telepathy-idle: Fix a bug and add a test for requesting multiple roomlist channels

Will Thompson wjt at
Mon Oct 29 05:39:12 PDT 2012

Module: telepathy-idle
Branch: master
Commit: dc777537db0f727951d51a09599c108f34b34dcd

Author: Jonathon Jongsma <jonathon.jongsma at>
Date:   Thu Jan 29 16:34:23 2009 -0600

Fix a bug and add a test for requesting multiple roomlist channels

I hadn't really excercised the code for returning an existing roomlist channel
if we had already created one.  So I added a test for it and in the process
discovered a bug, which is also fixed by this patch.

(The compiler found this bug when it was introduced while I was rebasing
Jonathon's branch, so I fixed it there and then. -Will)


 tests/twisted/                    |    1 +
 tests/twisted/channels/ |   61 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/twisted/ b/tests/twisted/
index e6b0005..b867240 100644
--- a/tests/twisted/
+++ b/tests/twisted/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ TWISTED_TESTS = \
 		channels/ \
 		channels/ \
 		channels/ \
+		channels/ \
 		messages/ \
 		messages/ \
 		messages/ \
diff --git a/tests/twisted/channels/ b/tests/twisted/channels/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e168965
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/twisted/channels/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+Test getting multiple room-list channels.  telepathy-idle internally only
+creates a single roomlist channel (since there's not really any reason to have
+more than one) and passes that channel out whenever somebody asks for it.
+This test just excercises the case where we've already created the channel and
+we just need to hand it out to the next requestor
+from idletest import exec_test, BaseIRCServer
+from servicetest import EventPattern, call_async, tp_name_prefix, tp_path_prefix
+import dbus
+def test(q, bus, conn, stream):
+    conn.Connect()
+    q.expect_many(
+            EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='StatusChanged', args=[1, 1]),
+            EventPattern('irc-connected'))
+    q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='SelfHandleChanged',
+        args=[1L])
+    # request a roomlist channel
+    EXPECTED_ROOM = tp_path_prefix + '/Connection/idle/irc/test_40localhost/RoomListChannel0'
+    call_async(q, conn, 'RequestChannel',
+            tp_name_prefix + '.Channel.Type.RoomList', HANDLE_TYPE_NONE,
+            0, True)
+    ret = q.expect('dbus-return', method='RequestChannel')
+    assert EXPECTED_ROOM == ret.value[0]
+    # verify that a new channel was created and signalled
+    q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='NewChannels',
+            args=[[(EXPECTED_ROOM,
+                { tp_name_prefix + u'.Channel.ChannelType':
+                    tp_name_prefix + u'.Channel.Type.RoomList',
+                    tp_name_prefix + u'.Channel.TargetHandle': 0,
+                    tp_name_prefix + u'.Channel.TargetHandleType': 0})]])
+    q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='NewChannel',
+            args=[tp_path_prefix + '/Connection/idle/irc/test_40localhost/RoomListChannel0',
+                tp_name_prefix + u'.Channel.Type.RoomList', 0, 0, 1])
+    # try to request another roomlist channel
+    call_async(q, conn, 'RequestChannel',
+            tp_name_prefix + '.Channel.Type.RoomList', HANDLE_TYPE_NONE,
+            0, True)
+    ret = q.expect('dbus-return', method='RequestChannel')
+    # assert that it returns the same channel
+    assert EXPECTED_ROOM == ret.value[0]
+    call_async(q, conn, 'Disconnect')
+    q.expect_many(
+            EventPattern('dbus-return', method='Disconnect'),
+            EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='ChannelClosed', args=[EXPECTED_ROOM]),
+            EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='StatusChanged', args=[2, 1]))
+    return True
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    exec_test(test)

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