[telepathy-mission-control/master] McdDispatchOperation: implement the response to Claim() and a successful HandleChannels() internally

Simon McVittie simon.mcvittie at collabora.co.uk
Mon Nov 2 06:41:39 PST 2009

 src/mcd-dispatch-operation-priv.h |    3 +
 src/mcd-dispatch-operation.c      |   97 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/mcd-dispatcher.c              |   98 +------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 102 insertions(+), 96 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mcd-dispatch-operation-priv.h b/src/mcd-dispatch-operation-priv.h
index e940133..509004c 100644
--- a/src/mcd-dispatch-operation-priv.h
+++ b/src/mcd-dispatch-operation-priv.h
@@ -150,6 +150,9 @@ G_GNUC_INTERNAL gboolean _mcd_dispatch_operation_get_cancelled (
 G_GNUC_INTERNAL void _mcd_dispatch_operation_check_client_locks (
     McdDispatchOperation *self);
+G_GNUC_INTERNAL void _mcd_dispatch_operation_handle_channels_cb (
+    McdDispatchOperation *self, TpClient *client, const GError *error);
diff --git a/src/mcd-dispatch-operation.c b/src/mcd-dispatch-operation.c
index 4bc79c2..f3a40d4 100644
--- a/src/mcd-dispatch-operation.c
+++ b/src/mcd-dispatch-operation.c
@@ -428,10 +428,49 @@ properties_iface_init (TpSvcDBusPropertiesClass *iface, gpointer iface_data)
 static void
+mcd_dispatch_operation_set_channel_handled_by (McdDispatchOperation *self,
+                                               McdChannel *channel,
+                                               const gchar *unique_name)
+    const gchar *path;
+    TpChannel *tp_channel;
+    g_assert (unique_name != NULL);
+    path = mcd_channel_get_object_path (channel);
+    tp_channel = mcd_channel_get_tp_channel (channel);
+    g_return_if_fail (tp_channel != NULL);
+    _mcd_channel_set_status (channel, MCD_CHANNEL_STATUS_DISPATCHED);
+    _mcd_handler_map_set_channel_handled (self->priv->handler_map,
+                                          tp_channel, unique_name);
+static void
 mcd_dispatch_operation_actually_finish (McdDispatchOperation *self)
     DEBUG ("%s/%p: finished", self->priv->unique_name, self);
     tp_svc_channel_dispatch_operation_emit_finished (self);
+    if (self->priv->claimer != NULL)
+    {
+        const GList *list;
+        /* we don't release the client lock, in order to not run the handlers,
+         * but we do have to mark all channels as dispatched */
+        for (list = self->priv->channels; list != NULL; list = list->next)
+        {
+            McdChannel *channel = MCD_CHANNEL (list->data);
+            mcd_dispatch_operation_set_channel_handled_by (self, channel,
+                self->priv->claimer);
+        }
+        g_assert (!_mcd_dispatch_operation_get_channels_handled (self));
+        _mcd_dispatch_operation_set_channels_handled (self, TRUE);
+    }
     g_signal_emit (self, signals[S_READY_TO_DISPATCH], 0);
     if (self->priv->claim_context != NULL)
@@ -1346,3 +1385,61 @@ _mcd_dispatch_operation_dup_channels (McdDispatchOperation *self)
     g_list_foreach (copy, (GFunc) g_object_ref, NULL);
     return copy;
+void _mcd_dispatch_operation_handle_channels_cb (McdDispatchOperation *self,
+                                                 TpClient *client,
+                                                 const GError *error)
+    if (error)
+    {
+        DEBUG ("error: %s", error->message);
+        _mcd_dispatch_operation_set_handler_failed (self,
+            tp_proxy_get_bus_name (client));
+        /* try again */
+        g_signal_emit (self, signals[S_RUN_HANDLERS], 0);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        const GList *list;
+        for (list = self->priv->channels; list != NULL; list = list->next)
+        {
+            McdChannel *channel = list->data;
+            const gchar *unique_name;
+            unique_name = _mcd_client_proxy_get_unique_name (MCD_CLIENT_PROXY (client));
+            /* This should always be false in practice - either we already know
+             * the handler's unique name (because active handlers' unique names
+             * are discovered before their handler filters), or the handler
+             * is activatable and was not running, the handler filter came
+             * from a .client file, and the bus daemon activated the handler
+             * as a side-effect of HandleChannels (in which case
+             * NameOwnerChanged should have already been emitted by the time
+             * we got a reply to HandleChannels).
+             *
+             * We recover by whining to stderr and closing the channels, in the
+             * interests of at least failing visibly.
+             *
+             * If dbus-glib exposed more of the details of the D-Bus message
+             * passing system, then we could just look at the sender of the
+             * reply and bypass this rubbish...
+             */
+            if (G_UNLIKELY (unique_name == NULL || unique_name[0] == '\0'))
+            {
+                g_warning ("Client %s returned successfully but doesn't "
+                           "exist? dbus-daemon bug suspected",
+                           tp_proxy_get_bus_name (client));
+                g_warning ("Closing channel %s as a result",
+                           mcd_channel_get_object_path (channel));
+                _mcd_channel_undispatchable (channel);
+                continue;
+            }
+            mcd_dispatch_operation_set_channel_handled_by (self, channel,
+                                                           unique_name);
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/mcd-dispatcher.c b/src/mcd-dispatcher.c
index dfda270..f898ce4 100644
--- a/src/mcd-dispatcher.c
+++ b/src/mcd-dispatcher.c
@@ -457,26 +457,6 @@ mcd_dispatcher_guess_request_handler (McdDispatcher *dispatcher,
     return NULL;
-static void
-mcd_dispatcher_set_channel_handled_by (McdDispatcher *self,
-                                       McdChannel *channel,
-                                       const gchar *unique_name)
-    const gchar *path;
-    TpChannel *tp_channel;
-    g_assert (unique_name != NULL);
-    path = mcd_channel_get_object_path (channel);
-    tp_channel = mcd_channel_get_tp_channel (channel);
-    g_return_if_fail (tp_channel != NULL);
-    _mcd_channel_set_status (channel, MCD_CHANNEL_STATUS_DISPATCHED);
-    _mcd_handler_map_set_channel_handled (self->priv->handler_map,
-                                          tp_channel, unique_name);
 static void mcd_dispatcher_run_handlers (McdDispatchOperation *op,
                                          McdDispatcherContext *context);
@@ -485,62 +465,10 @@ handle_channels_cb (TpClient *proxy, const GError *error, gpointer user_data,
                     GObject *weak_object)
     McdDispatcherContext *context = user_data;
-    const GList *list;
     mcd_dispatcher_context_ref (context, "CTXREF02");
-    if (error)
-    {
-        DEBUG ("error: %s", error->message);
-        _mcd_dispatch_operation_set_handler_failed (context->operation,
-            tp_proxy_get_bus_name (proxy));
-        /* try again */
-        mcd_dispatcher_run_handlers (context->operation, context);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        for (list = _mcd_dispatch_operation_peek_channels (context->operation);
-             list != NULL;
-             list = list->next)
-        {
-            McdChannel *channel = list->data;
-            const gchar *unique_name;
-            unique_name = _mcd_client_proxy_get_unique_name (MCD_CLIENT_PROXY (proxy));
-            /* This should always be false in practice - either we already know
-             * the handler's unique name (because active handlers' unique names
-             * are discovered before their handler filters), or the handler
-             * is activatable and was not running, the handler filter came
-             * from a .client file, and the bus daemon activated the handler
-             * as a side-effect of HandleChannels (in which case
-             * NameOwnerChanged should have already been emitted by the time
-             * we got a reply to HandleChannels).
-             *
-             * We recover by whining to stderr and closing the channels, in the
-             * interests of at least failing visibly.
-             *
-             * If dbus-glib exposed more of the details of the D-Bus message
-             * passing system, then we could just look at the sender of the
-             * reply and bypass this rubbish...
-             */
-            if (G_UNLIKELY (unique_name == NULL || unique_name[0] == '\0'))
-            {
-                g_warning ("Client %s returned successfully but doesn't "
-                           "exist? dbus-daemon bug suspected",
-                           tp_proxy_get_bus_name (proxy));
-                g_warning ("Closing channel %s as a result",
-                           mcd_channel_get_object_path (channel));
-                _mcd_channel_undispatchable (channel);
-                continue;
-            }
-            mcd_dispatcher_set_channel_handled_by (context->dispatcher,
-                                                   channel, unique_name);
-        }
-    }
+    _mcd_dispatch_operation_handle_channels_cb (context->operation,
+                                                proxy, error);
     mcd_dispatcher_context_unref (context, "CTXREF02");
@@ -1237,28 +1165,6 @@ mcd_dispatcher_op_ready_to_dispatch_cb (McdDispatchOperation *operation,
         _mcd_dispatch_operation_set_channels_handled (context->operation,
-    else if (_mcd_dispatch_operation_is_claimed (operation))
-    {
-        const GList *list;
-        /* we don't release the client lock, in order to not run the handlers.
-         * But we have to mark all channels as dispatched, and free the
-         * @context */
-        for (list = _mcd_dispatch_operation_peek_channels (context->operation);
-             list != NULL;
-             list = list->next)
-        {
-            McdChannel *channel = MCD_CHANNEL (list->data);
-            mcd_dispatcher_set_channel_handled_by (context->dispatcher,
-                channel, _mcd_dispatch_operation_get_claimer (operation));
-        }
-        g_assert (!_mcd_dispatch_operation_get_channels_handled
-                  (context->operation));
-        _mcd_dispatch_operation_set_channels_handled (context->operation,
-                                                      TRUE);
-    }
     if (_mcd_dispatch_operation_is_awaiting_approval (context->operation))

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