[Telepathy] ANNOUNCE: Release of Telepathy-accounts-signon 1.0

Martin Klapetek mklapetek at kde.org
Mon Jul 13 06:42:06 PDT 2015


telepathy-accounts-signon, the Mission Control plugin to provide Telepathy
with Accounts-SSO accounts is now available in version 1.0 for download at


The plugin is based on Nemomobile's fork of Empathy's UOA plugin, updated
and made generic (doesn't say Empathy or UOA anywhere). At this point
it servers only as an Account Storage Interface implementation without
an auth-handler. Eventually we'd like to offer a default auth-handler
as part of the accounts-sso project, but as currently all known interested
have their own auth-handlers working in one way or another with
this is currently not a top priority.

The project is now hosted at gitlab[1] and this is where we will continue
all further
work on it. For bug reports please use gitlab's "Issues" within the project.

All contributions welcomed :)

[1] https://gitlab.com/accounts-sso/telepathy-accounts-signon


Martin Klapetek | KDE Developer
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