+    path, props = channels[0]
+    assert props[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAM_TUBE
+    assert props[cs.INITIATOR_HANDLE] == tubes_self_handle
+    assert props[cs.INITIATOR_ID] == 'chat at conf.localhost/test'
+    assert props[cs.REQUESTED] == True
+    assert props[cs.TARGET_HANDLE] == chat_handle
+    assert props[cs.TARGET_ID] == 'chat at conf.localhost'
+    assert props[cs.STREAM_TUBE_SERVICE] == 'echo'
+    tube_chan = bus.get_object(conn.bus_name, path)
+    tube_props = tube_chan.GetAll(cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_TUBE, dbus_interface=cs.PROPERTIES_IFACE,
+        byte_arrays=True)
+    assert tube_props['Parameters'] == sample_parameters
+    assert tube_props['State'] == cs.TUBE_CHANNEL_STATE_OPEN
+    tubes = tubes_iface.ListTubes(byte_arrays=True)
+    assert tubes == [(
+        stream_tube_id,
+        tubes_self_handle,
+        1,      # Stream
+        'echo',
+        sample_parameters,
+        )]
+    assert len(tubes) == 1, unwrap(tubes)
+    expected_tube = (stream_tube_id, tubes_self_handle, cs.TUBE_TYPE_STREAM,
+        'echo', sample_parameters, cs.TUBE_STATE_OPEN)
+    t.check_tube_in_tubes(expected_tube, tubes)
+    # FIXME: if we use an unknown JID here, everything fails
+    # (the code uses lookup where it should use ensure)
+    # The CM is the server, so fake a client wanting to talk to it
+    bytestream = bytestream_cls(stream, q, 'alpha', 'chat at conf.localhost/bob',
+        'test at localhost/Resource')
+    iq, si = create_si_offer(stream, bytestream.initiator, bytestream.target,
+        bytestream.stream_id, ns.TUBES, [bytestream.get_ns()])
+    stream_node = si.addElement((ns.TUBES, 'muc-stream'))
+    stream_node['tube'] = str(stream_tube_id)
+    stream.send(iq)
+    event = q.expect('socket-connected')
+    protocol = event.protocol
+    iq_event, _ = q.expect_many(
+        EventPattern('stream-iq', iq_type='result'),
+        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='StreamTubeNewConnection',
+            args=[stream_tube_id, bob_handle]))
+    # handle iq_event
+    proto = parse_si_reply(iq_event.stanza)
+    assert proto == bytestream.get_ns()
+    tube = xpath.queryForNodes('/iq//si/tube[@xmlns="%s"]' % ns.TUBES, iq_event.stanza)
+    assert len(tube) == 1
+    # have the fake client open the stream
+    bytestream.open_bytestream()
+    q.expect('stream-iq', iq_type='result')
+    # have the fake client send us some data
+    bytestream.send_data('hello initiator')
+    # the server reply
+    event = q.expect('socket-data', data='hello initiator', protocol=protocol)
+    protocol.sendData('hello joiner')
+    # we receive server's data
+    binary = bytestream.get_data()
+    # offer a stream tube to another room (new API)
+    srv_path = set_up_listener_socket(q, '/stream2')
+    requestotron = dbus.Interface(conn, cs.CONN_IFACE_REQUESTS)
+    call_async(q, requestotron, 'CreateChannel',
+         cs.TARGET_HANDLE_TYPE: cs.HT_ROOM,
+         cs.TARGET_ID: 'chat2 at conf.localhost',
+         cs.STREAM_TUBE_SERVICE: 'newecho',
+        })
+    # Send presence for other member of room.
+    stream.send(make_muc_presence('owner', 'moderator', 'chat2 at conf.localhost', 'bob'))
+    # Send presence for own membership of room.
+    stream.send(make_muc_presence('none', 'participant', 'chat2 at conf.localhost', 'test'))
+    event = q.expect('dbus-return', method='CreateChannel')
+    new_tube_path, new_tube_props = event.value
+    # first text and tubes channels are announced
+    event = q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='NewChannels')
+    channels = event.args[0]
+    assert len(channels) == 2
+    path1, prop1 = channels[0]
+    path2, prop2 = channels[1]
+    assert sorted([prop1[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE], prop2[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE]]) == \
+    got_text, got_tubes = False, False
+    for path, props in channels:
+        if props[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT:
+            got_text = True
+        elif props[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES:
+            got_tubes = True
+        else:
+            assert False
+        assert props[cs.INITIATOR_HANDLE] == self_handle
+        assert props[cs.INITIATOR_ID] == self_name
+        assert cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_GROUP in props[cs.INTERFACES]
+        assert props[cs.TARGET_ID] == 'chat2 at conf.localhost'
+        assert props[cs.REQUESTED] == False
+    assert (got_text, got_tubes) == (True, True)
+    # now the tube channel is announced
+    # FIXME: in this case, all channels should probably be announced together
+    event = q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='NewChannels')
+    channels = event.args[0]
+    assert len(channels) == 1
+    path, prop = channels[0]
+    assert prop[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAM_TUBE
+    assert prop[cs.INITIATOR_ID] == 'chat2 at conf.localhost/test'
+    assert prop[cs.REQUESTED] == True
+    assert prop[cs.TARGET_HANDLE_TYPE] == cs.HT_ROOM
+    assert prop[cs.TARGET_ID] == 'chat2 at conf.localhost'
+    assert prop[cs.STREAM_TUBE_SERVICE] == 'newecho'
+    tube_chan = bus.get_object(conn.bus_name, path)
+    stream_tube_iface = dbus.Interface(tube_chan, cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAM_TUBE)
+    chan_iface = dbus.Interface(tube_chan, cs.CHANNEL)
+    tube_props = tube_chan.GetAll(cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_TUBE, dbus_interface=cs.PROPERTIES_IFACE)
+    assert tube_props['State'] == cs.TUBE_CHANNEL_STATE_NOT_OFFERED
+    # offer the tube
+    call_async(q, stream_tube_iface, 'OfferStreamTube',
+        cs.SOCKET_ADDRESS_TYPE_UNIX, dbus.ByteArray(srv_path), cs.SOCKET_ACCESS_CONTROL_LOCALHOST, "",
+        {'foo': 'bar'})
+    new_tube_event, stream_event, _, status_event = q.expect_many(
+        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='NewTube'),
+        EventPattern('stream-presence', to='chat2 at conf.localhost/test'),
+        EventPattern('dbus-return', method='OfferStreamTube'),
+        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='TubeChannelStateChanged', args=[cs.TUBE_CHANNEL_STATE_OPEN]))
+    tube_self_handle = tube_chan.GetSelfHandle(dbus_interface=cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_GROUP)
+    assert conn.InspectHandles(cs.HT_CONTACT, [tube_self_handle]) == ['chat2 at conf.localhost/test']
+    # handle new_tube_event
+    stream_tube_id = new_tube_event.args[0]
+    assert new_tube_event.args[2] == 1       # Stream
+    assert new_tube_event.args[3] == 'newecho'
+    assert new_tube_event.args[4] == {'foo': 'bar'}
+    assert new_tube_event.args[5] == cs.TUBE_CHANNEL_STATE_OPEN
+    presence = stream_event.stanza
+    x_nodes = xpath.queryForNodes('/presence/x[@xmlns="http://jabber.org/'
+            'protocol/muc"]', presence)
+    assert x_nodes is not None
+    assert len(x_nodes) == 1
+    tubes_nodes = xpath.queryForNodes('/presence/tubes[@xmlns="%s"]'
+        % ns.TUBES, presence)
+    assert tubes_nodes is not None
+    assert len(tubes_nodes) == 1
+    tube_nodes = xpath.queryForNodes('/tubes/tube', tubes_nodes[0])
+    assert tube_nodes is not None
+    assert len(tube_nodes) == 1
+    for tube in tube_nodes:
+        assert tube['type'] == 'stream'
+        assert not tube.hasAttribute('initiator')
+        assert tube['service'] == 'newecho'
+        assert not tube.hasAttribute('stream-id')
+        assert not tube.hasAttribute('dbus-name')
+        assert tube['id'] == str(stream_tube_id)
+    params = {}
+    parameter_nodes = xpath.queryForNodes('/tube/parameters/parameter', tube)
+    for node in parameter_nodes:
+        assert node['name'] not in params
+        params[node['name']] = (node['type'], str(node))
+    assert params == {'foo': ('str', 'bar')}
+    chan_iface.Close()
+    q.expect_many(
+        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='Closed'),
+        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='ChannelClosed'))
+    # OK, we're done
+    conn.Disconnect()
+    q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='StatusChanged', args=[2, 1])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    exec_test(test_ibb)
+    exec_test(test_socks5)

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