[Telepathy] MUC DBus Tubes

Danielle Madeley danielle.madeley at collabora.co.uk
Wed Sep 15 23:40:03 PDT 2010

On Thu, 2010-09-16 at 07:51 +0200, tomw wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I was looking into using the telepathy MUC DBus Tubes for interprocess
> communication over the network, which seems to be a very effective
> approach. However, there is a few questions:
> 1. Is there any experience on the maximum number of participants using
> MUC DBus Tubes. I would assume the limitation is the number of
> participants in the MUC room. Has that been tested somewhere?

I'm not aware of any limitations... except if you ran out of handles.
This is a uint32, so seems unlikely.

> 2. A more practical question. On DBusNamesChanged I'm getting the DBus
> Names and handles like:
> {dbus.UInt32(9L): dbus.String(u':2.djN0dl8wMgAA'), 
>  dbus.UInt32(7L): dbus.String(u':2.dG9td0BqYWJiZXIub3Jn')}
> As far as I understood these names are now the private DBus Names on the
> private DBus represented by its service name like org.whatever.Test.
> How do I connect then to the objects represented by the DBus Names as
> they only exist on the private bus and the usual approach like
> bus.get_object(service, path) does not seem to work.
> What am I missing?

These names are the unique names of each contact on the bus. So you can
request a proxy from that object using its unique name (same as you can
on the system/session bus).

Each contact needs to be publishing objects onto that private bus for
you to access proxies for. The bus created by the MUC tube is a
completely separate bus, it's not just proxying the system or session

Does this help?

Danielle Madeley
Software Developer, Collabora Ltd.                  Melbourne, Australia


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