[Telepathy] wocky tests / status

Diane Trout diane at ghic.org
Sat Jan 9 23:35:00 PST 2016


While I was working on merging some of the improvements for wocky in the 
freedesktop bug tracker, I decided to try running the wocky test cases. It 
looks like make check in gabble may not run the wocky tests. It seems like you 
need to actually cd lib/ext/wocky and do make check.

I figured out that https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=79548 just 
needed the embedded CRL to be regenerated as it expired in 2013. The patch is 
made as an attachment to the bug or is available in this branch.

There was a minor test failure caused by a duplicate test name fixed in this 

The tests I was most recently working on was there's a problem where the 
wocky-http-proxy-test is failing,

ERROR:wocky-http-proxy-test.c:167:test_http_proxy_instantiation: assertion 
failed: (WOCKY_IS_HTTP_PROXY (proxy))

And then after that there's some credential failed errors that repeats for a 
few different cases.

ERROR:wocky-http-proxy-test.c:229:server_thread: assertion failed (base64_cred 
== received_cred): ("dXNlcm5hbWU6YmFkLXBhc3N3b3Jk" == "Basic 

What I'm not sure about is if the authentication tests failures are because 
the http proxy wasn't being hooked in correctly.

Could we merge in some of the fixes? And is there anyone who knows glib 
reasonably well who might be willing to offer some advice about the proxy test 


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