[next] telepathy-glib: Stop calling g_type_init()

Simon McVittie smcv at kemper.freedesktop.org
Tue Jan 7 07:47:13 PST 2014

Module: telepathy-glib
Branch: next
Commit: e3d4c2977fbf086e7d42c77e3713e1bcddda2a9c
URL:    http://cgit.freedesktop.org/telepathy/telepathy-glib/commit/?id=e3d4c2977fbf086e7d42c77e3713e1bcddda2a9c

Author: Simon McVittie <simon.mcvittie at collabora.co.uk>
Date:   Mon Nov 11 17:19:59 2013 +0000

Stop calling g_type_init()

It was deprecated in GLib 2.36, and we already have a hard dependency
on that version.

Bug: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=71048
Reviewed-by: Guillaume Desmottes <guillaume.desmottes at collabora.co.uk>


 configure.ac                                    |    2 +-
 examples/client/approver.c                      |    1 -
 examples/client/contact-list.c                  |    1 -
 examples/client/dbus-tubes/accepter.c           |    2 --
 examples/client/dbus-tubes/offerer.c            |    2 --
 examples/client/extended-client.c               |    1 -
 examples/client/inspect-channel.c               |    1 -
 examples/client/inspect-cm.c                    |    1 -
 examples/client/inspect-connection.c            |    1 -
 examples/client/inspect-contact.c               |    1 -
 examples/client/list-connections.c              |    1 -
 examples/client/list-managers.c                 |    1 -
 examples/client/media-observer.c                |    1 -
 examples/client/stream-tubes/accepter.c         |    2 --
 examples/client/stream-tubes/offerer.c          |    2 --
 examples/client/text-handler.c                  |    1 -
 examples/cm/call/main.c                         |    4 ----
 telepathy-glib/errors.c                         |    1 -
 telepathy-glib/run.c                            |    2 --
 telepathy-glib/simple-client-factory.c          |    2 --
 tests/asv.c                                     |    2 --
 tests/capabilities.c                            |    1 -
 tests/contact-search-result.c                   |    1 -
 tests/dbus/account-manager.c                    |    1 -
 tests/dbus/account-request.c                    |    1 -
 tests/dbus/account.c                            |    1 -
 tests/dbus/call-cancellation.c                  |    1 -
 tests/dbus/call-channel.c                       |    1 -
 tests/dbus/channel-dispatch-operation.c         |    1 -
 tests/dbus/channel-dispatcher.c                 |    1 -
 tests/dbus/channel-introspect.c                 |    1 -
 tests/dbus/channel-manager-request-properties.c |    1 -
 tests/dbus/channel-request.c                    |    1 -
 tests/dbus/cli-group.c                          |    1 -
 tests/dbus/client.c                             |    1 -
 tests/dbus/cm-message.c                         |    1 -
 tests/dbus/cm.c                                 |    1 -
 tests/dbus/connection-aliasing.c                |    3 ---
 tests/dbus/connection-balance.c                 |    3 ---
 tests/dbus/connection-bug-18845.c               |    1 -
 tests/dbus/connection-error.c                   |    2 --
 tests/dbus/connection-getinterfaces-failure.c   |    1 -
 tests/dbus/connection-handles.c                 |    1 -
 tests/dbus/connection-inject-bug16307.c         |    1 -
 tests/dbus/connection-interests.c               |    1 -
 tests/dbus/connection.c                         |    1 -
 tests/dbus/contact-lists.c                      |    2 --
 tests/dbus/contacts-bug-19101.c                 |    1 -
 tests/dbus/contacts-mixin.c                     |    1 -
 tests/dbus/disconnection.c                      |    1 -
 tests/dbus/example-no-protocols.c               |    1 -
 tests/dbus/file-transfer-channel.c              |    1 -
 tests/dbus/finalized-in-invalidated-handler.c   |    1 -
 tests/dbus/group-mixin.c                        |    1 -
 tests/dbus/handle-repo.c                        |    1 -
 tests/dbus/handle-set.c                         |    1 -
 tests/dbus/invalidated-while-invoking-signals.c |    1 -
 tests/dbus/long-connection-name.c               |    1 -
 tests/dbus/message-mixin.c                      |    1 -
 tests/dbus/params-cm.c                          |    1 -
 tests/dbus/protocol-objects.c                   |    1 -
 tests/dbus/self-presence.c                      |    1 -
 tests/dbus/text-mixin.c                         |    1 -
 tests/dbus/text-respawn.c                       |    1 -
 tests/dbus/unsupported-interface.c              |    1 -
 tests/debug-domain.c                            |    2 --
 tests/dtmf-player.c                             |    2 --
 tests/enums.c                                   |    4 ----
 tests/gnio-util.c                               |    1 -
 tests/intset.c                                  |    2 --
 tests/lib/util.c                                |    3 ---
 tests/signal-connect-object.c                   |    1 -
 tests/util-cxx.cpp                              |    2 --
 tests/util.c                                    |    2 --
 tools/glib-errors-check-gen.py                  |    1 -
 75 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 101 deletions(-)

Diff:   http://cgit.freedesktop.org/telepathy/telepathy-glib/diff/?id=e3d4c2977fbf086e7d42c77e3713e1bcddda2a9c

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