[Telepathy] D-tubes and empathy

Jiri Baum jiri at baum.com.au
Sun Nov 8 07:29:37 PST 2009

Hi Danni,

> > Thanks! "Telepathy Developer's Manual" looks like exactly what I was
> > looking for and couldn't find when I originally started on the DTube
> > Tutorial. Now that you're writing a Manual, my Tutorial seems kinda
> > pointless...

> Not entirely pointless. I would like to include a fully-worked Telepathy
> Tube Handler example as a chapter in the Telepathy book. 

Sounds good!

> One that talks you through from start to finish, with cross-references into
> the appropriate sections earlier in the manual. 

Yes; also one that's oriented toward the needs of Tube users...

> So if you're still keen to rework your tutorial, I'd love to have it a part
> of The Book.

Yeah, I want to do it anyway because I want to write a tube application, so 
once I get it to work with the new API, I'll put it up on the wiki.

I suspect it won't quite be the new API, because telepathy-python doesn't have 
AccountManager bindings but does have a little function that scans the bus for 
names beginning with "org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection." but that's minor.

Jiri Baum <jiri at baum.com.au>                   http://www.baum.com.au/~jiri

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