[Telepathy] No connection after moving to telepathy-gabble 0.9.17.

tomw tomw at ubilix.com
Mon Aug 30 02:58:30 PDT 2010

hi folks, 

I moved to telepathy-gabble last Friday. Since then I can't
connect to any services any more. The messages on the debug interface
I'm getting are as follows:  

u'gabble_server_tls_manager_verify_async: verify_async() called on the

u'gabble_server_tls_channel_constructed: Server TLS channel constructed
at /org/freedesktop/Telepathy/Connection/gabble/jabber/xyz_40jabber_2eorg_2f5/ServerTLSChannel')]

This does not change, even if I witch off any kind of encryption...

any idea?


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