[Telepathy] Change proposal to Connection.Interface.Capabilities

Dafydd Harries dafydd.harries at collabora.co.uk
Wed Sep 20 15:38:42 PDT 2006

Ar 20/09/2006 am 10:07, ysgrifennodd Daniel d'Andrada TenĂ³rio de Carvalho:
> So, Connection.Interface.Capabilities is on the "ease of use" side and 
> Connection.Interface.Presence is on the "correctness" side.
> What side are we taking?

I think Telepathy design strives, above all, for conceptual integrity, and
that we try to make things as straightforward to implement as possible without
violating that.

I think you're right to worry about obviousness of API; if we can make it
harder for people to get it wrong, we should in general.

Rusty Ruseell has a talk a few years ago which contains some good advice on
API design, though its examples come mostly from kernel-land and therefore
might be a bit opaque:


While digging that up, I also found this, which seems very sensible:



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