[telepathy-python/master] Added requests-message.py.

Jonny Lamb jonny.lamb at collabora.co.uk
Thu Jul 16 01:49:26 PDT 2009

Signed-off-by: Jonny Lamb <jonny.lamb at collabora.co.uk>
 examples/requests-message.py |  114 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 114 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 examples/requests-message.py

diff --git a/examples/requests-message.py b/examples/requests-message.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..763d5de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/requests-message.py
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+import dbus.glib
+import gobject
+import logging
+import sys
+from time import sleep
+from account import connection_from_file
+from telepathy.client.channel import Channel
+from telepathy.constants import (
+from telepathy.interfaces import (
+class Message:
+    def __init__(self, *stuff):
+        self.contact = None
+        self.message = None
+        assert len(stuff) in (0, 2)
+        if len(stuff) == 2:
+            self.contact = stuff[0]
+            self.message = stuff[1]
+        self.conn = connection_from_file(sys.argv[1],
+            ready_handler=self.ready_cb)
+        print "connecting"
+        self.conn[CONN_INTERFACE].Connect()
+    def ready_cb(self, conn):
+        conn[CONNECTION_INTERFACE_REQUESTS].connect_to_signal('NewChannels',
+            self.new_channels_cb)
+        if self.contact is not None:
+            handle = self.conn[CONN_INTERFACE].RequestHandles(
+                CONNECTION_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT, [self.contact])[0]
+            print 'got handle %d for %s' % (handle, self.contact)
+            self.conn[CONNECTION_INTERFACE_REQUESTS].CreateChannel(dbus.Dictionary(
+                {
+                    CHANNEL_INTERFACE + '.ChannelType': CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT,
+                    CHANNEL_INTERFACE + '.TargetHandleType': CONNECTION_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT,
+                    CHANNEL_INTERFACE + '.TargetHandle': handle
+                }, signature='sv'))
+    def run(self):
+        print "main loop running"
+        self.loop = gobject.MainLoop()
+        try:
+            self.loop.run()
+        finally:
+            self.conn[CONN_INTERFACE].Disconnect()
+    def quit(self):
+        if self.loop:
+            self.loop.quit()
+            self.loop = None
+    def new_channels_cb(self, channels):
+        print "got a new channel or two boo ya"
+        for object_path, props in channels:
+            channel_type = props[CHANNEL_INTERFACE + '.ChannelType']
+            if channel_type != CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT:
+                return
+            handle_type = props[CHANNEL_INTERFACE + '.TargetHandleType']
+            handle = props[CHANNEL_INTERFACE + '.TargetHandle']
+            print 'got text channel with handle (%d,%d)' % (handle_type, handle)
+            channel = Channel(self.conn.service_name, object_path)
+            channel[CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT].connect_to_signal('Sent', self.sent_cb)
+            channel[CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT].connect_to_signal('Received', self.recvd_cb)
+            channel[CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT].connect_to_signal('SendError',
+                self.send_error_cb)
+            if self.message is not None:
+                channel[CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT].Send(
+                    CHANNEL_TEXT_MESSAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, self.message)
+            else:
+                for message in channel[CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT].ListPendingMessages(True):
+                    self.recvd_cb(*message)
+    def recvd_cb(self, *args):
+        print args
+        id, timestamp, sender, type, flags, text = args
+        print 'message #%d received from handle %d: """%s"""' \
+                % (id, sender, text)
+        self.quit()
+    def sent_cb(self, timestamp, type, text):
+        print 'message sent: """%s"""' % text
+        # if we Disconnect() immediately, the message might not actually
+        # make it to the network before the socket is shut down (this can
+        # be the case in Gabble) - as a workaround, delay before disconnecting
+        gobject.timeout_add(5000, self.quit)
+    def send_error_cb(self, error, timestamp, type, text):
+        print 'error sending message: code %d' % error
+        self.quit()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    msg = Message(*sys.argv[2:])
+    msg.run()

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