[Telepathy] [Telepathy-Qt4] Installation of test library

Dario Freddi drf54321 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 18 06:36:20 PDT 2010

Hello all,

This mail is about my branch cmake-install-tests in my private tp-qt4 
repository http://git.collabora.co.uk/?p=user/drf/telepathy-qt4.git;a=summary 

First of all, the problem: in Telepathy-KDE, we're striving to provide a very 
high-quality and maintainable code - which of course means also providing some 
unit tests. As you all probably know, setting up a test environment for 
Telepathy is everything but trivial, and that's also why tp-qt4 has a 
dedicated test library.

To avoid code duplication and various messes, I prepared a patchset (based on 
the cmake branch, which will hopefully soon become master) which installs the 
whole framework abd adds a wrapper class to glib-based tests and some cmake 
macros to ease building tests.

The patch is not yet in "shippable" state, but before I spend more time on it, 
making it ready to be included, I'd like some feedback on the idea as a whole.

An alternative solution would be copying over the testlib code to KDE svn, and 
creating a tp-kde-testlib over there. Still, I'd really like to avoid moving 
all the stuff and having to keep the code in sync.

Any feedback/discussion is welcome.


Dario Freddi
KDE Developer
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