[Telepathy] Proposed standard MC API

Xavier Claessens xclaesse at gmail.com
Tue Aug 7 11:13:46 PDT 2007

Is there something about chandler/filters in the standard yet? I'm
facing a problem with the filter system I pushed into NMC: Empathy
registers a filter when starting, if I set presence to offline NMC
quits, if I set presence back to online NMC restarts and don't have the
registered filter anymore...

I had an idea to merge concepts of chandler and filter together since
those 2 concepts are really close:

chandlers are registered by installing a .chandler file describing the
type of channel it wants to catch and the dbus service MC has to launch
to handle a new channel. We can permit more than one chandler file per
channel type, with a priority field. When MC gets a channel it takes the
most priority chandler and starts it, this chandler is responsible of
the new channel until it closes it (the channel is then removed from MC)
or tell MC to dispatch it to the next registered chandler in the
priority queue, if there is no more chandler MC close the channel.

Like that filters are nothing else than a channel handler with an high

What do you think about?

Xavier Claessens.

Le mercredi 01 août 2007 à 15:31 +0100, George Wright a écrit :
> Hello all,
> I am working for Collabora on a new Mission Control D-Bus
> API specification which we can hopefully standardise on.
> At the moment there seem to be two different implementations,
> Nokia's mission-control project, and KDE/basysKom's Decibel
> project.
> The idea of this project is to allow clients to be written to
> a standard API and not have them tied down to any one single
> implementation of Mission Control.
> So far I have made the following decisions:
> - Use the org.freedesktop.Telepathy.MissionControl namespace
>   for bus/interface names.
> - Keep the naming scheme of the API consistent with that for
>   Telepathy; that is, capitalise the first letter of each word
>   in the function, ie. UpdateAccount not updateAccount.
> - Split up the various methods/signals into different
>   objects which expose different interfaces based on what they do. 
>   That is, put all account specific methods in MissionControl.AccountManager
>   etc.
> - Do not specify any configuration system that Mission Control
>   should use to store data. This should be left to the discretion
>   of the implementation depending on environment.
> Now for the draft specification. It's based heavily on Decibel's current API,
> because in my opinion they've done it pretty well.
> -------------------------------------------------------
> org.freedesktop.Telepathy.MissionControl.AccountManager
> -------------------------------------------------------
> * Accounts are D-Bus objects which store information such as
>   server address, username, login etc.
> ListAccounts ( ) -> ao
>   Returns an array of all known account objects in MC.
> AddAccount ( ) -> o
>   Add an account to MC.
>   Returns the object path of the new account.
> FindAccounts ( a{sv}: account_data ) -> ao
>   Returns all accounts whose account data contains the search query.
>   An empty array should return all possible accounts.
> GetOnlineAccounts ( ) -> ao
>   Returns the object paths of all the accounts which are 
>   currently online.
> ConnectAll ( ) -> nothing
>   Requests all accounts go online with the default presence.
> SetGlobalPresence ( u: presence_state, s: message ) -> nothing
>   Set a global presence and message on all accounts, putting accounts
>   online if necessary.
> + Signals
> AccountCreated ( o: account )
>   Emitted when an account is created.
> AccountUpdated ( o: account )
>   Emitted when an account is updated.
> AccountDeleted ( o: account )
>   Emitted when an account is deleted.
> AccountStatusChanged ( o: account, u: status, u: presence, u: reason )
>   Emitted when an account's connection status changes.
>   Connection states and Reason are both defined in Telepathy.
> ------------------------------------------------
> org.freedesktop.Telepathy.MissionControl.Account
> ------------------------------------------------
> * Each account object should expose the following set of D-Bus
> * methods in order to be manipulated.
> SetParameters ( a{sv}: account_data ) -> nothing
>   Set account parameter dictionary replacing current values.
>   See org.freedesktop.Telepathy.ConnectionManager, method 
>   RequestConnection for a description of the struct.
> UpdateParameters ( a{sv}: account_data ) -> nothing
>   Update the account parameter dictionary.
> GetParameters ( ) -> a{sv}
>   Gets the current parameters set on the account.
> Delete ( ) -> nothing
>   Delete the account.
> RequestChannel ( o: account, s: type, i: handle_type, s: handle) -> nothing 
>   Requests a channel be opened for an account to a handle, putting the account
>   online if necessary.
>   type - s
>     D-Bus interface name representing the channel type
>   handle_type - i
>     The type of the handle to create a channel to.
>   handle - s
>     Handle representing a contact, room, list etc.
> SetPresence ( u: presence ) -> nothing
>   Request that a presence be set on the account.
> GetRequestedPresence ( ) -> u
>   Gets the last requested presence for the account. 
>   This is not necessarily the same as the actual presence.
> GetCurrentPresence ( ) -> u
>   Gets the current presence actually set on the account.
> GetRequestedPresenceMessage ( ) -> s
>   Gets the last requested presence message on the account referenced
>   by account_handle.
> GetCurrentPresenceMessage ( ) -> s
>   Gets the current presence message actually set on the account.
> SetPresenceMessage ( s: message ) -> nothing
>   Set a presence message on an account.
> GetConnectionStatus ( ) -> u
>   Gets the status of the connection.
> SetAvatar ( ay: avatar, s: mime_type ) -> nothing
>   Takes an avatar as a byte array in the format specified
>   by mime_type. If the mime type is unknown leave mime_type blank.
> GetAvatar ( ) -> ay, s
>   Gets the avatar as a byte array and the mime type of the avatar.
> SetDisplayName ( s: display_name ) -> nothing
>   Sets a display name on the account.
> GetDisplayName ( ) -> s
>   Gets the current display name set on the account.
> GetNormalizedName ( ) -> s
>   Gets the normalized name of the account (the result of inspecting the
>   connection's self handle when the account is online).
> GetConnection ( ) -> s, o
>   Gets the bus name and the object path of the connection
>   associated with the account if it's online. 
> SetEnabled ( b: enabled ) -> nothing
>   Sets whether the account is enabled or not.
> IsEnabled ( ) -> b
>   Gets whether the account is enabled or not.
> + Presence States (enumerated type):
> 0 Unset
> 1 Offline
> 2 Available
> 3 Away
> 4 Extended Away
> 5 Hidden
> 6 Do Not Disturb
> --------------------------------------------------------
> org.freedesktop.Telepathy.MissionControl.ProtocolManager
> --------------------------------------------------------
> ConnectionManagers ( ) -> ao
>   Returns the object paths of all the connection managers known
>   to Mission Control.
> SupportedProtocols ( ) -> as
>   Returns the protocols supported by the connection managers
>   known to Mission Control.
> ProtocolConnectionManagers ( s: protocol ) -> ao
>   Returns the object paths of the connection managers which
>   are able to handle the protocol specified.
> The following areas have not been taken into consideration and we
> might want to look into them.
> - Abstract plugins like Decibel's "Component" system. These are like
>   Nokia Mission Control's channel handlers and filters. We need to come
>   up with a standard API for these. 
> - Accounts; enabled, normalised name, display name, etc - do we want to
>   implement these as D-Bus properties or methods? 
> - We need something like Nokia Mission Control's "Profiles" system 
>   because changing a connection manager for a given protocol isn't
>   necessarily going to work as there is no exhaustive standard
>   for the configuration settings a given connection manager should
>   take. Particularly, we need to decide on who provides the profiles; 
>   Mission Control, the UI or somewhere else?
> Many thanks,
> George
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