[Telepathy] Spec updates for tubes channel

Simon McVittie smcv at pseudorandom.co.uk
Tue Aug 5 09:10:49 PDT 2008

On Tue, 05 Aug 2008 at 16:47:29 +0100, Alban Crequy wrote:
> I started to work on how tube channels can be requested with the new
> requestotron. Channel type Channel.Type.Tube will replace
> Channel.Type.Tubes in order to have only 1 tube per channel.

I think I'd prefer Channel.Type.StreamTube and Channel.Type.DBusTube,
maybe with a common Channel.Interface.Tube if there is common

> Each of theses properties can be setup by either the D-Bus method call
> RequestChannels (in step 1) or OfferTube (in step 2). The 2 D-Bus
> methods can be called from 2 different applications. I don't have a real
> use-case in mind but the address book use-case (req2) suggests it.
> Maybe start a game from an address book?

Right, the split occurs when you have an address book or something that
calls CreateChannel (which is the new name for RequestChannels - I've
dropped the multiple-channel-requests thing as being basically
unimplementable) but wants the channel to be handled by a separate

I'm not sure whether doing arbitrary collaborative miscellany from an
address book is a particularly strong use-case :-)

> ServiceName needs to be setup by RequestChannels in order to be
> able to dispatch the channel locally.


> AddressType, AccessControl and
> AccessControlParam are specific to stream tubes and need to be chosen
> by the application which offers the service, so they must be setup by
> OfferTube.

Correct, I think... although it would be nice if we had a way to ensure
a non-empty intersection between what the CM can do, and what the client
can do. Perhaps we can just declare IPv4 with "localhost only" access
control to be mandatory-to-implement.

> I am not so sure about TubeType and Parameters. Does the address
> book need to know that the tic-tac-toe game uses stream tubes and
> not D-Bus tubes?

TubeType should get folded into the channel type, I think - stream and
D-Bus tubes are fundamentally different constructs.

Parameters I'm not sure about.


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