[Telepathy] ANNOUNCE: Empathy 2.29.3

Guillaume Desmottes guillaume.desmottes at collabora.co.uk
Mon Nov 30 09:03:35 PST 2009

Empathy 2.29.3 is now available for download from:

2c6dd2c0b0b33a61526310ac08f42562  empathy-2.29.3.tar.gz
b2ea05a8382b4073a7a0a48b3db0078c  empathy-2.29.3.tar.bz2

What is it?
Empathy is a messaging program which supports text, voice, and video chat and file transfers over many different protocols. Empathy uses Telepathy for protocol support and has an user interface based on Gossip. Empathy is the default chat client in current versions of GNOME, making it easier for other GNOME applications to integrate collaboration functionality using Telepathy.

You can visit the project web site:

What's New?
The  « Guillaume, 25 affonds ! » release.

This release fixes a lot of regressions that have been introduced in 2.29.2 by
the port to TpAccount.
It also introduces a new widget to configure SIP accounts and adds the ability
to send files using Drag and Drop.

Bugs fixed:
 - Fixed #601235, calls to empathy_idle_get_status() before AM object is ready (Guillaume Desmottes)
 - Fixed #548701, improve chat window title with multi tabs (Guillaume Desmottes)
 - Fixed #571642, when an irc user changes nick, empathy doesn't indicate that the name changed (Jonathon Jongsma)
 - Fixed #581626, Semantics of empathy -a (Guillaume Desmottes)
 - Fixed #585582, Can't connect to google account "Network Error"
 - Fixed #586678, "Manage favorites" dialog don't display the Room column if showing all account (Guillaume Desmottes)
 - Fixed #590700, Wrong icon is used in notification for contacts without avatars (Guillaume Desmottes)
 - Fixed #598381, WebKit automatically converts <a> tags in links (Gustavo Noronha Silva)
 - Fixed #599315, confusing dependencies of NetworkManager ... libnm-glib v. libnm_glib (Brian Pepple)
 - Fixed #599640, Messages are not correctly escaped for adium themes
 - Fixed #600800, Crash when searching through logs (Guillaume Desmottes)
 - Fixed #601697, SIP account widget is incomplete (Guillaume Desmottes)
 - Fixed #601807, Previous conversations doesn't work any more
 - Fixed #602013, Maximized state of main window is not preserved, and size/position is sometimes forgotten after deiconify
 - Fixed #602066, Support /nick command
 - Fixed #602324, Fix nautilus-sendto plugin's linking
 - Fixed #602572, copy and paste not useful
 - Fixed #602649, Raising from the notification area doesn't bring it to the current workspace (Xavier Claessens)
 - Fixed #602852, Smileys are not displayed in /me messages
 - Fixed #603163, Render emails in format <email at example.com> to links
 - Fixed #603361, No contact appears when reconnecting (Guillaume Desmottes)
 - Fixed #603384, Crash in debug dialog (Guillaume Desmottes)
 - Fixed #595226, Send files using drag and drop (Shaun McCance)
 - Fixed #600946, Add more friendly strings for TpMediaStreamError
 - Fixed #601288, Video preview should always be displayed when we are sending video (Guillaume Desmottes)

 - Updated es Translation (Jorge González)
 - Updated gl Translation (Antón Méixome)
 - Updated hu Translation (Gabor Kelemen)
 - Updated ro Translation (Adi Roiban)
 - Updated sl Translation (Matej Urbančič)

30 November 2009
Empathy team

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