[Telepathy] telepathy-blue

Dafydd Harries dafydd.harries at collabora.co.uk
Wed Sep 13 03:18:56 PDT 2006

Ar 13/09/2006 am 01:07, ysgrifennodd Raphaël Slinckx:
> I need first to understand the whole gabble build system, because it's
> hard to tell what's generated, from where, when, why, what's not, etc :)

Only code in generate/ is generated.

 - generate/xml-pristine is generated from the spec
 - generate/xml-modified is generated from the pristine XML; all it does is
   add asynchronicity annotations
 - generate/src is generated from the modified XML

When we regerenate the code, we merge changes into the non-generated code by
hand, using a tool like meld.


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