[Telepathy] ANNOUNCE: telepathy-gabble 0.7.26

Will Thompson will.thompson at collabora.co.uk
Wed Apr 8 10:57:03 PDT 2009

Version 0.7.26 of telepathy-gabble, the “What have you done with my
hat?” release, has escaped from its cage and is now staggering through
the blinding sunlight, searching for its lost headgear. Only you can
save it from its plight, by downloading it from:

git: git://git.collabora.co.uk/git/telepathy-gabble.git
gitweb: http://git.collabora.co.uk/?p=telepathy-gabble.git


* When placing a streamed media call on hold, transmit the status change
  to the peer.
* Relatedly, expose incoming Ringing and Hold notifications through the
  CallState interface.
* Raise Offline or NotCapable (rather than NotAvailable) when methods in
  Jingle calls fail for one of those reasons.
* Implement the Avatar interface's D-Bus properties, as introduced in
  spec version 0.17.22


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