[Telepathy-commits] [telepathy-qt4/master] Moved all signals/slots from ConnectionManager::Private to ConnectionManager.
Andre Moreira Magalhaes (andrunko)
andre.magalhaes at collabora.co.uk
Tue Jan 13 13:21:05 PST 2009
TelepathyQt4/Client/connection-manager-internal.h | 24 +--
TelepathyQt4/Client/connection-manager.cpp | 369 +++++++++++----------
TelepathyQt4/Client/connection-manager.h | 16 +-
3 files changed, 203 insertions(+), 206 deletions(-)
diff --git a/TelepathyQt4/Client/connection-manager-internal.h b/TelepathyQt4/Client/connection-manager-internal.h
index a44c721..d1a5aaa 100644
--- a/TelepathyQt4/Client/connection-manager-internal.h
+++ b/TelepathyQt4/Client/connection-manager-internal.h
@@ -37,11 +37,8 @@ namespace Client
class ConnectionManager;
class ConnectionManagerInterface;
-class ConnectionManager::Private : public QObject
+struct ConnectionManager::Private
Private(const QString &name, ConnectionManager *parent);
@@ -50,37 +47,24 @@ public:
ProtocolInfo *protocol(const QString &protocolName);
- bool checkConfigFile();
- void callReadConfig();
- void callGetAll();
- void callGetParameters();
- void callListProtocols();
class PendingReady;
class PendingNames;
ConnectionManagerInterface *baseInterface;
QString name;
bool ready;
- QQueue<void (Private::*)()> introspectQueue;
+ QQueue<void (ConnectionManager::*)()> introspectQueue;
QQueue<QString> getParametersQueue;
QQueue<QString> protocolQueue;
QStringList interfaces;
ProtocolInfoList protocols;
PendingReady *pendingReady;
-private Q_SLOTS:
- void onGetParametersReturn(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *);
- void onListProtocolsReturn(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *);
- void onGetAllConnectionManagerReturn(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *);
- void continueIntrospection();
class ConnectionManager::Private::PendingReady : public PendingOperation
- // ConnectionManager::Private is a friend so it can call finished() etc.
- friend class ConnectionManager::Private;
+ // ConnectionManager is a friend so it can call finished() etc.
+ friend class ConnectionManager;
PendingReady(ConnectionManager *parent);
diff --git a/TelepathyQt4/Client/connection-manager.cpp b/TelepathyQt4/Client/connection-manager.cpp
index a42a7ef..c209760 100644
--- a/TelepathyQt4/Client/connection-manager.cpp
+++ b/TelepathyQt4/Client/connection-manager.cpp
@@ -286,17 +286,13 @@ void ConnectionManager::Private::PendingNames::parseResult(const QStringList &na
ConnectionManager::Private::Private(const QString &name, ConnectionManager *parent)
- : QObject(parent),
- baseInterface(new ConnectionManagerInterface(parent->dbusConnection(),
+ : baseInterface(new ConnectionManagerInterface(parent->dbusConnection(),
parent->busName(), parent->objectPath(), parent)),
debug() << "Creating new ConnectionManager:" << parent->busName();
- introspectQueue.enqueue(&Private::callReadConfig);
- QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(continueIntrospection()));
@@ -329,185 +325,6 @@ ProtocolInfo *ConnectionManager::Private::protocol(const QString &protocolName)
return NULL;
-bool ConnectionManager::Private::checkConfigFile()
- ManagerFile f(name);
- if (!f.isValid()) {
- return false;
- }
- Q_FOREACH (QString protocol, f.protocols()) {
- ProtocolInfo *info = new ProtocolInfo(name,
- protocol);
- protocols.append(info);
- Q_FOREACH (ParamSpec spec, f.parameters(protocol)) {
- info->addParameter(spec);
- }
- }
-#if 0
- Q_FOREACH (ProtocolInfo *info, protocols) {
- qDebug() << "protocol name :" << info->name();
- qDebug() << "protocol cn name:" << info->cmName();
- Q_FOREACH (ProtocolParameter *param, info->parameters()) {
- qDebug() << "\tparam name: " << param->name();
- qDebug() << "\tparam is required:" << param->isRequired();
- qDebug() << "\tparam is secret: " << param->isSecret();
- qDebug() << "\tparam value: " << param->defaultValue();
- }
- }
- return true;
-void ConnectionManager::Private::callReadConfig()
- if (!checkConfigFile()) {
- warning() << "error parsing config file for connection manager" << name;
- introspectQueue.enqueue(&Private::callGetAll);
- introspectQueue.enqueue(&Private::callListProtocols);
- }
- continueIntrospection();
-void ConnectionManager::Private::callGetAll()
- debug() << "Calling Properties::GetAll(ConnectionManager)";
- ConnectionManager *cm = static_cast<ConnectionManager *>(parent());
- QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher = new QDBusPendingCallWatcher(
- cm->propertiesInterface()->GetAll(
- connect(watcher,
- SIGNAL(finished(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *)),
- SLOT(onGetAllConnectionManagerReturn(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *)));
-void ConnectionManager::Private::callGetParameters()
- QString protocol = getParametersQueue.dequeue();
- protocolQueue.enqueue(protocol);
- debug() << "Calling ConnectionManager::GetParameters(" << protocol << ")";
- QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher = new QDBusPendingCallWatcher(
- baseInterface->GetParameters(protocol), this);
- connect(watcher,
- SIGNAL(finished(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *)),
- SLOT(onGetParametersReturn(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *)));
-void ConnectionManager::Private::callListProtocols()
- debug() << "Calling ConnectionManager::ListProtocols";
- QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher = new QDBusPendingCallWatcher(
- baseInterface->ListProtocols(), this);
- connect(watcher,
- SIGNAL(finished(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *)),
- SLOT(onListProtocolsReturn(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *)));
-void ConnectionManager::Private::onGetAllConnectionManagerReturn(
- QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher)
- QDBusPendingReply<QVariantMap> reply = *watcher;
- QVariantMap props;
- if (!reply.isError()) {
- debug() << "Got reply to Properties.GetAll(ConnectionManager)";
- props = reply.value();
- } else {
- warning().nospace() <<
- "Properties.GetAll(ConnectionManager) failed: " <<
- reply.error().name() << ": " << reply.error().message();
- }
- // If Interfaces is not supported, the spec says to assume it's
- // empty, so keep the empty list mPriv was initialized with
- if (props.contains("Interfaces")) {
- interfaces = qdbus_cast<QStringList>(props["Interfaces"]);
- }
- continueIntrospection();
- watcher->deleteLater();
-void ConnectionManager::Private::onListProtocolsReturn(
- QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher)
- QDBusPendingReply<QStringList> reply = *watcher;
- QStringList protocolsNames;
- if (!reply.isError()) {
- debug() << "Got reply to ConnectionManager.ListProtocols";
- protocolsNames = reply.value();
- } else {
- warning().nospace() <<
- "ConnectionManager.ListProtocols failed: " <<
- reply.error().name() << ": " << reply.error().message();
- }
- Q_FOREACH (const QString &protocolName, protocolsNames) {
- protocols.append(new ProtocolInfo(name,
- protocolName));
- getParametersQueue.enqueue(protocolName);
- introspectQueue.enqueue(&Private::callGetParameters);
- }
- continueIntrospection();
- watcher->deleteLater();
-void ConnectionManager::Private::onGetParametersReturn(
- QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher)
- QDBusPendingReply<ParamSpecList> reply = *watcher;
- ParamSpecList parameters;
- QString protocolName = protocolQueue.dequeue();
- ProtocolInfo *info = protocol(protocolName);
- if (!reply.isError()) {
- debug() << "Got reply to ConnectionManager.GetParameters";
- parameters = reply.value();
- } else {
- warning().nospace() <<
- "ConnectionManager.GetParameters failed: " <<
- reply.error().name() << ": " << reply.error().message();
- }
- Q_FOREACH (const ParamSpec &spec, parameters) {
- debug() << "Parameter" << spec.name << "has flags" << spec.flags
- << "and signature" << spec.signature;
- info->addParameter(spec);
- }
- continueIntrospection();
- watcher->deleteLater();
-void ConnectionManager::Private::continueIntrospection()
- if (!ready) {
- if (introspectQueue.isEmpty()) {
- debug() << "ConnectionManager is ready";
- ready = true;
- if (pendingReady) {
- pendingReady->setFinished();
- // it will delete itself later
- pendingReady = 0;
- }
- } else {
- (this->*(introspectQueue.dequeue()))();
- }
- }
* \class ConnectionManager
* \ingroup clientcm
@@ -533,6 +350,8 @@ ConnectionManager::ConnectionManager(const QString &name, QObject *parent)
mPriv(new Private(name, this))
+ mPriv->introspectQueue.enqueue(&ConnectionManager::callReadConfig);
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(continueIntrospection()));
@@ -548,6 +367,8 @@ ConnectionManager::ConnectionManager(const QDBusConnection &bus,
Private::makeObjectPath(name), parent),
mPriv(new Private(name, this))
+ mPriv->introspectQueue.enqueue(&ConnectionManager::callReadConfig);
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(continueIntrospection()));
@@ -674,5 +495,185 @@ ConnectionManagerInterface *ConnectionManager::baseInterface() const
return mPriv->baseInterface;
+/**** Private ****/
+bool ConnectionManager::checkConfigFile()
+ ManagerFile f(mPriv->name);
+ if (!f.isValid()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Q_FOREACH (QString protocol, f.protocols()) {
+ ProtocolInfo *info = new ProtocolInfo(mPriv->name,
+ protocol);
+ mPriv->protocols.append(info);
+ Q_FOREACH (ParamSpec spec, f.parameters(protocol)) {
+ info->addParameter(spec);
+ }
+ }
+#if 0
+ Q_FOREACH (ProtocolInfo *info, mPriv->protocols) {
+ qDebug() << "protocol name :" << info->name();
+ qDebug() << "protocol cn name:" << info->cmName();
+ Q_FOREACH (ProtocolParameter *param, info->parameters()) {
+ qDebug() << "\tparam name: " << param->name();
+ qDebug() << "\tparam is required:" << param->isRequired();
+ qDebug() << "\tparam is secret: " << param->isSecret();
+ qDebug() << "\tparam value: " << param->defaultValue();
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+void ConnectionManager::callReadConfig()
+ if (!checkConfigFile()) {
+ warning() << "error parsing config file for connection manager"
+ << mPriv->name;
+ mPriv->introspectQueue.enqueue(&ConnectionManager::callGetAll);
+ mPriv->introspectQueue.enqueue(&ConnectionManager::callListProtocols);
+ }
+ continueIntrospection();
+void ConnectionManager::callGetAll()
+ debug() << "Calling Properties::GetAll(ConnectionManager)";
+ QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher = new QDBusPendingCallWatcher(
+ propertiesInterface()->GetAll(
+ connect(watcher,
+ SIGNAL(finished(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *)),
+ SLOT(onGetAllConnectionManagerReturn(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *)));
+void ConnectionManager::callGetParameters()
+ QString protocol = mPriv->getParametersQueue.dequeue();
+ mPriv->protocolQueue.enqueue(protocol);
+ debug() << "Calling ConnectionManager::GetParameters(" << protocol << ")";
+ QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher = new QDBusPendingCallWatcher(
+ mPriv->baseInterface->GetParameters(protocol), this);
+ connect(watcher,
+ SIGNAL(finished(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *)),
+ SLOT(onGetParametersReturn(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *)));
+void ConnectionManager::callListProtocols()
+ debug() << "Calling ConnectionManager::ListProtocols";
+ QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher = new QDBusPendingCallWatcher(
+ mPriv->baseInterface->ListProtocols(), this);
+ connect(watcher,
+ SIGNAL(finished(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *)),
+ SLOT(onListProtocolsReturn(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *)));
+void ConnectionManager::onGetAllConnectionManagerReturn(
+ QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher)
+ QDBusPendingReply<QVariantMap> reply = *watcher;
+ QVariantMap props;
+ if (!reply.isError()) {
+ debug() << "Got reply to Properties.GetAll(ConnectionManager)";
+ props = reply.value();
+ // If Interfaces is not supported, the spec says to assume it's
+ // empty, so keep the empty list mPriv was initialized with
+ if (props.contains("Interfaces")) {
+ mPriv->interfaces = qdbus_cast<QStringList>(props["Interfaces"]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ warning().nospace() <<
+ "Properties.GetAll(ConnectionManager) failed: " <<
+ reply.error().name() << ": " << reply.error().message();
+ }
+ continueIntrospection();
+ watcher->deleteLater();
+void ConnectionManager::onListProtocolsReturn(
+ QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher)
+ QDBusPendingReply<QStringList> reply = *watcher;
+ QStringList protocolsNames;
+ if (!reply.isError()) {
+ debug() << "Got reply to ConnectionManager.ListProtocols";
+ protocolsNames = reply.value();
+ } else {
+ warning().nospace() <<
+ "ConnectionManager.ListProtocols failed: " <<
+ reply.error().name() << ": " << reply.error().message();
+ }
+ Q_FOREACH (const QString &protocolName, protocolsNames) {
+ mPriv->protocols.append(new ProtocolInfo(mPriv->name,
+ protocolName));
+ mPriv->getParametersQueue.enqueue(protocolName);
+ mPriv->introspectQueue.enqueue(&ConnectionManager::callGetParameters);
+ }
+ continueIntrospection();
+ watcher->deleteLater();
+void ConnectionManager::onGetParametersReturn(
+ QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher)
+ QDBusPendingReply<ParamSpecList> reply = *watcher;
+ ParamSpecList parameters;
+ QString protocolName = mPriv->protocolQueue.dequeue();
+ ProtocolInfo *info = mPriv->protocol(protocolName);
+ if (!reply.isError()) {
+ debug() << "Got reply to ConnectionManager.GetParameters";
+ parameters = reply.value();
+ } else {
+ warning().nospace() <<
+ "ConnectionManager.GetParameters failed: " <<
+ reply.error().name() << ": " << reply.error().message();
+ }
+ Q_FOREACH (const ParamSpec &spec, parameters) {
+ debug() << "Parameter" << spec.name << "has flags" << spec.flags
+ << "and signature" << spec.signature;
+ info->addParameter(spec);
+ }
+ continueIntrospection();
+ watcher->deleteLater();
+void ConnectionManager::continueIntrospection()
+ if (!mPriv->ready) {
+ if (mPriv->introspectQueue.isEmpty()) {
+ debug() << "ConnectionManager is ready";
+ mPriv->ready = true;
+ if (mPriv->pendingReady) {
+ mPriv->pendingReady->setFinished();
+ // it will delete itself later
+ mPriv->pendingReady = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ (this->*(mPriv->introspectQueue.dequeue()))();
+ }
+ }
} // Telepathy::Client
} // Telepathy
diff --git a/TelepathyQt4/Client/connection-manager.h b/TelepathyQt4/Client/connection-manager.h
index b4e33a4..d8d9225 100644
--- a/TelepathyQt4/Client/connection-manager.h
+++ b/TelepathyQt4/Client/connection-manager.h
@@ -145,11 +145,23 @@ public:
ConnectionManagerInterface *baseInterface() const;
+private Q_SLOTS:
+ void onGetParametersReturn(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *);
+ void onListProtocolsReturn(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *);
+ void onGetAllConnectionManagerReturn(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *);
+ void continueIntrospection();
- class Private;
- friend class Private;
+ bool checkConfigFile();
+ void callReadConfig();
+ void callGetAll();
+ void callGetParameters();
+ void callListProtocols();
+ struct Private;
+ friend struct Private;
Private *mPriv;
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