[uim-commit] r1091 - trunk/scm

tkng at freedesktop.org tkng at freedesktop.org
Mon Aug 1 15:03:50 EST 2005

Author: tkng
Date: 2005-07-31 22:03:47 -0700 (Sun, 31 Jul 2005)
New Revision: 1091

* scm/m17nlib.scm:
 -(m17nlib-press-key-handler): Improved key event handling.
 Now special key event such as Ctrl-a, Shift-space when
 preedit exist should be handled properly.

Modified: trunk/scm/m17nlib.scm
--- trunk/scm/m17nlib.scm	2005-08-01 02:00:59 UTC (rev 1090)
+++ trunk/scm/m17nlib.scm	2005-08-01 05:03:47 UTC (rev 1091)
@@ -265,17 +265,22 @@
     (let* ((mid (m17nlib-context-mc-id mc)))
       (if (m17nlib-context-on mc)
 	  (if (m17nlib-push-key mc key key-state)
-	      #f ;; Discard key event
+	      #f  ; Key event is consumed in m17n-push-key
 	      (let* ((result (m17nlib-lib-get-result mid))
 		     (consumed? (car result))
 		     (commit-str (cdr result)))
-		(if (string=? commit-str "")
-		    (if (m17nlib-off-key? key key-state)
-			(m17nlib-context-set-on! mc #f)
-			(im-commit-raw mc))
+		(if (m17nlib-off-key? key key-state)
-		      (im-commit mc commit-str)
-		      (m17nlib-lib-commit mid)))))
+		      (m17nlib-context-set-on! mc #f)
+		      (if (not (string=? commit-str ""))
+			  (im-commit mc commit-str)))
+		    (if (string=? commit-str "")
+			(im-commit-raw mc)
+			(begin
+			  (im-commit mc commit-str)
+			  (m17nlib-lib-commit mid)
+			  (if (not consumed?)
+			      (im-commit-raw mc)))))))
 	  (m17nlib-proc-direct-state mc key key-state))
       (m17nlib-update-preedit mc)
       (m17nlib-update-candidate mc))))

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