[Telepathy] tp-qt4 FileTransfer API proposal

Kenneth Rohde Christiansen kenneth.christiansen at gmail.com
Tue Sep 1 07:53:19 PDT 2009

>    PendingChannelRequest *createFileTransfer(

Shouldn't this be requestFileTransfer?

The constructors (though with many defaults) seems very scary and
complex. Is the request immediately, or would be be possible to change
some of these initialization values to propertie or methods?

QString fileName() const;

Have you considered QUrl ? But then again QFile has the same method
:-) Btw, wouldn't it make sense to make this class similar to
QFile/QFileInfo where possible?

FileHashType contentHashType() const;

the method is called *Content*HashType and it returns a
*File*HashType? Isn't that a bit confusing?

void transferredBytesChanged(qulonglong count);


void initialOffsetDefined(qulonglong offset);

Does this really make sense as a signal?


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