[Telepathy] MissionControl's spec

Alberto Mardegan mardy at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Oct 23 04:55:58 PDT 2007

ext Xavier Claessens wrote:
> I'm not sure about that, we need to have an Account object to call
> GetParameters and know what needs to be filled by the user. NMC don't
> show incomplete accounts, I'm not sure it's a good idea, that's a
> problem I have in Empathy: The user creates an account, is close the
> window before the account get completed, when he opens the dialog later
> it the account disappeared.

It would be even better if we made the creation of non-complete accounts 
impossible at all. To know what parameters needs to be filled by the 
user you don't need an account object; somewhere in the AccountManager 
(or in a Profile class) there should already be a list of what 
parameters need to be filled in.

> We should have GetParameters () → a(susv) like in ConnectionManager
> interface to let the client know if the param is required, Empathy needs
> that for EmpathyAccountWidgetGeneric.

I wouldn't make it in the Account interface. I'd think of 
GetParameters() as a DBus version what we currently have in NMC, that is 
a method that lists all the parameters that are going to be passed to 
the connection manager (if needed, we can add an enum that tells where 
the value comes from: account, profile, some provisioning service...).

> I want MC spec looks like TP spec. TP spec has separate iface/methods to
> set alias/avatar/etc and it don't uses the parameters dictionary for
> that, why should MC do?

I was thinking of FindAccounts(): maybe you need to find an account by 
display name. But I agree that putting these settings in the same 
dictionary is a bad idea, so we can probably live without it and just 
let those who are interested to call FindAccounts() with an empty filter 
and call GetDisplayName() on all the results to check if that is the 
account we wanted -- but it might be kinda slow.

> You're right, MC spec miss a {Set|Get}Alias{Updated} and spec should
> make clear that MC must call SetAlias and SetAvatar each time the
> account gets connected.

Why? You don't want to override the ones stored in the server, if you 
didn't change yours locally.

>>> 5) RequestChannel: description says "putting the account online if
>>> necessary". Ok but with which presence? I think that method should just
>>> return an error NOT_CONNECTED in that case.
>> We should connect with the default presence, as defined in the previous 
>> point.
> Ok, but it should return an error if default presence is offline.

I'm not sure about this; in the N800 we set the presence to invisible in 
that case, because we assume that if the user wants to call someone, he 
knows that a connection to the internet will be established.


http://www.mardy.it <-- Geek in un lingua international!

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