[Telepathy] Minor patch to telepathy spec

daniel.carvalho at indt.org.br daniel.carvalho at indt.org.br
Wed Jul 12 06:25:26 PDT 2006


Following the talks on #telepathy, I'm sending a patch which clarifies a little bit the relationship between RequestConnection and NewConnection:

diff -rN old-telepathy-spec/telepathy/server/connmgr.py new-telepathy-spec/telepathy/server/connmgr.py
>         Every successful RequestConnection call will cause the emition of a NewConnection
>         signal for the same newly created connection. The requester can use the returned
>         object path and service name independently of the emission of that signal. In that
>         case this signal emition is most useful for, e.g, other processes that are
>         monitoring the creation of new connections.


Daniel d'Andrada T. de Carvalho - INdT
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