[Telepathy] Release: telepathy-idle-0.0.5

Olli Salli ollisal at gmail.com
Thu Mar 22 08:46:25 PDT 2007


here comes a spanking new release of telepathy-idle.

- Disable clipping the nickname to 9 chars and instead let the IRC
server canon it
- Create new MUCChannel on JOIN for an unknown channel to work with irssi-proxy
- Get rid of the advertisement default of IRC realname and get it from
(in decreasing priority) 1) the user 2) g_get_realname 3) chosen IRC
- Change some checks to not abort the whole process when connect()
obscurily fail
- Defer freeing the addrinfo linked list to when the client calls
idle_dns_result_destroy() - fixes a possible crash when the first DNS
result can't be contacted

The tarball is available at
http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/releases/telepathy-idle/ .


Olli Salli

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