[Telepathy] handling custom channels

harini satyanarayanan hpundis1 at binghamton.edu
Fri Feb 29 04:11:01 PST 2008

   Thanks for the reply, but i still didn't get the last point what
 happens when mission control handles the text channel, is it going to
 be a problem embedding other messages in a text channel?


 >  Each connection manager can only support those channel types that
it has been
 >  programmed to support. Each channel type it supports is mapped to the
 >  underlying protocols. I.e. if the CM supports the Text channel type, it has
 >  code to map that to sending and receiving text messages in the protocols it
 >  supports.
 >  For applications that need to communicate in ways not supported by other
 >  channel types, we have tubes, which are intended to support general
 >  communication.
 >  If you don't have a connection manager that doesn't support tubes, you could
 >  layer your application messages over text channels, but on Maemo, Mission
 >  Control will hand text channels to the chat UI.
 >  I hope this clarifies things.
 >  --
 >  Dafydd

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