[uim-commit] r168 - in trunk: scm test uim
Sat Jan 8 04:56:00 PST 2005
Author: yamaken
Date: 2005-01-08 04:55:58 -0800 (Sat, 08 Jan 2005)
New Revision: 168
* scm/custom.scm
- Update copyright
- Remove a header comment
- Move all custom definitions to custom-vars.scm. No modification is
* scm/custom-vars.scm
- Virtually new file (i.e. ignore previous svn cp)
- Moved all custom definitions from custom.scm. No modification is
* scm/Makefile.am
- (SCM_FILES): Add custom-vars.scm
* uim/siod.h
- (siod_repl_c_string_entered): New function for #if
!NESTED_REPL_C_STRING configuration
* uim/slib.c
- (siod_repl_c_string_entered): Ditto
* uim/uim-scm.c
- (uim_scm_require_file): Support direct call from C for #ifndef
UIM_SCM_NESTED_EVAL configuration
* uim/uim.c
- (uim_init_scm):
* Replace most of uim_scm_load_file() with uim_scm_require_file()
* Move loading position of custom.scm
* Add uim_scm_require_file("custom-vars.scm")
* Modify some comments
* test/test-custom.scm
- (testcase custom custom-group, testcase custom custom-group
methods): Comment out (load "custom.scm") in accordance with
custom-vars.scm separation
Modified: trunk/scm/Makefile.am
--- trunk/scm/Makefile.am 2005-01-08 09:45:01 UTC (rev 167)
+++ trunk/scm/Makefile.am 2005-01-08 12:55:58 UTC (rev 168)
@@ -22,6 +22,6 @@
hk.scm \
zaurus.scm \
romaja.scm pyunihan.scm pyload.scm m17nlib.scm \
- uim-sh.scm custom.scm \
+ uim-sh.scm custom.scm custom-vars.scm \
pinyin-big5.scm \
Modified: trunk/scm/custom-vars.scm
--- trunk/scm/custom-vars.scm 2005-01-08 09:45:01 UTC (rev 167)
+++ trunk/scm/custom-vars.scm 2005-01-08 12:55:58 UTC (rev 168)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-;;; custom.scm: Customization support
+;;; custom-vars.scm: Customization variables
-;;; Copyright (c) 2003,2004 uim Project http://uim.freedesktop.org/
+;;; Copyright (c) 2003-2005 uim Project http://uim.freedesktop.org/
;;; All rights reserved.
@@ -29,383 +29,8 @@
-;; WARNING: This file is existing for only testing purpose. more
-;; discussion is required.
-;; There are complex definitions to experiment the customization
-;; mechanism. Will be simplified once the requirement is cleared up.
-;; -- YamaKen
-(require "i18n.scm")
-(require "util.scm")
-;; private
-(define custom-rec-alist ())
-(define custom-group-rec-alist ())
-(define custom-subgroup-alist ())
-(define custom-activity-hook ())
-(define custom-update-hook ())
-(define custom-get-hook ())
-(define custom-set-hook ())
-(define custom-literalize-hook ())
-(define custom-validator-alist
- '((boolean . custom-boolean?)
- (integer . custom-integer?)
- (string . custom-string?)
- (pathname . pathname?)
- (symbol . custom-valid-symbol?)
- (key . key-definition?)))
-(define anything?
- (lambda (x)
- #t))
-(define custom-boolean?
- (lambda (x)
- #t))
-(define custom-integer?
- (lambda (x min max)
- (and (integer? x)
- (<= min x)
- (<= x max))))
-(define custom-string?
- (lambda (x regex)
- (string? x)))
-(define pathname?
- (lambda (str)
- (string? str)))
-(define custom-valid-symbol?
- (lambda arg
- (let* ((sym (car arg))
- (symbol-rec-alist (cdr arg)))
- (and (symbol? sym)
- (assq sym symbol-rec-alist)
- #t))))
-(define-record 'custom-symbol-rec
- '((sym #f)
- (label "")
- (desc "")))
-(define custom-symbol-label
- (lambda (custom-sym val-sym)
- (let* ((sym-rec-alist (custom-type-attrs custom-sym))
- (srec (assq val-sym sym-rec-alist))
- (label (custom-symbol-rec-label srec)))
- label)))
-(define custom-symbol-desc
- (lambda (custom-sym val-sym)
- (let* ((sym-rec-alist (custom-type-attrs custom-sym))
- (srec (assq val-sym sym-rec-alist))
- (desc (custom-symbol-rec-desc srec)))
- desc)))
-;; only accepts single strict-key-str (not or'ed, not a variable reference)
-(define key-definition?
- (lambda (def)
- (valid-strict-key-str? def)))
-(define-record 'custom-group-rec
- '((sym #f)
- (label "")
- (desc "")))
-(define custom-define-group
- (lambda (gsym label desc)
- (let ((grec (custom-group-rec-new gsym label desc)))
- (if (not (custom-group-rec gsym))
- (set! custom-group-rec-alist (cons grec
- custom-group-rec-alist))))))
-(define custom-group-rec
- (lambda (gsym)
- (assq gsym custom-group-rec-alist)))
-;; API
-(define custom-group-label
- (lambda (gsym)
- (custom-group-rec-label (custom-group-rec gsym))))
-;; API
-(define custom-group-desc
- (lambda (gsym)
- (custom-group-rec-desc (custom-group-rec gsym))))
-;; API
-(define custom-group-subgroups
- (lambda (gsym)
- (let ((groups (filter-map (lambda (pair)
- (let ((primary-grp (car pair))
- (subgrp (cdr pair)))
- (and (eq? gsym primary-grp)
- subgrp)))
- custom-subgroup-alist)))
- (reverse groups))))
-;; API
-(define custom-list-groups
- (lambda ()
- (let ((groups (map custom-group-rec-sym custom-group-rec-alist)))
- (reverse groups))))
-;; API
-(define custom-list-primary-groups
- (lambda ()
- (let ((groups (filter-map
- (lambda (grec)
- (let ((grp (custom-group-rec-sym grec)))
- (and (assq grp custom-subgroup-alist)
- grp)))
- custom-group-rec-alist)))
- (reverse groups))))
-;; API
-;; #f means 'any group'
-;; TODO: support "AND" expression
-(define custom-collect-by-group
- (lambda (group)
- (filter-map (lambda (crec)
- (and (or (not group)
- (memq group (custom-rec-groups crec)))
- (custom-rec-sym crec)))
- custom-rec-alist)))
-(define custom-add-hook
- (lambda (custom-sym hook-sym proc)
- (set-symbol-value! hook-sym (cons (cons custom-sym proc)
- (symbol-value hook-sym)))))
-;; #f for custom-sym means 'any entries'
-(define custom-remove-hook
- (lambda (custom-sym hook-sym)
- (let ((removed (if custom-sym
- (alist-delete custom-sym (symbol-value hook-sym) eq?)
- ()))
- (removed? (if custom-sym
- (assq custom-sym (symbol-value hook-sym))
- (not (null? (symbol-value hook-sym))))))
- (set-symbol-value! hook-sym removed)
- removed?)))
-(define custom-hook-procs
- (lambda (sym hook)
- (let* ((filter (lambda (pair)
- (let ((custom (car pair))
- (proc (cdr pair)))
- (and (eq? sym custom)
- proc))))
- (procs (filter-map filter
- hook)))
- procs)))
-(define custom-call-hook-procs
- (lambda (sym hook)
- (let ((procs (custom-hook-procs sym hook)))
- (map (lambda (proc)
- (proc))
- procs))))
-(define-record 'custom-rec
- '((sym #f)
- (default #f)
- (groups ())
- (type ())
- (label "")
- (desc "")))
-(define custom-rec
- (lambda (sym)
- (assq sym custom-rec-alist)))
-(define define-custom
- (lambda (sym default groups type label desc)
- (let ((crec (custom-rec-new sym default groups type label desc))
- (primary-grp (car groups))
- (subgrps (cons 'main (cdr groups))))
- (if (not (custom-rec sym))
- (set! custom-rec-alist (cons crec
- custom-rec-alist)))
- (if (not (symbol-bound? sym))
- (let ((default (if (symbol? default)
- (list 'quote default)
- default)))
- (eval (list 'define sym default)
- toplevel-env)))
- (for-each (lambda (subgrp)
- (let ((registered (custom-group-subgroups primary-grp)))
- (if (not (memq subgrp registered))
- (set! custom-subgroup-alist
- (cons (cons primary-grp subgrp)
- custom-subgroup-alist)))))
- subgrps))))
-;; API
-(define custom-valid?
- (lambda (sym val)
- (let* ((type-name (custom-type sym))
- (type-attrs (custom-type-attrs sym))
- (valid? (symbol-value (cdr (assq type-name
- custom-validator-alist)))))
- (apply valid? (cons val type-attrs)))))
-;; API
-(define custom-value
- (lambda (sym)
- (custom-call-hook-procs sym custom-get-hook)
- (let ((val (symbol-value sym)))
- (if (custom-valid? sym val)
- val
- (custom-default-value sym)))))
-;; API
-(define custom-set!
- (lambda (sym val)
- (and (custom-valid? sym val)
- (let* ((custom-syms (custom-collect-by-group #f))
- (pre-activities (map custom-active? custom-syms)))
- (set-symbol-value! sym val)
- (custom-call-hook-procs sym custom-set-hook)
- (let ((post-activities (map custom-active? custom-syms)))
- (for-each (lambda (key pre post)
- (if (or (eq? key sym)
- (not (eq? pre post)))
- (custom-call-hook-procs sym custom-update-hook)))
- custom-syms
- pre-activities
- post-activities)
- #t)))))
-(define custom-active?
- (lambda (sym)
- (let* ((procs (custom-hook-procs sym custom-activity-hook))
- (activities (map (lambda (proc)
- (proc))
- procs))
- (active? (apply proc-and activities)))
- active?)))
-;; API
-(define custom-default?
- (lambda (sym)
- (equal? (symbol-value sym)
- (custom-default-value sym))))
-;; API
-(define custom-default-value
- (lambda (sym)
- (custom-rec-default (custom-rec sym))))
-;; API
-(define custom-groups
- (lambda (sym)
- (custom-rec-groups (custom-rec sym))))
-;; API
-(define custom-type
- (lambda (sym)
- (car (custom-rec-type (custom-rec sym)))))
-(define custom-type-attrs
- (lambda (sym)
- (let* ((crec (custom-rec sym))
- (typedef (custom-rec-type crec)))
- (cdr typedef))))
-;; API
-(define custom-range
- (lambda (sym)
- (let* ((type (custom-type sym))
- (attrs (custom-type-attrs sym)))
- (cond
- ((eq? type 'symbol)
- (map custom-symbol-rec-sym attrs))
- (else
- attrs)))))
-;; API
-(define custom-label
- (lambda (sym)
- (custom-rec-label (custom-rec sym))))
-;; API
-(define custom-desc
- (lambda (sym)
- (custom-rec-desc (custom-rec sym))))
-;; API
-(define custom-canonical-value-as-string
- (lambda (sym)
- (let ((val (custom-value sym))
- (type (custom-type sym))
- (as-string (lambda (s)
- (string-append
- "\""
- s
- "\""))))
- (cond
- ((or (eq? val #f)
- (eq? type 'boolean))
- (if (eq? val #f)
- "#f"
- "#t"))
- ((eq? type 'integer)
- (digit->string val))
- ((eq? type 'string)
- (as-string val))
- ((eq? type 'pathname)
- (as-string val))
- ((eq? type 'symbol)
- (string-append "'" (symbol->string val)))
- ((eq? type 'key)
- ""))))) ;; TODO
-(define custom-canonical-definition-as-string
- (lambda (sym)
- (let ((var (symbol->string sym))
- (val (custom-canonical-value-as-string sym)))
- (string-append
- "(define " var " " val ")"))))
-(define custom-as-string
- (lambda (sym)
- (let ((hooked (custom-call-hook-procs sym custom-literalize-hook)))
- (if (not (null? hooked))
- (apply string-append hooked)
- (custom-canonical-definition-as-string sym)))))
-;; API
-(define custom-broadcast-custom
- (lambda (sym)
- ))
-;; API
-;; #f means 'any group'
-;; TODO: support "AND" expression
-(define custom-broadcast-customs
- (lambda (group)
- (let ((custom-syms (custom-collect-by-group group)))
- (for-each custom-broadcast-custom custom-syms))))
-(define custom-prop-update-custom-handler
- (lambda (context custom-sym val)
- (custom-set! custom-sym val)))
-(define custom-register-update-cb
- (lambda (custom-sym ptr gate-func func)
- (and (custom-rec sym)
- (let ((cb (lambda () (gate-func func ptr custom-sym))))
- (custom-add-hook custom-sym 'custom-update-hook cb)))))
-;; Particular definitions: may be split into independent file(s)
+;; Particular definitions: may be distributed into appropriate files
Modified: trunk/scm/custom.scm
--- trunk/scm/custom.scm 2005-01-08 09:45:01 UTC (rev 167)
+++ trunk/scm/custom.scm 2005-01-08 12:55:58 UTC (rev 168)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
;;; custom.scm: Customization support
-;;; Copyright (c) 2003,2004 uim Project http://uim.freedesktop.org/
+;;; Copyright (c) 2003-2005 uim Project http://uim.freedesktop.org/
;;; All rights reserved.
@@ -29,9 +29,6 @@
-;; WARNING: This file is existing for only testing purpose. more
-;; discussion is required.
;; There are complex definitions to experiment the customization
;; mechanism. Will be simplified once the requirement is cleared up.
;; -- YamaKen
@@ -402,511 +399,3 @@
(and (custom-rec sym)
(let ((cb (lambda () (gate-func func ptr custom-sym))))
(custom-add-hook custom-sym 'custom-update-hook cb)))))
-;; Particular definitions: may be split into independent file(s)
-;; Global
-(define direct-im-canonical-name (_ "Direct"))
-(define direct-im-desc (_ "Direct input method mainly used for latin languages"))
-(define anthy-im-canonical-name (_ "Anthy"))
-(define anthy-im-desc (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define canna-im-canonical-name (_ "Canna"))
-(define canna-im-desc (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define skk-im-canonical-name (_ "SKK"))
-(define skk-im-desc (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define prime-im-canonical-name (_ "PRIME"))
-(define prime-im-desc (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define pyunihan-im-canonical-name (_ "pyunihan"))
-(define pyunihan-im-desc (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define pinyin-big5-im-canonical-name (_ "pinyin-big5"))
-(define pinyin-big5-im-desc (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define py-im-canonical-name (_ "Pinyin"))
-(define py-im-desc (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define ipa-im-canonical-name (_ "International Phonetic Alphabet"))
-(define ipa-im-desc (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define romaja-im-canonical-name (_ "Romaja"))
-(define romaja-im-desc (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define hangul3-im-canonical-name (_ "Hangul3"))
-(define hangul3-im-desc (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define hangul2-im-canonical-name (_ "Hangul2"))
-(define hangul2-im-desc (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define viqr-im-canonical-name (_ "Viqr"))
-(define viqr-im-desc (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define tutcode-im-canonical-name (_ "TUT-Code"))
-(define tutcode-im-desc (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define tcode-im-canonical-name (_ "T-Code"))
-(define tcode-im-desc (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define spellcheck-im-canonical-name (_ "Spellcheck"))
-(define spellcheck-im-desc (_ "long description will be here."))
-(custom-define-group 'global
- (_ "Global settings")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-(custom-define-group 'advanced
- (_ "Advanced settings")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define-custom 'uim-color 'uim-color-uim
- '(global)
- '(symbol
- (uim-color-uim "uim" "uim native")
- (uim-color-atok "ATOK like" "Similar to ATOK"))
- (_ "Preedit color")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-;; TODO: configure loader.scm
-;; default-im-name
-(custom-define-group 'default-im-name
- (_ "Default input method")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define-custom 'custom-activate-default-im-name? #f
- '(global default-im-name)
- '(boolean)
- (_ "Specify default IM")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-;; requires predefined *-im-canonical-name and *-im-desc
-(define-custom 'custom-preserved-default-im-name (im-name (find-default-im #f))
- '(global default-im-name)
- (cons
- 'symbol
- (reverse (map (lambda (im)
- (let* ((sym (im-name im))
- (cname-proc (symbolconc sym '-im-canonical-name))
- (name (or (and (symbol-bound? cname-proc)
- (symbol-value cname-proc))
- (symbol->string sym)))
- (desc-proc (symbolconc sym '-im-desc))
- (desc (or (and (symbol-bound? desc-proc)
- (symbol-value desc-proc))
- (symbol->string sym))))
- (list sym name desc)))
- im-list)))
- (_ "Default input method")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-;; activity dependency
-(custom-add-hook 'custom-preserved-default-im-name
- 'custom-activity-hook
- (lambda ()
- custom-activate-default-im-name?))
-(define custom-hook-get-default-im-name
- (lambda ()
- (set! custom-activate-default-im-name? default-im-name)
- (set! custom-preserved-default-im-name (or default-im-name
- custom-preserved-default-im-name
- (im-name (find-default-im #f))))))
-;; decode #f from default-im-name
-(custom-add-hook 'custom-activate-default-im-name?
- 'custom-get-hook
- custom-hook-get-default-im-name)
-(custom-add-hook 'custom-preserved-default-im-name
- 'custom-get-hook
- custom-hook-get-default-im-name)
-(define custom-hook-set-default-im-name
- (lambda ()
- (set! default-im-name
- (if custom-activate-default-im-name?
- custom-preserved-default-im-name
- #f))))
-;; encode #f into default-im-name
-(custom-add-hook 'custom-activate-default-im-name?
- 'custom-set-hook
- custom-hook-set-default-im-name)
-(custom-add-hook 'custom-preserved-default-im-name
- 'custom-set-hook
- custom-hook-set-default-im-name)
-(define custom-hook-literalize-preserved-default-im-name
- (lambda ()
- (string-append
- (custom-canonical-definition-as-string 'custom-preserved-default-im-name)
- "\n"
- "(define default-im-name "
- (if default-im-name
- (string-append "'" (symbol->string default-im-name))
- "#f")
- ")")))
-(custom-add-hook 'custom-preserved-default-im-name
- 'custom-literalize-hook
- custom-hook-literalize-preserved-default-im-name)
-;; im-switching
-(custom-define-group 'im-switching
- (_ "Input method switching")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define-custom 'enable-im-switch #f
- '(global im-switching advanced)
- '(boolean)
- (_ "Enable IM switching by hotkey")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-;;(define-custom 'switch-im-key? '("<Control>Shift_key" "<Shift>Control_key")
-;; '(global im-switching advanced)
-;; '(key)
-;; "IM switching key"
-;; "long description will be here.")
-;; activity dependency
-(custom-add-hook 'switch-im-key?
- 'custom-activity-hook
- (lambda ()
- enable-im-switch))
-(define-custom 'candidate-window-position "caret"
- '(global)
- '(string "^(caret|left|right)$")
- (_ "Candidate window position")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-;; anthy
-(custom-define-group 'anthy
- anthy-im-canonical-name
- anthy-im-desc)
-(define-custom 'anthy-use-candidate-window? #t
- '(anthy)
- '(boolean)
- (_ "Use candidate window")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define-custom 'anthy-candidate-op-count 1
- '(anthy)
- '(integer 0 99)
- (_ "Conversion key press count to show candidate window")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define-custom 'anthy-nr-candidate-max 10
- '(anthy)
- '(integer 1 20)
- (_ "Number of candidates in candidate window at a time")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define-custom 'anthy-show-segment-separator? #f
- '(anthy advanced)
- '(boolean)
- (_ "Show segment separator")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define-custom 'anthy-segment-separator "|"
- '(anthy advanced)
- '(string ".*")
- (_ "Segment separator")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-;; canna
-(custom-define-group 'canna
- canna-im-canonical-name
- canna-im-desc)
-(define-custom 'canna-use-candidate-window? #t
- '(canna)
- '(boolean)
- (_ "Use candidate window")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define-custom 'canna-candidate-op-count 1
- '(canna)
- '(integer 0 99)
- (_ "Conversion key press count to show candidate window")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define-custom 'canna-nr-candidate-max 10
- '(canna)
- '(integer 1 20)
- (_ "Number of candidates in candidate window at a time")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define-custom 'canna-show-segment-separator? #f
- '(canna advanced)
- '(boolean)
- (_ "Show segment separator")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define-custom 'canna-segment-separator "|"
- '(canna advanced)
- '(string ".*")
- (_ "Segment separator")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-;; canna-server-name
-(custom-define-group 'cannaserver
- (_ "Canna server")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define-custom 'custom-activate-canna-server-name? #f
- '(canna cannaserver)
- '(boolean)
- (_ "Use Canna server")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define-custom 'custom-preserved-canna-server-name ""
- '(canna cannaserver)
- '(string ".*")
- (_ "Canna server name")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define-custom 'canna-server-name ""
- '(canna cannaserver)
- '(string ".*")
- (_ "Canna server name")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-;; activity dependency
-(custom-add-hook 'custom-preserved-canna-server-name
- 'custom-activity-hook
- (lambda ()
- custom-activate-canna-server-name?))
-(define custom-hook-get-canna-server-name
- (lambda ()
- (set! custom-activate-canna-server-name? canna-server-name)
- (set! custom-preserved-canna-server-name (or canna-server-name
- custom-preserved-canna-server-name
- ""))))
-;; decode #f from canna-server-name
-(custom-add-hook 'custom-activate-canna-server-name?
- 'custom-get-hook
- custom-hook-get-canna-server-name)
-(custom-add-hook 'canna-server-name
- 'custom-get-hook
- custom-hook-get-canna-server-name)
-(define custom-hook-set-canna-server-name
- (lambda ()
- (set! canna-server-name
- (and custom-activate-canna-server-name?
- custom-preserved-canna-server-name))))
-;; encode #f into canna-server-name
-(custom-add-hook 'custom-activate-canna-server-name?
- 'custom-set-hook
- custom-hook-set-canna-server-name)
-(custom-add-hook 'custom-preserved-canna-server-name
- 'custom-set-hook
- custom-hook-set-canna-server-name)
-;; skk
-(custom-define-group 'skk
- skk-im-canonical-name
- skk-im-desc)
-(define-custom 'skk-dic-file-name "/usr/share/skk/SKK-JISYO.L"
- '(skk)
- '(pathname)
- (_ "Dictionary file")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define-custom 'skk-personal-dic-filename
- (string-append (getenv "HOME") "/.skk-jisyo")
- '(skk)
- '(pathname)
- (_ "Personal dictionary file")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define-custom 'skk-uim-personal-dic-filename
- (string-append (getenv "HOME") "/.skk-uim-jisyo")
- '(skk)
- '(pathname)
- (_ "Personal dictionary file (dedicated to uim)")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define-custom 'skk-use-candidate-window? #t
- '(skk)
- '(boolean)
- (_ "Use candidate window")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define-custom 'skk-candidate-op-count 0
- '(skk)
- '(integer 0 99)
- (_ "Conversion key press count to show candidate window")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define-custom 'skk-nr-candidate-max 10
- '(skk)
- '(integer 1 20)
- (_ "Number of candidates in candidate window at a time")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define-custom 'skk-use-recursive-learning? #t
- '(skk advanced)
- '(boolean)
- (_ "Use recursive learning")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define-custom 'skk-egg-like-newline? #f
- '(skk advanced)
- '(boolean)
- (_ "Use Enter key as just committing (egg-like operation)")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define-custom 'skk-commit-newline-explicitly? #f
- '(skk advanced)
- '(boolean)
- (_ "Commit newline as ASCII string instead of native key-event")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define-custom 'skk-style 'skk-style-ddskk-like
- '(skk advanced)
- '(symbol
- (skk-style-ddskk-like "ddskk" "Similar to ddskk")
- (skk-style-uim "uim" "uim native"))
- (_ "Visual style")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-;; prime
-(custom-define-group 'prime
- prime-im-canonical-name
- prime-im-desc)
-;(define-custom 'prime-use-candidate-window? #t
-; '(prime)
-; '(boolean)
-; "Use candidate window"
-; "long description will be here.")
-;(define-custom 'prime-candidate-op-count 1
-; '(prime)
-; '(integer 0 99)
-; "Conversion key press count to show candidate window"
-; "long description will be here.")
-(define-custom 'prime-nr-candidate-max 10
- '(prime)
- '(integer 1 20)
- (_ "Number of candidates in candidate window at a time")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define-custom 'prime-always-show-window? #t
- '(prime)
- '(boolean)
- (_ "Always showing candidate window")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define-custom 'prime-preedit-immediate-commit? #f
- '(prime)
- '(boolean)
- (_ "prime-preedit-immediate-commit?")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define-custom 'prime-mask-pending-preedit? #f
- '(prime)
- '(boolean)
- (_ "prime-mask-pending-preedit?")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-;(define-custom 'prime-use-numeral-key-to-select-cand? #t
-; '(prime)
-; '(boolean)
-; "Use numeral key to select candidate directly"
-; "long description will be here.")
-;; Other IMs
-(custom-define-group 'other-ims
- (_ "Other input methods")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define-custom 'generic-use-candidate-window? #t
- '(other-ims)
- '(boolean)
- (_ "Use candidate window")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define-custom 'generic-candidate-op-count 1
- '(other-ims)
- '(integer 0 99)
- (_ "Conversion key press count to show candidate window")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define-custom 'generic-nr-candidate-max 10
- '(other-ims)
- '(integer 1 20)
- (_ "Number of candidates in candidate window at a time")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-;; Spellcheck
-(custom-define-group 'spellcheck
- spellcheck-im-canonical-name
- spellcheck-im-desc)
-(define-custom 'spellcheck-use-candidate-window? #t
- '(spellcheck)
- '(boolean)
- (_ "Use candidate window")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define-custom 'spellcheck-candidate-op-count 1
- '(spellcheck)
- '(integer 0 99)
- (_ "Conversion key press count to show candidate window")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define-custom 'spellcheck-preedit-immediate-commit? #f
- '(spellcheck)
- '(boolean)
- (_ "spellcheck-preedit-immediate-commit?")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
-(define-custom 'spellcheck-always-show-window? #t
- '(spellcheck)
- '(boolean)
- (_ "Always showing candidate window")
- (_ "long description will be here."))
Modified: trunk/test/test-custom.scm
--- trunk/test/test-custom.scm 2005-01-08 09:45:01 UTC (rev 167)
+++ trunk/test/test-custom.scm 2005-01-08 12:55:58 UTC (rev 168)
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
(define-uim-test-case "testcase custom custom-group"
(lambda ()
- (uim '(load "custom.scm"))
+ ;;(uim '(load "custom.scm"))
(uim '(define test-group-recs-length 0))))
("test custom-group-rec-new"
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
(define-uim-test-case "testcase custom custom-group methods"
(lambda ()
- (uim '(load "custom.scm"))
+ ;;(uim '(load "custom.scm"))
(uim '(custom-define-group
"test group"
Modified: trunk/uim/siod.h
--- trunk/uim/siod.h 2005-01-08 09:45:01 UTC (rev 167)
+++ trunk/uim/siod.h 2005-01-08 12:55:58 UTC (rev 168)
@@ -261,6 +261,8 @@
void siod_gc_protect_stack(LISP *stack_start);
void siod_gc_unprotect_stack(LISP *stack_start);
+int siod_repl_c_string_entered (void);
long repl_c_string (const char *, long want_init, long want_print);
LISP siod_return_value (void);
Modified: trunk/uim/slib.c
--- trunk/uim/slib.c 2005-01-08 09:45:01 UTC (rev 167)
+++ trunk/uim/slib.c 2005-01-08 12:55:58 UTC (rev 168)
@@ -1299,6 +1299,14 @@
return (2);
+siod_repl_c_string_entered (void)
+ return repl_c_string_entered;
set_repl_hooks (void (*puts_f) (char *),
LISP (*read_f) (void),
Modified: trunk/uim/uim-scm.c
--- trunk/uim/uim-scm.c 2005-01-08 09:45:01 UTC (rev 167)
+++ trunk/uim/uim-scm.c 2005-01-08 12:55:58 UTC (rev 168)
@@ -370,10 +370,14 @@
UIM_EVAL_FSTRING2(NULL, "(eq? '*%s-loaded* (*catch 'errobj (require \"%s\")))", fn, fn);
succeeded = uim_scm_c_bool(uim_scm_return_value());
- /* broken: does not support direct call from C */
- _fn = uim_scm_make_str(fn);
- require((LISP)_fn);
- succeeded = UIM_TRUE; /* bogus result */
+ if (siod_repl_c_string_entered()) {
+ _fn = uim_scm_make_str(fn);
+ require((LISP)_fn);
+ succeeded = UIM_TRUE; /* bogus result */
+ } else {
+ UIM_EVAL_FSTRING2(NULL, "(eq? '*%s-loaded* (*catch 'errobj (require \"%s\")))", fn, fn);
+ succeeded = uim_scm_c_bool(uim_scm_return_value());
+ }
return succeeded;
Modified: trunk/uim/uim.c
--- trunk/uim/uim.c 2005-01-08 09:45:01 UTC (rev 167)
+++ trunk/uim/uim.c 2005-01-08 12:55:58 UTC (rev 168)
@@ -647,26 +647,24 @@
scm_files = getenv("LIBUIM_SCM_FILES");
uim_scm_set_lib_path((scm_files) ? scm_files : SCM_FILES);
+ uim_scm_require_file("im.scm");
#if 0
- /*
- Enable this code for IM bridges once each define-customs have been
- distributed into each IMs. 'rt' stands for 'runtime'.
- */
- uim_scm_load_file("custom-rt.scm");
+ /* lightweight version of custom.scm - not yet implemented */
+ uim_scm_require_file("custom-rt.scm");
+ uim_scm_require_file("custom.scm");
- uim_scm_load_file("im.scm");
- uim_scm_load_file("plugin.scm");
+ uim_scm_require_file("plugin.scm");
- uim_scm_load_file("direct.scm"); /* must be loaded at last of IMs */
+ uim_scm_require_file("direct.scm"); /* must be loaded at last of IMs */
#if 1
- Disable this code once the custom.scm has been divided into 3
- parts. 'custom-rt.scm' for IM bridges, 'custom.scm' for
- configuration tools, and define-customs in each IM implementation
- files such as anthy.scm -- YamaKen 2004-12-28
+ Remove this code once the definition of custom-vars.scm is
+ distributed into IM files -- YamaKen 2005-01-08
- uim_scm_load_file("custom.scm");
+ uim_scm_require_file("custom-vars.scm");
/* must be loaded after IMs and before user conf */
if (!getenv("LIBUIM_VANILLA")) {
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