[Telepathy-commits] [telepathy-butterfly/master] Implement simple presence

Olivier Le Thanh Duong olivier at lethanh.be
Mon Jan 5 14:08:37 PST 2009

Signed-off-by: Jonny Lamb <jonny.lamb at collabora.co.uk>
 butterfly/connection.py      |    3 +
 butterfly/presence.py        |   36 +-------
 butterfly/simple_presence.py |  203 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 207 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 butterfly/simple_presence.py

diff --git a/butterfly/connection.py b/butterfly/connection.py
index bc56fd1..c6be838 100644
--- a/butterfly/connection.py
+++ b/butterfly/connection.py
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import pymsn
 import pymsn.event
 from butterfly.presence import ButterflyPresence
+from butterfly.simple_presence import ButterflySimplePresence
 from butterfly.aliasing import ButterflyAliasing
 from butterfly.avatars import ButterflyAvatars
 from butterfly.handle import ButterflyHandleFactory
@@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ logger = logging.getLogger('Butterfly.Connection')
 class ButterflyConnection(telepathy.server.Connection,
+        ButterflySimplePresence,
@@ -91,6 +93,7 @@ class ButterflyConnection(telepathy.server.Connection,
             except TypeError: # handle old versions of tp-python
                 telepathy.server.Connection.__init__(self, 'msn', account)
+            ButterflySimplePresence.__init__(self)
             pymsn.event.ClientEventInterface.__init__(self, self._msn_client)
diff --git a/butterfly/presence.py b/butterfly/presence.py
index de04b43..7475ca7 100644
--- a/butterfly/presence.py
+++ b/butterfly/presence.py
@@ -24,46 +24,12 @@ import pymsn
 from butterfly.handle import ButterflyHandleFactory
 from butterfly.util.decorator import async
+from butterfly.simple_presence import ButterflyPresenceMapping
 __all__ = ['ButterflyPresence']
 logger = logging.getLogger('Butterfly.Presence')
-class ButterflyPresenceMapping(object):
-    ONLINE = 'available'
-    AWAY = 'away'
-    BUSY = 'dnd'
-    IDLE = 'xa'
-    BRB = 'brb'
-    PHONE = 'phone'
-    LUNCH = 'lunch'
-    INVISIBLE = 'hidden'
-    OFFLINE = 'offline'
-    to_pymsn = {
-            ONLINE:     pymsn.Presence.ONLINE,
-            AWAY:       pymsn.Presence.AWAY,
-            BUSY:       pymsn.Presence.BUSY,
-            IDLE:       pymsn.Presence.IDLE,
-            BRB:        pymsn.Presence.BE_RIGHT_BACK,
-            PHONE:      pymsn.Presence.ON_THE_PHONE,
-            LUNCH:      pymsn.Presence.OUT_TO_LUNCH,
-            INVISIBLE:  pymsn.Presence.INVISIBLE,
-            OFFLINE:    pymsn.Presence.OFFLINE
-            }
-    to_telepathy = {
-            pymsn.Presence.ONLINE:         ONLINE,
-            pymsn.Presence.AWAY:           AWAY,
-            pymsn.Presence.BUSY:           BUSY,
-            pymsn.Presence.IDLE:           IDLE,
-            pymsn.Presence.BE_RIGHT_BACK:  BRB,
-            pymsn.Presence.ON_THE_PHONE:   PHONE,
-            pymsn.Presence.OUT_TO_LUNCH:   LUNCH,
-            pymsn.Presence.INVISIBLE:      INVISIBLE,
-            pymsn.Presence.OFFLINE:        OFFLINE
-            }
 class ButterflyPresence(telepathy.server.ConnectionInterfacePresence,
diff --git a/butterfly/simple_presence.py b/butterfly/simple_presence.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..245d179
--- /dev/null
+++ b/butterfly/simple_presence.py
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+# telepathy-butterfly - an MSN connection manager for Telepathy
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Ali Sabil <ali.sabil at gmail.com>
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Olivier Le Thanh Duong <olivier at lethanh.be>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+# Implementation of the SimplePresence specification at :
+# http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/spec.html#org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection.Interface.SimplePresence
+import logging
+import time
+import telepathy
+import telepathy.constants
+import telepathy.errors
+import pymsn
+from butterfly.handle import ButterflyHandleFactory
+from butterfly.util.decorator import async
+__all__ = ['ButterflySimplePresence']
+logger = logging.getLogger('Butterfly.SimplePresence')
+class ButterflyPresenceMapping(object):
+    ONLINE = 'available'
+    AWAY = 'away'
+    BUSY = 'dnd'
+    IDLE = 'xa'
+    BRB = 'brb'
+    PHONE = 'phone'
+    LUNCH = 'lunch'
+    INVISIBLE = 'hidden'
+    OFFLINE = 'offline'
+    to_pymsn = {
+            ONLINE:     pymsn.Presence.ONLINE,
+            AWAY:       pymsn.Presence.AWAY,
+            BUSY:       pymsn.Presence.BUSY,
+            IDLE:       pymsn.Presence.IDLE,
+            BRB:        pymsn.Presence.BE_RIGHT_BACK,
+            PHONE:      pymsn.Presence.ON_THE_PHONE,
+            LUNCH:      pymsn.Presence.OUT_TO_LUNCH,
+            INVISIBLE:  pymsn.Presence.INVISIBLE,
+            OFFLINE:    pymsn.Presence.OFFLINE
+            }
+    to_telepathy = {
+            pymsn.Presence.ONLINE:         ONLINE,
+            pymsn.Presence.AWAY:           AWAY,
+            pymsn.Presence.BUSY:           BUSY,
+            pymsn.Presence.IDLE:           IDLE,
+            pymsn.Presence.BE_RIGHT_BACK:  BRB,
+            pymsn.Presence.ON_THE_PHONE:   PHONE,
+            pymsn.Presence.OUT_TO_LUNCH:   LUNCH,
+            pymsn.Presence.INVISIBLE:      INVISIBLE,
+            pymsn.Presence.OFFLINE:        OFFLINE
+            }
+    to_presence_type = {
+            ONLINE:     telepathy.constants.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_AVAILABLE,
+            AWAY:       telepathy.constants.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_AWAY,
+            BUSY:       telepathy.constants.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_BUSY,
+            IDLE:       telepathy.constants.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_EXTENDED_AWAY,
+            BRB:        telepathy.constants.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_AWAY,
+            PHONE:      telepathy.constants.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_BUSY,
+            LUNCH:      telepathy.constants.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_EXTENDED_AWAY,
+            INVISIBLE:  telepathy.constants.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_HIDDEN,
+            OFFLINE:    telepathy.constants.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_OFFLINE
+            }
+class ButterflySimplePresence(
+        telepathy.server.ConnectionInterfaceSimplePresence,
+        pymsn.event.ContactEventInterface,
+        pymsn.event.ProfileEventInterface):
+    def __init__(self):
+        telepathy.server.ConnectionInterfaceSimplePresence.__init__(self)
+        pymsn.event.ContactEventInterface.__init__(self, self.msn_client)
+        pymsn.event.ProfileEventInterface.__init__(self, self.msn_client)
+        dbus_interface = 'org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection.Interface.SimplePresence'
+        self._implement_property_get(dbus_interface, {'Statuses' : self.get_statuses})
+    def GetPresences(self, contacts):
+        return self.get_simple_presences(contacts)
+    def SetPresence(self, status, message):
+        if status == ButterflyPresenceMapping.OFFLINE:
+            self.Disconnect()
+        try:
+            presence = ButterflyPresenceMapping.to_pymsn[status]
+        except KeyError:
+            raise telepathy.errors.InvalidArgument
+        message = message.encode("utf-8")
+        logger.info("Setting Presence to '%s'" % presence)
+        logger.info("Setting Personal message to '%s'" % message)
+        if self._status != telepathy.CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED:
+            self._initial_presence = presence
+            self._initial_personal_message = message
+        else:
+            self.msn_client.profile.personal_message = message
+            self.msn_client.profile.presence = presence
+    def get_simple_presences(self, contacts):
+        presences = {}
+        for handle_id in contacts:
+            handle = self.handle(telepathy.HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT, handle_id)
+            try:
+                contact = handle.contact
+            except AttributeError:
+                contact = handle.profile
+            if contact is not None:
+                presence = ButterflyPresenceMapping.to_telepathy[contact.presence]
+                personal_message = unicode(contact.personal_message, "utf-8")
+            else:
+                presence = ButterflyPresenceMapping.OFFLINE
+                personal_message = u""
+            presence_type = ButterflyPresenceMapping.to_presence_type[presence]
+            presences[handle] = (presence_type, presence, personal_message)
+        return presences
+    # pymsn.event.ContactEventInterface
+    def on_contact_presence_changed(self, contact):
+        handle = ButterflyHandleFactory(self, 'contact',
+                contact.account, contact.network_id)
+        logger.info("Contact %r presence changed to '%s'" % (handle, contact.presence))
+        self._presence_changed(handle, contact.presence, contact.personal_message)
+    # pymsn.event.ContactEventInterface
+    on_contact_personal_message_changed = on_contact_presence_changed
+    # pymsn.event.ProfileEventInterface
+    def on_profile_presence_changed(self):
+        profile = self.msn_client.profile
+        self._presence_changed(ButterflyHandleFactory(self, 'self'),
+                profile.presence, profile.personal_message)
+    # pymsn.event.ProfileEventInterface
+    on_profile_personal_message_changed = on_profile_presence_changed
+    @async
+    def _presence_changed(self, handle, presence, personal_message):
+        presence = ButterflyPresenceMapping.to_telepathy[presence]
+        personal_message = unicode(personal_message, "utf-8")
+        presence_type = ButterflyPresenceMapping.to_presence_type[presence]
+        self.PresenceChanged({handle: (presence_type, presence, personal_message)})
+    def get_statuses(self):
+        # you get one of these for each status
+        # {name:(Type, May_Set_On_Self, Can_Have_Message}
+        return {
+            ButterflyPresenceMapping.ONLINE:(
+                telepathy.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_AVAILABLE,
+                True, True),
+            ButterflyPresenceMapping.AWAY:(
+                telepathy.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_AWAY,
+                True, True),
+            ButterflyPresenceMapping.BUSY:(
+                telepathy.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_AWAY,
+                True, True),
+            ButterflyPresenceMapping.IDLE:(
+                True, True),
+            ButterflyPresenceMapping.BRB:(
+                telepathy.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_AWAY,
+                True, True),
+            ButterflyPresenceMapping.PHONE:(
+                telepathy.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_AWAY,
+                True, True),
+            ButterflyPresenceMapping.LUNCH:(
+                True, True),
+            ButterflyPresenceMapping.INVISIBLE:(
+                telepathy.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_HIDDEN,
+                True, False),
+            ButterflyPresenceMapping.OFFLINE:(
+                telepathy.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_OFFLINE,
+                True, False)
+        }

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