[Telepathy] mission control not implementing prefixes properly

Alban Crequy muadda at gmail.com
Tue Oct 30 12:19:04 PDT 2007

On 10/30/07, Rainer Dorsch <rdorsch at web.de> wrote:
> --->8--- skip
> I followed you steps until here (I did not remove the
> standard_session_servicedirs because I have no default telepathy
> installation), stopped my standard dbus, and started dbus as root with the
> new config file:

You should not stop your standard D-Bus daemon because it is used by
others applications. You should not start your new instance of the
D-Bus daemon with root, but with the same user as Empathy and MC.

According to "man dbus-daemon":
       There are two standard  message  bus  instances:  the  sys‐
       temwide message bus (installed on many systems as the "mes‐
       sagebus" init service) and the per-user-login-session  mes‐
       sage  bus  (started each time a user logs in).  dbus-daemon
       is used for both of these instances, but with  a  different
       configuration file.

The D-Bus session Empathy or MC use is the per-user-login session, or
if you want to test in a separate session, the D-Bus session you start
manually. In both cases, the Empathy/MC processes and the dbus-daemon
process should belong to the same user.

D-Bus denies the connection if you don't start the D-Bus daemon and
Empathy from the same user. This policy is written in the D-Bus
configuration file and should not be changed.

> --->8--- skip

> When I do not specify DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS empathy comes up but no
> accounts are available (and I also see no additional output of the
> dbus-daemon).

Because in that case, Empathy use your main D-Bus session, and your
main D-Bus session will fail to find the file
org.freedesktop.Telepathy.MissionControl.service in standard
directories. So D-Bus is not able to start your MC.

You don't see additional output of the dbus-daemon instance you start
manually because Empathy doesn't talk to it, but to your main D-Bus

Well, it is easier to install distribution packages or install without
a prefix :-)

You can read documentation about D-Bus activation:

And then check which files are installed in theses directory:
- /usr/share/dbus-1/services/
- /usr/local/share/dbus-1/services/
- $PREFIX/share/dbus-1/services/

(and remove the files you installed as a workaround in ~/.local/share/)



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