[Telepathy] RFC: draft chat state interface specification

Robert McQueen robert.mcqueen at collabora.co.uk
Thu Oct 19 14:59:09 PDT 2006

Luiz Augusto von Dentz wrote:
> For glib based use it will be long in any case or you find
> tp_channel_iface_member_state_send_notification not long?

It's long, but it's not redundant. :)

> But documentation could solve my problem and MemberStates
> wont be confused with another states. So if there is no problem
> with others kinds of channels we can proceed and get it included
> into spec.

Cool, someone should be able to get to it shortly.

> I meant in telepathy not dbus, something like subscribe ("presence") then
> you
> got a Notification/Publish Channel . In sip you can even have filters for
> events
> take a look http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4660.txt.

In Telepathy *not* D-Bus? But Telepathy is a D-Bus API, you have to use
it over D-Bus. If you want to receive presence signals at the moment you
give the bus daemon a match rule for the PresenceUpdated signal on the
connection you care about, and you receive a message whenever it's
emitted by that connection. I still don't really understand what you'd
have us do differently. Could you give an example?


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