[uim-commit] r1162 - in trunk: doc gtk uim xim

yamaken at freedesktop.org yamaken at freedesktop.org
Tue Aug 9 06:56:18 EST 2005

Author: yamaken
Date: 2005-08-08 13:56:11 -0700 (Mon, 08 Aug 2005)
New Revision: 1162

* This commit reverts the removal of the prop_update_custom message
  functionality committed in r1160 and r1161 because:

  - The new message custom_reload_notify cannot replace some
    functionality of the prop_update_custom listed in below:

    * alter custom variables without saving files

    * alter a single custom variable

  - It's broken since the Scheme procedure custom-reload-configs is
    still lacking

  Please be conservertive when removing or alter an
  API functionality. Suggestion before such change at the mailinglist
  makes us happy.

* uim/uim-custom.h
  - (uim_custom_broadcast_reload_request): New API function
* uim/uim-custom.c
  - (uim_custom_broadcast_reload_request): New function
  - (uim_custom_broadcast): Revert the prop_update_custom
* gtk/gtk-im-uim.c
  - (im_uim_parse_helper_str): Ditto
* xim/helper.cpp
  - (helper_str_parse): Ditto
  - Add a new section "An experimental custom variable reloading API"

Modified: trunk/doc/COMPATIBILITY
--- trunk/doc/COMPATIBILITY	2005-08-08 19:50:42 UTC (rev 1161)
+++ trunk/doc/COMPATIBILITY	2005-08-08 20:56:11 UTC (rev 1162)
@@ -58,6 +58,19 @@
 The changes are described below in most recently updated order.
+Summary: An experimental custom variable reloading API
+Affects: Helper program developers, Bridge developers
+Updates: C API, Helper protocol
+Version: 0.5
+Revision: ac1160, ac1161, ac1162
+Date: 2005-08-09
+Modifier: TOKUNAGA Hiroyuki, YamaKen
+Related: bug #3620
+  (new) uim_custom_broadcast_reload_request()
 Summary: default IM switching responsibility separation from uim_switch_im()
 Affects: Bridge developers
 Updates: C API

Modified: trunk/gtk/gtk-im-uim.c
--- trunk/gtk/gtk-im-uim.c	2005-08-08 19:50:42 UTC (rev 1161)
+++ trunk/gtk/gtk-im-uim.c	2005-08-08 20:56:11 UTC (rev 1162)
@@ -986,7 +986,15 @@
   if (g_str_has_prefix(str, "im_change") == TRUE) {
   } else if (g_str_has_prefix(str, "prop_update_custom") == TRUE) {
-    uim_prop_reload_configs();
+    IMUIMContext *cc;
+    lines = g_strsplit(str, "\n", 0);
+    if (lines && lines[0] && lines[1] && lines[2]) {
+      for (cc = context_list.next; cc != &context_list; cc = cc->next) {
+	uim_prop_update_custom(cc->uc, lines[1], lines[2]);
+	break;  /* all custom variables are global */
+      }
+      g_strfreev(lines);
+    }
   } else if (g_str_has_prefix(str, "custom_reload_notify") == TRUE) {
   } else if (focused_context && !disable_focused_context) {

Modified: trunk/uim/uim-custom.c
--- trunk/uim/uim-custom.c	2005-08-08 19:50:42 UTC (rev 1161)
+++ trunk/uim/uim-custom.c	2005-08-08 20:56:11 UTC (rev 1162)
@@ -916,6 +916,44 @@
     helper_fd = uim_helper_init_client_fd(helper_disconnect_cb);
+  custom_syms = uim_custom_collect_by_group(NULL);
+  for (sym = custom_syms; *sym; sym++) {
+    value = uim_custom_value_as_literal(*sym);
+    if (value) {
+      msg_size = sizeof(custom_msg_tmpl) + strlen(*sym) + strlen(value);
+      msg = (char *)malloc(msg_size);
+      if (!msg) {
+	free(value);
+	uim_custom_symbol_list_free(custom_syms);
+	return UIM_FALSE;
+      }
+      sprintf(msg, custom_msg_tmpl, *sym, value);
+      uim_helper_send_message(helper_fd, msg);
+      free(msg);
+      free(value);
+    }
+  }
+  uim_custom_symbol_list_free(custom_syms);
+  if (helper_fd != -1) {
+    uim_helper_close_client_fd(helper_fd);
+  }
+  return UIM_TRUE;
+ *
+ * @retval UIM_TRUE succeeded
+ * @retval UIM_FALSE failed
+ */
+  if (helper_fd < 0) {
+    helper_fd = uim_helper_init_client_fd(helper_disconnect_cb);
+  }
   uim_helper_send_message(helper_fd, "custom_reload_notify\n");
   if (helper_fd != -1) {

Modified: trunk/uim/uim-custom.h
--- trunk/uim/uim-custom.h	2005-08-08 19:50:42 UTC (rev 1161)
+++ trunk/uim/uim-custom.h	2005-08-08 20:56:11 UTC (rev 1162)
@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@
 uim_bool uim_custom_load(void);
 uim_bool uim_custom_save(void);
 uim_bool uim_custom_broadcast(void);
+uim_bool uim_custom_broadcast_reload_request(void);
 /* custom variable */
 struct uim_custom *uim_custom_get(const char *custom_sym);

Modified: trunk/xim/helper.cpp
--- trunk/xim/helper.cpp	2005-08-08 19:50:42 UTC (rev 1161)
+++ trunk/xim/helper.cpp	2005-08-08 20:56:11 UTC (rev 1162)
@@ -204,7 +204,26 @@
 	parse_helper_str_im_change(line, engine);
     } else if (strcmp("prop_update_custom", line) == 0) {
-	uim_prop_reload_configs();
+	line = eol + 1;
+	eol = strchr(line, '\n');
+	if (eol != NULL)
+	    *eol = '\0';
+	else
+	    return;
+	char *custom = line;
+	char *val = eol + 1;
+	eol = strchr(val, '\n');
+	if (eol != NULL)
+	    *eol = '\0';
+	else
+	    return;
+	std::map<Window, XimServer *>::iterator it;
+	for (it = XimServer::gServerMap.begin(); it != XimServer::gServerMap.end(); it++) {
+	    (*it).second->customContext(custom, val);
+	}
+	return;
     } else if (strcmp("custom_reload_notify", line) == 0) {

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