[Telepathy] Review: telepathy-spec-stream

Robert McQueen robert.mcqueen at collabora.co.uk
Mon Jun 4 05:17:44 PDT 2007

Dafydd Harries wrote:
> Ar 04/06/2007 am 11:49, ysgrifennodd Simon McVittie:
>> - - Non-abstract sockets are identified by arbitrary Unix paths. A Unix
>>   path is defined as a byte-string, which need not be in any particular
>>   character set, or even in a consistent character set - "/tmp/\xff\x99" is a
>>   valid Unix path. D-Bus strings, on the other hand, are defined to be
>>   sequences of nonzero Unicode characters, encoded in UTF-8. I don't
>>   feel like defining a mapping from one to the other if we could just be
>>   using a byte-array and avoiding the issue completely.
> I think this part is not a problem: we can just require that your paths are
> valid UTF-8. But unless we specify a way of indicating abstractness other than
> having a null leading byte then we will need ay for addresses.

More generally I'm concerned that these tubes are totally specific to
PROTO_UNIX addresses, why can't we have a slightly more generic naming
scheme and make them appropriate for any kind of address that's
applicable to SOCK_STREAM sockets? Aside from the addressing, very
similar code should be usable for localhost TCP sockets.


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