[Telepathy] Group interface usage?

Tobias Hunger tobias at aquazul.com
Thu Jul 19 10:12:40 PDT 2007

On Thursday 19 July 2007, Simon McVittie wrote:
> The three membership sets (Local Pending, Remote Pending, Members)
> reflect call state. For a phone-like situation, here's what they might
> mean:
> Incoming call
> =============
> No channel exists
>   v
>   v  Incoming network event indicates that remote user is calling us
>   v  CM creates channel

The group interface is created along with the channel. So is that empty when 
the new channel is signalled (== the Connection sends the NewChannel signal) 
or does it already contain the users at this time?

This is important to me as Decibel decides what to do with a channel when it 
sees a new channel signal. Is that still possible while using the group 
interface? If not: How do I know that the initial member registration is 

This question is important to me as Decibel does decide what to do with a 
channel based on the participants in the conversation (among other criteria). 
The approach described in your spec makes that pretty much impossible (if I 
understood it right).

This problem applies to all the scenarios you describe, so I am snipping out 
the others in this reply.

>   v
> Local user in Local Pending, remote user in Members = our phone is ringing
>   v
>   v  UI calls AddMembers([local_user_handle]) to accept call
>   v  CM responds by accepting the call
>   v
> Local and remote users in Members


> We've just merged some clarifications to the streamed media spec which
> should make this clearer.


I'll try to implement it this way then.

Are there any requirements on the channel status during the pending stages? 
Does it matter at all or is it just set to "Connected" till the Channel is 
closed again?

Best Regards,
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