[uim-commit] r909 - trunk/uim

tkng at freedesktop.org tkng at freedesktop.org
Sun Jun 26 02:30:50 PDT 2005

Author: tkng
Date: 2005-06-26 02:30:47 -0700 (Sun, 26 Jun 2005)
New Revision: 909

* skk.c: Renamed from skk-dic.c because this file includes
         not only for skk dictionary but also for skk server.

Modified: trunk/uim/Makefile.am
--- trunk/uim/Makefile.am	2005-06-25 17:21:02 UTC (rev 908)
+++ trunk/uim/Makefile.am	2005-06-26 09:30:47 UTC (rev 909)
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
 uim_plugin_LTLIBRARIES += libuim-skk.la
-libuim_skk_la_SOURCES = skk-dic.c
+libuim_skk_la_SOURCES = skk.c
 libuim_skk_la_LIBADD = libuim.la
 libuim_skk_la_LDFLAGS = -rpath $(uim_plugindir) -avoid-version -module
 libuim_skk_la_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)

Deleted: trunk/uim/skk-dic.c
--- trunk/uim/skk-dic.c	2005-06-25 17:21:02 UTC (rev 908)
+++ trunk/uim/skk-dic.c	2005-06-26 09:30:47 UTC (rev 909)
@@ -1,2462 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (c) 2003-2005 uim Project http://uim.freedesktop.org/
-  All rights reserved.
-  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
-  are met:
-  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-     documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-  3. Neither the name of authors nor the names of its contributors
-     may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
-     without specific prior written permission.
- * SKK is a simple Japanese input method
- *
- * Many many things are to be implemented!
- */
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <netdb.h>
-#include "uim-scm.h"
-#include "context.h"
-#include "plugin.h"
-#define skk_isalpha(ch)	(skk_islower(ch) || skk_isupper(ch))
-#define skk_islower(ch)	((((unsigned char)ch) >= 'a') && (((unsigned char)ch) <= 'z'))
-#define skk_isupper(ch)	((((unsigned char)ch) >= 'A') && (((unsigned char)ch) <= 'Z'))
-#define skk_isascii(ch)	((((unsigned char)ch) & ~0x7f) == 0)
- * cand : candidate
- */
-/* candidate array for each okurigana
- *
- * |C0|C1| .. |Cnr_real_cands| ..              |Cnr_cands|
- * <-------should be saved --><-- cache of master dict -->
- */
-struct skk_cand_array {
-  /* okurigana string */
-  char *okuri;
-  int nr_cands;/* length of cands array allocated */
-  int nr_real_cands;/* length of read from file part */
-  /* candidate string */
-  char **cands;
-  /* this array was used and merged with okuri-nasi entry array */
-  int is_used;
-  /* link to its parent line */
-  struct skk_line *line;
-/* skk dictionary line */
-struct skk_line {
-  /* line index. head part */
-  char *head;
-  /* line index. okurigana part. value will be 0 if it is okuri-nasi
-     entry */
-  char okuri_head;
-  /* array of candidate array for different okuri-gana */
-  int nr_cand_array;
-  struct skk_cand_array *cands;
-  /* modified or read from file */
-  int need_save;
-  /* link to next entry in the list */
-  struct skk_line *next;
-/* skk dictionary file */
-static struct dic_info {
-  /* address of mmap'ed dictionary file */
-  void *addr;
-  /* byte offset of first valid entry in mmap'ed region */
-  int first;
-  /* byte offset of first okuri-nasi entry */
-  int border;
-  /* size of dictionary file */
-  int size;
-  /* head of cached skk dictionary line list. LRU ordered */
-  struct skk_line head;
-  /* timestamp of personal dictonary */
-  time_t personal_dic_timestamp;
-  /* whether cached lines are modified or not */
-  int cache_modified;
-  /* length of cached lines */
-  int cache_len;
-  /* skkserv is initialized */
-  int skkserv_ok;
-  /* skkserv port number */
-  int skkserv_portnum;
-} *skk_dic;
-/* completion */
-struct skk_comp_array {
-  /* index of completion */
-  char *head;
-  /* array of completion string */
-  int nr_comps;
-  char **comps;
-  /**/
-  int refcount;
-  /**/
-  struct skk_comp_array *next;
-} *skk_comp;
-/* skkserv connection */
-#define SKK_SERVICENAME	"skkserv"
-#define SKK_SERVER_HOST	"localhost"
-#define SKK_SERV_BUFSIZ	1024
-static int skkservsock = -1;
-static FILE *rserv, *wserv;
-static char *SKKServerHost = NULL;
-/* prototype */
-static int skk_open_skkserv(int portnum);
-static void skk_close_skkserv(void);
-static int
-calc_line_len(const char *s)
-  int i;
-  for (i = 0; s[i] != '\n'; i++);
-  return i;
-static int
-is_okuri(const char *line_str)
-  const char *b;
-  /* find first white space */
-  b = strchr(line_str, ' ');
-  if (!b) {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  /* check previous character */
-  b--;
-  if (skk_isalpha(*b)) {
-    return 1;
-  }
-  return 0;
-static int
-find_first_line(struct dic_info *di)
-  char *s = di->addr;
-  int off = 0;
-  while ( off < di->size && s[off] == ';' ) {
-    int l = calc_line_len(&s[off]);
-    off += l + 1;
-  }
-  return off;
-static int
-find_border(struct dic_info *di)
-  char *s = di->addr;
-  int off = 0;
-  while (off < di->size) {
-    int l = calc_line_len(&s[off]);
-    if (s[off] == ';') {
-      off += l + 1;
-      continue;
-    }
-    if (!is_okuri(&s[off])) {
-      return off;
-    }
-    off += l + 1;
-  }
-  /* every entry is okuri-ari, it may not happen. */
-  return di->size - 1;
-static struct dic_info *
-open_dic(const char *fn, uim_bool use_skkserv, int skkserv_portnum)
-  struct dic_info *di;
-  struct stat st;
-  int fd;
-  void *addr = NULL;
-  int mmap_done = 0;
-  if (!(di = (struct dic_info *)malloc(sizeof(struct dic_info))))
-    return NULL;
-  di->skkserv_portnum = skkserv_portnum;
-  if (use_skkserv)
-    di->skkserv_ok = skk_open_skkserv(skkserv_portnum);
-  else {
-    di->skkserv_ok = 0;
-    fd = open(fn, O_RDONLY);
-    if (fd != -1) {
-      if (fstat(fd, &st) != -1) {
-	addr = mmap(0, st.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
-	if (addr != MAP_FAILED) {
-	  mmap_done = 1;
-	}
-      }
-    }
-    close(fd);
-  }
-  di->addr = mmap_done ? addr : NULL;
-  di->size = mmap_done ? st.st_size : 0;
-  di->first = mmap_done ? find_first_line(di) : 0;
-  di->border = mmap_done ? find_border(di) : 0;
-  di->head.next = NULL;
-  di->personal_dic_timestamp = 0;
-  di->cache_modified = 0;
-  di->cache_len = 0;
-  return di;
-static const char *
-find_line(struct dic_info *di, int off)
-  char *ptr = di->addr;
-  while (off > 0 && (ptr[off] != '\n' || ptr[off + 1] == ';')) {
-    off--;
-  }
-  if (off) {
-    off++;
-  }
-  return &ptr[off];
-static char *
-extract_line_index(struct dic_info *di, int off, char *buf, int len)
-  const char *p = find_line(di, off);
-  int i;
-  if (p[0] == ';') {
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  for (i = 0; i < len && p[i] != ' '; i++) {
-    buf[i] = p[i];
-  }
-  buf[i] = '\0';
-  return buf;
-static int
-do_search_line(struct dic_info *di, const char *s, int min,
-	       int max, int d)
-  char buf[256];
-  char *r;
-  int idx = (min + max) / 2;
-  int c = 0;
-  if (abs(max - min) < 4) {
-    return -1;
-  }
-  r = extract_line_index(di, idx, buf, 256);
-  if (r) {
-    c = strcmp(s, r);
-  } else {
-    return -1;
-  }
-  if (!c) {
-    return idx;
-  }
-  if (c * d > 0) {
-    return do_search_line(di, s, idx, max, d);
-  } else {
-    return do_search_line(di, s, min, idx, d);
-  }
-  return -1;
-/* This funciton name is temporary. I want a better name. */
-static char *
-first_space(char *str)
-  while (*str && (*str != ' ')) {
-    str++;
-  }
-  return str;
-static char *
-next_cand_slash(char *str)
-  int p = 0;
-  int i = 0;
-  while (*str && (*str != '/' || p == 1)) {
-    if (*str == '[' && i == 0) {
-      p = 1;
-    }
-    if (p == 1 && *str == ']' && *(str + 1) == '/') {
-      p = 0;
-    }
-    str++;
-    i++;
-  }
-  return str;
-static char *
-next_slash_in_bracket(char *str)
-  while (*str && *str != '/')
-    str++;
-  return str;
-static char *
-okuri_in_bracket(char *str)
-  char *p, *term;
-  if (!str)
-    return NULL;
-  p = strdup(str);
-  term = next_slash_in_bracket(p);
-  *term = '\0';
-  return p;
-static char *
-nth_candidate(char *str, int nth)
-  char *p, *term;
-  int i;
-  str = first_space(str);
-  for (i = 0; i <= nth; i++) {
-    str = next_cand_slash(str);
-    if (*str == '/') {
-      str++;
-    }
-  }
-  if (*str == '\0') {
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  if (*str == '/') {
-    str++;
-  }
-  p = strdup(str);
-  term = next_cand_slash(p);
-  *term = '\0';
-  return p;
-static uim_lisp
-skk_dic_open(uim_lisp fn_, uim_lisp use_skkserv_, uim_lisp skkserv_portnum_)
-  const char *fn = uim_scm_refer_c_str(fn_);
-  uim_bool use_skkserv = uim_scm_c_bool(use_skkserv_);
-  int skkserv_portnum = uim_scm_c_int(skkserv_portnum_);
-  if (!skk_dic) {
-    skk_dic = open_dic(fn, use_skkserv, skkserv_portnum);
-  }
-  return uim_scm_f();
-static void
-free_skk_line(struct skk_line *sl)
-  int i, j;
-  if (!sl) {
-    return ;
-  }
-  for (i = 0; i < sl->nr_cand_array; i++) {
-    struct skk_cand_array *ca = &sl->cands[i];
-    for (j = 0; j < ca->nr_cands; j++) {
-      free(ca->cands[j]);
-    }
-    free(ca->okuri);
-    free(ca->cands);
-  }
-  free(sl->head);
-  free(sl->cands);
-static struct skk_cand_array *
-find_candidate_array_from_line(struct skk_line *sl, const char *okuri,
-			       int create_if_notfound)
-  int i;
-  struct skk_cand_array *ca;
-  if (!okuri || !strlen(okuri)) {
-    return &sl->cands[0];
-  }
-  for (i = 1; i < sl->nr_cand_array; i++) {
-    if (okuri && !strcmp(okuri, sl->cands[i].okuri)) {
-      return &sl->cands[i];
-    }
-  }
-  if (!create_if_notfound) {
-    return &sl->cands[0];
-  }
-  /* allocate now */
-  sl->nr_cand_array ++;
-  sl->cands = realloc(sl->cands,
-		      sizeof(struct skk_cand_array) * sl->nr_cand_array);
-  ca = &sl->cands[sl->nr_cand_array - 1];
-  ca->is_used = 0;
-  ca->cands = NULL;
-  ca->nr_cands = 0;
-  ca->nr_real_cands = 0;
-  ca->okuri = strdup(okuri);
-  ca->line = sl;
-  return ca;
-static void
-push_back_candidate_to_array(struct skk_cand_array *ca, char *cand)
-  ca->nr_cands++;
-  if (ca->cands)
-    ca->cands = realloc(ca->cands, sizeof(char *) * ca->nr_cands);
-  else
-    ca->cands = malloc(sizeof(char *));
-  ca->cands[ca->nr_cands - 1] = strdup(cand);
-static void
-merge_base_candidates_to_array(struct skk_line *sl,
-			       struct skk_cand_array *dst_ca)
-  int i, j;
-  struct skk_cand_array *src_ca;
-  if (!sl) {
-    return ;
-  }
-  src_ca = &sl->cands[0];
-  if (src_ca == dst_ca) {
-    return ;
-  }
-  for (i = 0; i < src_ca->nr_cands; i++) {
-    int dup = 0;
-    for (j = 0; j < dst_ca->nr_cands; j++) {
-      if (!strcmp(src_ca->cands[i], dst_ca->cands[j])) {
-	dup = 1;
-      }
-    }
-    if (!dup) {
-      push_back_candidate_to_array(dst_ca, src_ca->cands[i]);
-    }
-  }
-static void
-compose_line_parts(struct dic_info *di, struct skk_line *sl,
-		   char *okuri, char *line)
-  int nth;
-  char *tmp;
-  struct skk_cand_array *ca = find_candidate_array_from_line(sl, okuri, 1);
-  nth = 0;
-  do {
-    tmp = nth_candidate(line, nth);
-    if (tmp) {
-      if (tmp[0] == '[') {
-	char *str = okuri_in_bracket(&tmp[1]);
-	tmp[0] = ' '; /* create first_space */
-	compose_line_parts(di, sl, str, &tmp[0]);
-	free(str);
-      } else if (tmp[0] != ']') {
-	push_back_candidate_to_array(ca, tmp);
-      }
-      nth++;
-      free(tmp);
-    } else {
-      break;
-    }
-  } while (1);
-static struct skk_line *
-alloc_skk_line(const char *word, char okuri_head)
-  struct skk_line *sl;
-  sl = malloc(sizeof(struct skk_line));
-  sl->need_save = 0;
-  sl->head = strdup(word);
-  sl->okuri_head = okuri_head;
-  sl->nr_cand_array = 1;
-  sl->cands = malloc(sizeof(struct skk_cand_array));
-  sl->cands[0].okuri = NULL;
-  sl->cands[0].cands = NULL;
-  sl->cands[0].nr_cands = 0;
-  sl->cands[0].nr_real_cands = 0;
-  sl->cands[0].is_used = 0;
-  sl->cands[0].line = sl;
-  return sl;
-static struct skk_line *
-copy_skk_line(struct skk_line *p)
-  int i, j;
-  struct skk_line *sl;
-  if (!p)
-    return NULL;
-  sl = malloc(sizeof(struct skk_line));
-  sl->need_save = p->need_save;
-  sl->head = strdup(p->head);
-  sl->okuri_head = p->okuri_head;
-  sl->nr_cand_array = p->nr_cand_array;
-  sl->cands = malloc(sizeof(struct skk_cand_array) * sl->nr_cand_array);
-  for (i = 0; i < sl->nr_cand_array; i++) {
-    struct skk_cand_array *ca = &sl->cands[i];
-    struct skk_cand_array *q = &p->cands[i];
-    ca->okuri = q->okuri ? strdup(q->okuri) : NULL;
-    ca->nr_cands = q->nr_cands;
-    ca->nr_real_cands = q->nr_real_cands;
-    ca->cands = malloc(sizeof(char *) * ca->nr_cands);
-    for (j = 0; j < ca->nr_cands; j++) {
-      ca->cands[j] = strdup(q->cands[j]);
-    }
-    ca->is_used = q->is_used;
-    ca->line = sl;
-  }
-  sl->next = NULL;
-  return sl;
- * Compose skk line
- */
-static struct skk_line *
-compose_line(struct dic_info *di, const char *word, char okuri_head, char *entry)
-  struct skk_line *sl;
-  sl = alloc_skk_line(word, okuri_head);
-  /* parse */
-  compose_line_parts(di, sl, NULL, entry);
-  return sl;
-static void
-add_line_to_cache_head(struct dic_info *di, struct skk_line *sl)
-  sl->next = di->head.next;
-  di->head.next = sl;
-  di->cache_len++;
-  di->cache_modified = 1;
-static void
-move_line_to_cache_head(struct dic_info *di, struct skk_line *sl)
-  struct skk_line *prev;
-  if (di->head.next == sl)
-    return;
-  prev = di->head.next;
-  while (prev->next != sl) {
-    prev = prev->next;
-  }
-  prev->next = sl->next;
-  sl->next = di->head.next;
-  di->head.next = sl;
-  di->cache_modified = 1;
-#if 0
-static void
-add_line_to_cache_last(struct dic_info *di, struct skk_line *sl)
-  struct skk_line *prev;
-  if (di->head.next == NULL)
-    di->head.next = sl;
-  else {
-    prev = di->head.next;
-    while (prev->next) {
-      prev = prev->next;
-    }	
-    prev->next = sl;
-  }
-  sl->next = NULL;
-  di->cache_len++;
-  di->cache_modified = 1;
-static struct skk_line *
-skk_search_line_from_server(struct dic_info *di, const char *s, char okuri_head)
-  char r;
-  struct skk_line *sl;
-  int n = 0, ret;
-  char buf[SKK_SERV_BUFSIZ];
-  char *line;
-  char *idx = alloca(strlen(s) + 2);
-  sprintf(idx, "%s%c", s, okuri_head);
-  fprintf(wserv, "1%s \n", idx);
-  ret = fflush(wserv);
-  if (ret != 0 && errno == EPIPE) {
-    di->skkserv_ok = skk_open_skkserv(di->skkserv_portnum);
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  line = malloc(strlen(idx) + 2);
-  sprintf(line, "%s ", idx);
-  read(skkservsock, &r, 1);
-  if (r == '1') {  /* succeeded */
-    while (1) {
-      ret = read(skkservsock, &r, 1);
-      if (ret <= 0) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "skkserv connection closed\n");
-	return NULL;
-      }
-      if (r == '\n') {
-	line = realloc(line, strlen(line) + n + 1);
-	strncat(line, buf, n);
-	break;
-      }
-      buf[n] = r;
-      if (n == SKK_SERV_BUFSIZ - 1) {
-	line = realloc(line, strlen(line) + n + 2);
-	strncat(line, buf, n + 1);
-	n = 0;
-      } else {
-	n++;
-      }
-    }
-    sl = compose_line(di, s, okuri_head, line);
-    free(line);
-    return sl;
-  } else {
-    while (read(skkservsock, &r, 1) > 0 && r != '\n');
-    return NULL;
-  }
-static struct skk_line *
-skk_search_line_from_file(struct dic_info *di, const char *s, char okuri_head)
-  int n;
-  const char *p;
-  int len;
-  char *line;
-  char *idx = alloca(strlen(s) + 2);
-  struct skk_line *sl;
-  if (!di->addr) {
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  sprintf(idx, "%s%c", s, okuri_head);
-  if (okuri_head) {
-    n = do_search_line(di, idx, di->first, di->border - 1, -1);
-  } else {
-    n = do_search_line(di, idx, di->border, di->size - 1, 1);
-  }
-  if (n == -1) {
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  p = find_line(di, n);
-  len = calc_line_len(p);
-  line = malloc(len + 1);
-  line[0] = '\0';
-  strncat(line, p, len);
-  sl = compose_line(di, s, okuri_head, line);
-  free(line);
-  return sl;
-static struct skk_line *
-skk_search_line_from_cache(struct dic_info *di, const char *s, char okuri_head)
-  struct skk_line *sl;
-  if (!di) {
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  /* search from cache */
-  for (sl = di->head.next; sl; sl = sl->next) {
-    if (!strcmp(sl->head, s) && sl->okuri_head == okuri_head) {
-      return sl;
-    }
-  }
-  return NULL;
-static struct skk_cand_array *
-find_cand_array(struct dic_info *di, const char *s,
-		char okuri_head, const char *okuri,
-		int create_if_not_found)
-  struct skk_line *sl, *sl_file;
-  struct skk_cand_array *ca;
-  int from_file = 0;
-  if (!di)
-    return NULL;
-  sl = skk_search_line_from_cache(di, s, okuri_head);
-  if (!sl) {
-    if (di->skkserv_ok)
-      sl = skk_search_line_from_server(di, s, okuri_head);
-    else
-      sl = skk_search_line_from_file(di, s, okuri_head);
-    if (!sl) {
-      if (!create_if_not_found) {
-	return NULL;
-      }
-      /**/
-      sl = alloc_skk_line(s, okuri_head);
-    }
-    from_file = 1;
-    add_line_to_cache_head(di, sl);
-  }
-  ca = find_candidate_array_from_line(sl, okuri, create_if_not_found);
-  if (!ca->is_used) {
-    merge_base_candidates_to_array(sl, ca);
-    ca->is_used = 1;
-    if (!from_file) {
-      if (di->skkserv_ok)
-	sl_file = skk_search_line_from_server(di, s, okuri_head);
-      else
-	sl_file = skk_search_line_from_file(di, s, okuri_head);
-      merge_base_candidates_to_array(sl_file, ca);
-      free_skk_line(sl_file);
-    }
-  }
-  return ca;
-static struct skk_cand_array *
-find_cand_array_lisp(uim_lisp head_, uim_lisp okuri_head_, uim_lisp okuri_,
-		     int create_if_not_found)
-  char o;
-  const char *hs;
-  const char *okuri = NULL;
-  struct skk_cand_array *ca;
-  hs = uim_scm_refer_c_str(head_);
-  if (okuri_ != uim_scm_null_list()) {
-    okuri = uim_scm_refer_c_str(okuri_);
-  }
-  if (okuri_head_ == uim_scm_null_list()) {
-    o = '\0';
-  } else {
-    const char *os = uim_scm_refer_c_str(okuri_head_);
-    o = os[0];
-  }
-  ca = find_cand_array(skk_dic, hs, o, okuri, create_if_not_found);
-  return ca;
-static uim_lisp
-skk_get_entry(uim_lisp head_, uim_lisp okuri_head_, uim_lisp okuri_)
-  struct skk_cand_array *ca;
-  ca = find_cand_array_lisp(head_, okuri_head_, okuri_, 0);
-  if (ca) {
-    return uim_scm_t();
-  }
-  return uim_scm_f();
-static uim_lisp
-skk_store_replaced_numeric_str(uim_lisp head_)
-  const char *str;
-  int len;
-  int prev_is_num = 0;
-  int i, numlen = 0, start = 0;
-  char *numstr = NULL;
-  uim_lisp lst = uim_scm_null_list();
-  str = uim_scm_refer_c_str(head_);
-  len = strlen(str);
-  for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-    if (isdigit((unsigned char)str[i])) {
-      if (prev_is_num == 0) {
-	start = i;
-	numlen = 1;
-      } else {
-	numlen++;
-      }
-      prev_is_num = 1;
-    } else {
-      if (prev_is_num) {
-	/* add number into list */
-	if (!numstr)
-	  numstr = malloc(numlen + 1);
-	else
-	  numstr = realloc(numstr, numlen + 1);
-	strncpy(numstr, &str[start], numlen);
-	numstr[numlen] = '\0';
-	lst = uim_scm_cons(uim_scm_make_str(numstr), lst);
-      }
-      prev_is_num = 0;
-    }
-  }
-  /*
-   * Add last number into list if string is ended with numeric
-   * character.
-   */
-  if (prev_is_num) {
-    if (!numstr)
-      numstr = malloc(numlen + 1);
-    else
-      numstr = realloc(numstr, numlen + 1);
-    strncpy(numstr, &str[start], numlen);
-    numstr[numlen] = '\0';
-    lst = uim_scm_cons(uim_scm_make_str(numstr), lst);
-  }
-  free(numstr);
-  return uim_scm_reverse(lst);
-static char *wide_num_list[] =
-  {"£°", "£±", "£²", "£³", "£´", "£µ", "£¶", "£·", "£¸", "£¹"};
-static char *kanji_num_list[] =
-  {"¡»", "°ì", "Æó", "»°", "»Í", "¸Þ", "Ï»", "¼·", "Ȭ", "¶å"};
-static char *kanji_num_position_list[] =
-  {NULL, "½½", "É´", "Àé", "Ëü", NULL, NULL, NULL, "²¯", NULL,
-static char *kanji_check_num_list[] =
-  {"¡»", "°í", "б", "»²", "»Í", "¸à", "Ï»", "¼·", "Ȭ", "¶å"};
-static char *kanji_check_num_position_list[] =
-  {NULL, "½¦", "É´", "ïô", "èß", NULL, NULL, NULL, "²¯", NULL,
-static char *
-numeric_wide_or_kanji_conv(const char *numstr, int method)
-  char *mbstr;
-  int i, len;
-  len = strlen(numstr);
-  mbstr = malloc(len * 2 + 1);
-  for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-    if (method == 1)
-      strcpy(&mbstr[i * 2], wide_num_list[numstr[i] - '0']);
-    else
-      strcpy(&mbstr[i * 2], kanji_num_list[numstr[i] - '0']);
-  }
-  mbstr[len * 2] = '\0';
-  return mbstr;
-static char *
-numeric_kanji_with_position_conv(const char *numstr)
-  char *mbstr;
-  int i, j, len, mblen;
-  int position;
-  int head_is_zero = 0;
-  len = strlen(numstr);
-  if (len > 20) /* too big number */
-    return strdup(numstr);
-  mbstr = malloc(len * 2 + 1);
-  mblen = len * 2;
-  for (i = 0, j = 0; j < len; i++, j++) {
-    position = len - j - 1;
-    if (numstr[j] == '0') {
-      i--;
-      mblen -= 2;
-      /* check zero at the head */
-      if (j == 0) {
-	head_is_zero = 1;
-      } else {
-	/* add Ëü, ²¯, Ãû, µþ for zero */
-	if ((position >= 4) && ((position % 4) == 0) && !head_is_zero) {
-	  int use_position = 0;
-	  if (j >= 3) {
-	    if (!((numstr[j - 1] == '0') && (numstr[j - 2] == '0') &&
-				    (numstr[j - 3] == '0')))
-	      use_position = 1;
-	  } else if (j == 2) {
-	    if (!((numstr[j - 1] == '0') && (numstr[j - 2] == '0')))
-	      use_position = 1;
-	  } else if (j == 1) {
-	    if (!(numstr[j - 1] == '0'))
-	      use_position = 1;
-	  }
-	  if (use_position) {
-	    i++;
-	    mblen += 2;
-	    if (mblen > len * 2)
-	      mbstr = realloc(mbstr, mblen + 2);
-	    strcpy(&mbstr[i * 2], kanji_num_position_list[position]);
-	  }
-	}
-      }
-    } else {
-      if (head_is_zero == 1)
-	head_is_zero = 0;
-      /* replace numstr[j] with kanji number */
-      if (numstr[j] == '1') {
-	/*
-	 * use "°ì" only for the one at the place of °ì, Ëü, ²¯, Ãû,
-	 * µþ or °ìÀéËü
-	 */
-	if (((position % 4) == 0) ||
-	    ((position >= 7) &&
-	     ((position % 4) == 3) &&
-	     (numstr[j + 1] == '0') &&
-	     (numstr[j + 2] == '0') &&
-	     (numstr[j + 3] == '0'))) {
-	  strcpy(&mbstr[i * 2], kanji_num_list[1]);
-	} else {
-	  i--;
-	  mblen -= 2;
-	}
-      } else {
-	strcpy(&mbstr[i * 2], kanji_num_list[numstr[j] - '0']);
-      }
-      /* add ½½, É´, Àé for number whose place is exceeded Ëü */
-      if (position > 4) {
-	if ((position % 4) != 0) {
-	  i++;
-	  mblen += 2;
-	  if (mblen > len * 2)
-	    mbstr = realloc(mbstr, mblen + 2);
-	  strcpy(&mbstr[i * 2], kanji_num_position_list[position % 4]);
-	}
-      }
-      /* add position */
-      if (kanji_num_position_list[position]) {
-	i++;
-	mblen += 2;
-	if (mblen > len * 2)
-	  mbstr = realloc(mbstr, mblen + 2);
-	strcpy(&mbstr[i * 2], kanji_num_position_list[position]);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /* in case of zero */
-  if (head_is_zero) {
-    strcpy(&mbstr[0], kanji_num_list[0]);
-    mblen = 2;
-  }
-  mbstr[mblen] = '\0';
-  return mbstr;
-static char *
-numeric_kanji_for_check_conv(const char *numstr)
-  char *mbstr;
-  int i, j, len, mblen;
-  int position;
-  int head_is_zero = 0;
-  len = strlen(numstr);
-  if (len > 20) /* too big number */
-    return strdup(numstr);
-  mbstr = malloc(len * 2 + 1);
-  mblen = len * 2;
-  for (i = 0, j = 0; j < len; i++, j++) {
-    position = len - j - 1;
-    if (numstr[j] == '0') {
-      i--;
-      mblen -= 2;
-      /* check zero at the head */
-      if (j == 0) {
-	head_is_zero = 1;
-      } else {
-	/* add èß, ²¯, Ãû, µþ for zero */
-	if ((position >= 4) && ((position % 4) == 0) && !head_is_zero) {
-	  int use_position = 0;
-	  if (j >= 3) {
-	    if (!((numstr[j - 1] == '0') && (numstr[j - 2] == '0') &&
-				    (numstr[j - 3] == '0')))
-	      use_position = 1;
-	  } else if (j == 2) {
-	    if (!((numstr[j - 1] == '0') && (numstr[j - 2] == '0')))
-	      use_position = 1;
-	  } else if (j == 1) {
-	    if (!((numstr[j - 1] == '0')))
-	      use_position = 1;
-	  }
-	  if (use_position) {
-	    i++;
-	    mblen += 2;
-	    if (mblen > len * 2)
-	      mbstr = realloc(mbstr, mblen + 2);
-	    strcpy(&mbstr[i * 2], kanji_check_num_position_list[position]);
-	  }
-	}
-      }
-    } else {
-      if (head_is_zero == 1)
-	head_is_zero = 0;
-      /* replace numstr[j] with kanji number */
-      strcpy(&mbstr[i * 2], kanji_check_num_list[numstr[j] - '0']);
-      /* add ½¦, É´, ïô for number whose place is exceeded èß */
-      if (position > 4) {
-	if ((position % 4) != 0) {
-	  i++;
-	  mblen += 2;
-	  if (mblen > len * 2)
-	    mbstr = realloc(mbstr, mblen + 2);
-	  strcpy(&mbstr[i * 2], kanji_check_num_position_list[position % 4]);
-	}
-      }
-      /* add position */
-      if (kanji_check_num_position_list[position]) {
-	i++;
-	mblen += 2;
-	if (mblen > len * 2)
-	  mbstr = realloc(mbstr, mblen + 2);
-	strcpy(&mbstr[i * 2], kanji_check_num_position_list[position]);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /* in case of zero */
-  if (head_is_zero) {
-    strcpy(&mbstr[0], kanji_check_num_list[0]);
-    mblen = 2;
-  }
-  mbstr[mblen] = '\0';
-  return mbstr;
-static char *
-numeric_shogi_conv(const char *numstr)
-  char *mbstr;
-  int len;
-  len = strlen(numstr);
-  if (len != 2) /* allow two digit number only */
-    return strdup(numstr);
-  mbstr = malloc(5);
-  strcpy(&mbstr[0], wide_num_list[numstr[0] - '0']);
-  strcpy(&mbstr[2], kanji_num_list[numstr[1] - '0']);
-  mbstr[4] = '\0';
-  return mbstr;
-/* returns string with malloc() */
-static char *
-numeric_convert(const char *numstr, int method)
-  char *ret;
-  /*
-   *  method #4 is already handled in skk_get_nth_candidate()
-   */
-  switch (method) {
-  case 0:
-    ret = strdup(numstr);
-    break;
-  case 1: /* Á´³Ñ¿ô»ú */
-  case 2: /* ´Á¿ô»ú °Ì¼è¤ê̵¤· */
-    ret = numeric_wide_or_kanji_conv(numstr, method);
-    break;
-  case 3: /* ´Á¿ô»ú °Ì¼è¤êÍ­¤ê */
-    ret = numeric_kanji_with_position_conv(numstr);
-    break;
-  case 5: /* ¾®ÀÚ¼êɽµ­ */
-    ret = numeric_kanji_for_check_conv(numstr);
-    break;
-  case 9: /* ¾­´ýɽµ­ */
-    ret = numeric_shogi_conv(numstr);
-    break;
-  default:
-    ret = strdup(numstr);
-    break;
-  }
-  return ret;
-static uim_lisp
-skk_merge_replaced_numeric_str(uim_lisp str_, uim_lisp numlst_)
-  char *str;
-  int i, j, len, newlen;
-  int method;
-  int convlen;
-  const char *numstr;
-  char *convstr;
-  uim_lisp merged_str;
-  if (str_ == uim_scm_null_list())
-    return uim_scm_null_list();
-  str = uim_scm_c_str(str_);
-  len = strlen(str);
-  newlen = len;
-  for (i = 0, j = 0; j < len; i++, j++) {
-    if (str[i] == '#') {
-      method = str[i + 1] - '0';
-      if (uim_scm_nullp(numlst_))
-	 break;
-      numstr = uim_scm_refer_c_str(uim_scm_car(numlst_));
-      convstr = numeric_convert(numstr, method);
-      convlen = strlen(convstr);
-      newlen = newlen - 2 + convlen;
-      str = realloc(str, newlen + 1);
-      memmove(&str[i + convlen], &str[i + 2], newlen - i - convlen + 1);
-      memcpy(&str[i], convstr, convlen);
-      i = i - 2 + convlen;
-      numlst_ = uim_scm_cdr(numlst_);
-    }
-  }
-  merged_str = uim_scm_make_str(str);
-  free(str);
-  return merged_str;
-static uim_lisp
-skk_replace_numeric(uim_lisp head_)
-  char *str;
-  int prev_is_num = 0;
-  int i, j, len, newlen;
-  uim_lisp result;
-  str = uim_scm_c_str(head_);
-  len = strlen(str);
-  newlen = len;
-  for (i = 0, j = 0; j < len; i++, j++) {
-    if (isdigit((unsigned char)str[i])) {
-      if (prev_is_num == 0) {
-	str[i] = '#';
-      } else {
-	memmove(&str[i], &str[i + 1], newlen - i);
-	newlen--;
-	i--;
-      }
-      prev_is_num = 1;
-    } else {
-      prev_is_num = 0;
-    }
-  }
-  result = uim_scm_make_str(str);
-  free(str);
-  return result;
-static char *
-find_numeric_conv_method4_mark(const char *cand, int *nth)
-  int i, len;
-  char *p;
-  len = strlen(cand);
-  p = strstr(cand, "#4");
-  if (p) {
-    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-      if (cand[i] == '#' && isdigit((unsigned char)cand[i + 1])) {
-	(*nth)++;
-	if (cand[i + 1] == '4')
-	  break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return p;
-static uim_lisp
-get_nth(int nth, uim_lisp lst_)
-  int i;
-  for (i = 1; i < nth; i++) {
-    if (uim_scm_nullp(lst_)) {
-      return uim_scm_null_list();
-    }
-    lst_ = uim_scm_cdr(lst_);
-  }
-  return uim_scm_car(lst_);
-static uim_lisp
-skk_get_nth_candidate(uim_lisp nth_, uim_lisp head_, uim_lisp okuri_head_, uim_lisp okuri_, uim_lisp numlst_)
-  int n;
-  struct skk_cand_array *ca, *subca;
-  int i, j, k = 0;
-  char *cands = NULL;
-  char *p;
-  const char *numstr;
-  int method_place = 0;
-  int sublen, newlen;
-  int mark;
-  uim_lisp str_ = uim_scm_null_list();
-  n = uim_scm_c_int(nth_);
-  ca = find_cand_array_lisp(head_, okuri_head_, okuri_, 0);
-  if (ca) {
-    /* handle #4 method of numeric conversion */
-    if (!uim_scm_nullp(numlst_)) {
-      for (i = 0; i < ca->nr_cands; i++) {
-	if ((p = find_numeric_conv_method4_mark(ca->cands[i], &method_place))) {
-	  numstr = uim_scm_refer_c_str(get_nth(method_place, numlst_));
-	  subca = find_cand_array(skk_dic, numstr, 0, NULL, 0);
-	  if (subca) {
-	    for (j = 0; j < subca->nr_cands; j++) {
-	      if (k == n) {
-		cands = strdup(ca->cands[i]);
-		sublen = strlen(subca->cands[j]);
-		newlen = strlen(ca->cands[i]) - 2 + sublen;
-		mark = p - ca->cands[i];
-		cands = realloc(cands, newlen + 1);
-		memmove(&cands[mark + sublen],
-			&cands[mark + 2],
-			newlen - mark - sublen + 1);
-		memcpy(&cands[mark], subca->cands[j], sublen);
-		str_ = uim_scm_make_str(cands);
-		free(cands);
-		return str_;
-	      }
-	      k++;
-	    }
-	  }
-	} else {
-	   if (k == n) {
-	     cands = ca->cands[i];
-	     break;
-	   }
-	   k++;
-	}
-      }
-    } else {
-	if (ca->nr_cands > n)
-	  cands = ca->cands[n];
-    }
-  }
-  if (cands)
-    str_ = uim_scm_make_str(cands);
-  return str_;
-static uim_lisp
-skk_get_nr_candidates(uim_lisp head_, uim_lisp okuri_head_, uim_lisp okuri_, uim_lisp numlst_)
-  struct skk_cand_array *ca, *subca;
-  int n = 0;
-  int i, nr_cands = 0;
-  const char *numstr;
-  int method_place = 0;
-  ca = find_cand_array_lisp(head_, okuri_head_, okuri_, 0);
-  if (ca) {
-    n = ca->nr_cands;
-  }
-  nr_cands = n;
-  /* handle #4 method of numeric conversion */
-  if (!uim_scm_nullp(numlst_)) {
-    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-      if (find_numeric_conv_method4_mark(ca->cands[i], &method_place)) {
-	numstr = uim_scm_refer_c_str(get_nth(method_place, numlst_));
-	nr_cands--;
-	subca = find_cand_array(skk_dic, numstr, 0, NULL, 0);
-	if (subca)
-	  nr_cands += subca->nr_cands;
-	break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return uim_scm_make_int(nr_cands);
-static struct skk_comp_array *
-skk_make_comp_array_from_cache(struct dic_info *di, const char *s)
-  struct skk_line *sl;
-  struct skk_comp_array *ca;
-  if (!di)
-    return NULL;
-  ca = malloc(sizeof(struct skk_comp_array));
-  ca->nr_comps = 0;
-  ca->refcount = 0;
-  ca->comps = NULL;
-  ca->head = NULL;
-  ca->next = NULL;
-  /* search from cache */
-  for (sl = di->head.next; sl; sl = sl->next) {
-    if (/* string 's' is part of sl->head */
-	!strncmp(sl->head, s, strlen(s)) && strcmp(sl->head, s) &&
-	/* and sl is okuri-nasi line */
-	(sl->okuri_head == '\0')) {
-      ca->nr_comps++;
-      ca->comps = realloc(ca->comps, sizeof(char *) * ca->nr_comps);
-      ca->comps[ca->nr_comps - 1] = strdup(sl->head);
-    }
-  }
-  if (ca->nr_comps == 0) {
-    free(ca);
-    ca = NULL;
-  } else {
-    ca->head = strdup(s);
-    ca->next = skk_comp;
-    skk_comp = ca;
-  }
-  return ca;
-static struct skk_comp_array *
-find_comp_array(struct dic_info *di, const char *s)
-  struct skk_comp_array *ca;
-  if (strlen(s) == 0)
-    return NULL;
-  for (ca = skk_comp; ca; ca = ca->next) {
-    if (!strcmp(ca->head, s))
-      break;
-  }
-  if (ca == NULL) {
-    ca = skk_make_comp_array_from_cache(di, s);
-  }
-  return ca;
-static struct skk_comp_array *
-find_comp_array_lisp(uim_lisp head_)
-  const char *hs;
-  struct skk_comp_array *ca;
-  hs = uim_scm_refer_c_str(head_);
-  ca = find_comp_array(skk_dic, hs);
-  return ca;
-static uim_lisp
-skk_get_completion(uim_lisp head_)
-  struct skk_comp_array *ca;
-  ca = find_comp_array_lisp(head_);
-  if (ca) {
-    ca->refcount++;
-    return uim_scm_t();
-  }
-  return uim_scm_f();
-static uim_lisp
-skk_get_nth_completion(uim_lisp nth_, uim_lisp head_)
-  int n;
-  struct skk_comp_array *ca;
-  char *str;
-  ca = find_comp_array_lisp(head_);
-  n = uim_scm_c_int(nth_);
-  if (ca && ca->nr_comps > n) {
-    str = ca->comps[n];
-    return uim_scm_make_str(str);
-  }
-  return uim_scm_null_list();
-static uim_lisp
-skk_get_nr_completions(uim_lisp head_)
-  int n = 0;
-  struct skk_comp_array *ca;
-  ca = find_comp_array_lisp(head_);
-  if (ca) {
-    n = ca->nr_comps;
-  }
-  return uim_scm_make_int(n);
-static uim_lisp
-skk_clear_completions(uim_lisp head_)
-  int i;
-  struct skk_comp_array *ca, *ca_prev;
-  const char *hs;
-  hs = uim_scm_refer_c_str(head_);
-  for (ca = skk_comp; ca; ca = ca->next) {
-    if (!strcmp(ca->head, hs)) {
-      ca->refcount--;
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  if (ca && ca->refcount == 0) {
-    for (i = 0; i < ca->nr_comps; i++) {
-      free(ca->comps[i]);
-    }
-    free(ca->comps);
-    free(ca->head);
-    if (ca == skk_comp) {
-      skk_comp = ca->next;
-      free(ca);
-    } else {
-      ca_prev = skk_comp;
-      while (ca_prev->next != ca) {
-	ca_prev = ca_prev->next;
-      }
-      ca_prev->next = ca->next;
-      free(ca);
-    }
-  }
-  return uim_scm_t();
-static void
-reorder_candidate(struct skk_cand_array *ca, char *str)
-  int i;
-  int nth = 0;
-  char *tmp;
-  /* find index of the candidate */
-  for (i = 0; i < ca->nr_cands; i++) {
-    if (!strcmp(str, ca->cands[i])) {
-      nth = i;
-    }
-  }
-  /* shift array */
-  tmp = ca->cands[nth];
-  if (nth) {
-    for (i = nth; i > 0; i--) {
-      ca->cands[i] = ca->cands[i - 1];
-    }
-    ca->cands[0] = tmp;
-    skk_dic->cache_modified = 1;
-  }
-  /**/
-  if (nth >= ca->nr_real_cands) {
-    ca->nr_real_cands ++;
-  }
-static void
-merge_word_to_cand_array(struct skk_cand_array *ca, char *word)
-  int i, nth = -1;
-  char *tmp;
-  for (i = 0; i < ca->nr_cands; i++) {
-    if (!strcmp(word, ca->cands[i])) {
-      nth = i;
-    }
-  }
-  if (nth == -1) {
-    push_back_candidate_to_array(ca, word);
-    nth = ca->nr_cands - 1;
-  }
-  /* move word at the end of real cand array */
-  tmp = ca->cands[nth];
-  if (nth >= ca->nr_real_cands) {
-    for (i = nth; i > ca->nr_real_cands; i--) {
-      ca->cands[i] = ca->cands[i - 1];
-    }
-    ca->cands[ca->nr_real_cands] = tmp;
-    ca->nr_real_cands++;
-  }
-static void
-merge_real_candidate_array(struct skk_cand_array *src_ca,
-			   struct skk_cand_array *dst_ca)
-  int i, j;
-  if (!src_ca || !dst_ca) {
-    return ;
-  }
-  for (i = 0; i < src_ca->nr_real_cands; i++) {
-    int dup = 0;
-    for (j = 0; j < dst_ca->nr_real_cands; j++) {
-      if (!strcmp(src_ca->cands[i], dst_ca->cands[j]))
-	dup = 1;
-    }
-    if (!dup)
-      merge_word_to_cand_array(dst_ca, src_ca->cands[i]);
-  }
-static uim_lisp
-skk_commit_candidate(uim_lisp head_, uim_lisp okuri_head_,
-		     uim_lisp okuri_, uim_lisp nth_, uim_lisp numlst_)
-  int nth;
-  struct skk_cand_array *ca, *subca;
-  char *str = NULL;
-  int i, j, k = 0;
-  int nr_cands = 0;
-  uim_lisp numstr_;
-  const char *numstr;
-  int method_place = 0;
-  nth = uim_scm_c_int(nth_);
-  ca = find_cand_array_lisp(head_, okuri_head_, okuri_, 0);
-  if (!ca) {
-    return uim_scm_f();
-  }
-  nr_cands = ca->nr_cands;
-  /* handle #4 method of numeric conversion */
-  if (!uim_scm_nullp(numlst_)) {
-    for (i = 0; i < ca->nr_cands; i++) {
-      if (find_numeric_conv_method4_mark(ca->cands[i], &method_place)) {
-	numstr_ = get_nth(method_place, numlst_);
-	numstr = uim_scm_refer_c_str(numstr_);
-	subca = find_cand_array(skk_dic, numstr, 0, NULL, 0);
-	if (subca) {
-	  nr_cands += subca->nr_cands;
-	  for (j = 0; j < subca->nr_cands; j++) {
-	    if (k == nth) {
-	      str = ca->cands[i];
-	      /* reorder sub candidate */
-	      skk_commit_candidate(numstr_, uim_scm_null_list(), uim_scm_null_list(), uim_scm_make_int(j), uim_scm_null_list());
-	      break;
-	    }
-	    k++;
-	  }
-	}
-	if (str)
-	  break;
-      } else {
-	if (k == nth) {
-	   str = ca->cands[i];
-	   break;
-	}
-	k++;
-      }
-    }
-    if (!str)
-      return uim_scm_f();
-  } else {
-    if (nr_cands <= nth)
-      return uim_scm_f();
-    str = ca->cands[nth];
-  }
-  reorder_candidate(ca, str);
-  if (okuri_ != uim_scm_null_list()) {
-    struct skk_line *sl;
-    const char *okuri;
-    int found = 0;
-    okuri = uim_scm_refer_c_str(okuri_);
-    sl = ca->line;
-    for (i = 1; i < sl->nr_cand_array; i++) {
-      if (!strcmp(okuri, sl->cands[i].okuri)) {
-	found = 1;
-	break;
-      }
-    }
-    if (!found) {
-      ca = find_cand_array_lisp(head_, okuri_head_, okuri_, 1);
-      reorder_candidate(ca, str);
-    } else {
-      /* also reorder base candidate array */
-      reorder_candidate(&sl->cands[0], str);
-    }
-  }
-  ca->line->need_save = 1;
-  move_line_to_cache_head(skk_dic, ca->line);
-  return uim_scm_f();
-static void
-learn_word_to_cand_array(struct skk_cand_array *ca, char *word)
-  int i, nth = -1;
-  for (i = 0; i < ca->nr_cands; i++) {
-    if (!strcmp(word, ca->cands[i])) {
-      nth = i;
-    }
-  }
-  if (nth == -1) {
-    push_back_candidate_to_array(ca, word);
-  }
-  reorder_candidate(ca, word);
-  ca->line->need_save = 1;
-static char *
-quote_word(const char *word)
-  char *str;
-  const char *p;
-  int len;
-  str= strdup("(concat \"");
-  for (p = word; *p; p++) {
-    len = strlen(str);
-    switch (*p) {
-    case '/':
-	    str = realloc(str, len + strlen("\\057") + 1);
-	    strcat(str, "\\057");
-	    break;
-    case '[':
-	    str = realloc(str, len + strlen("[") + 1);
-	    strcat(str, "[");
-	    break;
-    case ']':
-	    str = realloc(str, len + strlen("]") + 1);
-	    strcat(str, "]");
-	    break;
-    case '\n':
-	    str = realloc(str, len + strlen("\\n") + 1);
-	    strcat(str, "\\n");
-	    break;
-    case '\r':
-	    str = realloc(str, len + strlen("\\r") + 1);
-	    strcat(str, "\\r");
-	    break;
-    case '\\':
-	    str = realloc(str, len + strlen("\\\\") + 1);
-	    strcat(str, "\\\\");
-	    break;
-    case ';':
-	    str = realloc(str, len + strlen("\\073") + 1);
-	    strcat(str, "\\073");
-	    break;
-    case '"':
-	    str = realloc(str, len + strlen("\\\"") + 1);
-	    strcat(str, "\\\"");
-	    break;
-    default:
-	    str = realloc(str, len + 2);
-	    str[len] = *p;
-	    str[len + 1] = '\0';
-	    break;
-    }
-  }
-  len = strlen(str);
-  str = realloc(str, len + strlen("\")") + 1);
-  strcat(str, "\")");
-  return str;
-static char *
-sanitize_word(const char *arg)
-  const char *p;
-  int is_space_only = 1;
-  if (!arg || !strlen(arg)) {
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  for (p = arg; *p; p++) {
-    switch (*p) {
-    case '/':
-    case '[':
-    case ']':
-    case '\n':
-    case '\r':
-    case '\\':
-    case ';':
-    case '"':
-      return quote_word(arg);
-    case ' ':
-      break;
-    default:
-      is_space_only = 0;
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  if (is_space_only)
-    return NULL;
-  return strdup(arg);
-static uim_lisp
-skk_learn_word(uim_lisp head_, uim_lisp okuri_head_, uim_lisp okuri_, uim_lisp word_)
-  struct skk_cand_array *ca;
-  char *word;
-  const char *tmp;
-  tmp = uim_scm_refer_c_str(word_);
-  word = sanitize_word(tmp);
-  if (!word) {
-    return uim_scm_f();
-  }
-  ca = find_cand_array_lisp(head_, okuri_head_, okuri_, 1);
-  if (ca) {
-    learn_word_to_cand_array(ca, word);
-  }
-  tmp = uim_scm_refer_c_str(okuri_);
-  if (strlen(tmp)) {
-    ca = find_cand_array_lisp(head_, okuri_head_, uim_scm_null_list(), 1);
-    if (ca) {
-      learn_word_to_cand_array(ca, word);
-    }
-  }
-  free(word);
-  return uim_scm_f();
-static void
-reverse_cache(struct dic_info *di)
-  struct skk_line *sl, *prev, *next;
-  prev= NULL;
-  sl = di->head.next;
-  while (sl) {
-    next = sl->next;
-    sl->next = prev;
-    prev = sl;
-    sl = next;
-  }
-  di->head.next = prev;
-static void
-parse_dic_line(struct dic_info *di, char *line)
-  char *buf, *sep;
-  struct skk_line *sl;
-  int i;
-  buf = alloca(strlen(line) + 1);
-  strcpy(buf, line);
-  sep = strchr(buf, ' ');
-  if (!sep) {
-    return;
-  }
-  if (sep == buf) {
-    return;
-  }
-  *sep = '\0';
-  if (!skk_isascii(buf[0]) && skk_islower(sep[-1])) { /* okuri-ari entry */
-    char okuri_head = sep[-1];
-    sep[-1] = '\0';
-    sl = compose_line(di, buf, okuri_head, line);
-  } else {
-    sl = compose_line(di, buf, 0, line);
-  }
-  sl->need_save = 1;
-  /**/
-  for (i = 0; i < sl->nr_cand_array; i++) {
-    sl->cands[i].nr_real_cands = sl->cands[i].nr_cands;
-  }
-  /**/
-  add_line_to_cache_head(di, sl);
-static void
-write_out_array(FILE *fp, struct skk_cand_array *ca)
-  int i;
-  if (ca->okuri) {
-    fprintf(fp, "[%s/", ca->okuri);
-    for (i = 0; i < ca->nr_real_cands; i++) {
-      fprintf(fp, "%s/", ca->cands[i]);
-    }
-    fprintf(fp, "]/");
-  } else {
-    for (i = 0; i < ca->nr_real_cands; i++) {
-      fprintf(fp, "%s/", ca->cands[i]);
-    }
-  }
-static void
-write_out_line(FILE *fp, struct skk_line *sl)
-  struct skk_cand_array *ca;
-  int i;
-  fprintf(fp, "%s", sl->head);
-  if (sl->okuri_head) {
-    fprintf(fp, "%c /", sl->okuri_head);
-  } else {
-    fprintf(fp, " /");
-  }
-  for (i = 0; i < sl->nr_cand_array; i++) {
-    ca = &sl->cands[i];
-    write_out_array(fp, ca);
-  }
-  fprintf(fp, "\n");
-static int
-open_lock(const char *name, int type)
-  int fd;
-  struct flock fl;
-  char *lock_fn;
-  lock_fn = malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(name) + strlen(".lock") + 1));
-  if (lock_fn == NULL)
-    return -1;
-  sprintf(lock_fn, "%s.lock", name);
-  fd = open(lock_fn, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
-  if (fd == -1) {
-    free(lock_fn);
-    return fd;
-  }
-  fl.l_type = type;
-  fl.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
-  fl.l_start = 0;
-  fl.l_len = 0;
-  if (fcntl(fd, F_SETLKW, &fl) == -1) {
-    close(fd);
-    fd = -1;
-  }
-  free(lock_fn);
-  return fd;
-static void
-close_lock(int fd)
-  struct flock fl;
-  if (fd < 0)
-    return;
-  fl.l_type = F_UNLCK;
-  fl.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
-  fl.l_start = 0;
-  fl.l_len = 0;
-  fcntl(fd, F_SETLKW, &fl);
-  close(fd);
-static uim_lisp
-skk_read_personal_dictionary(struct dic_info *di, const char *fn)
-  struct stat st;
-  FILE *fp;
-  char buf[4096];
-  int err_flag = 0;
-  int lock_fd;
-  if (!di)
-    return uim_scm_f();
-  lock_fd = open_lock(fn, F_RDLCK);
-  if (stat(fn, &st) == -1) {
-    close_lock(lock_fd);
-    return uim_scm_f();
-  }
-  fp = fopen(fn, "r");
-  if (!fp) {
-    close_lock(lock_fd);
-    return uim_scm_f();
-  }
-  di->personal_dic_timestamp = st.st_mtime;
-  while (fgets(buf, 4096, fp)) {
-    int len = strlen(buf);
-    if (buf[len - 1] == '\n') {
-      if (err_flag == 0) {
-	if (buf[0] != ';') {
-	  buf[len - 1] = '\0';
-	  parse_dic_line(di, buf);
-	}
-      } else {
-	/* erroneous line ends here */
-	err_flag = 0;
-      }
-    } else {
-      err_flag = 1;
-    }
-  }
-  fclose(fp);
-  close_lock(lock_fd);
-  reverse_cache(di);
-  return uim_scm_t();
-static uim_lisp
-skk_lib_read_personal_dictionary(uim_lisp fn_)
-  const char *fn = uim_scm_refer_c_str(fn_);
-  return skk_read_personal_dictionary(skk_dic, fn);
-static void push_back_candidate_array_to_sl(struct skk_line *sl,
-				      struct skk_cand_array *src_ca)
-  int i;
-  struct skk_cand_array *ca;
-  sl->nr_cand_array++;
-  sl->cands = realloc(sl->cands,
-		  sizeof(struct skk_cand_array) * sl->nr_cand_array);
-  ca = &sl->cands[sl->nr_cand_array - 1];
-  ca->is_used = src_ca->is_used;
-  ca->nr_cands = src_ca->nr_cands;
-  ca->cands = malloc(sizeof(char *) * src_ca->nr_cands);
-  for (i = 0; i < ca->nr_cands; i++) {
-    ca->cands[i] = strdup(src_ca->cands[i]);
-  }
-  ca->nr_real_cands = src_ca->nr_real_cands;
-  ca->okuri = strdup(src_ca->okuri);
-  ca->line = sl;
-static void compare_and_merge_skk_line(struct skk_line *dst_sl,
-				       struct skk_line *src_sl)
-  int i, j;
-  struct skk_cand_array *dst_ca, *src_ca;
-  if (dst_sl == NULL || src_sl == NULL)
-    return;
-  src_ca = &src_sl->cands[0];
-  dst_ca = &dst_sl->cands[0];
-  if (src_ca->nr_real_cands >= dst_ca->nr_real_cands)
-    merge_real_candidate_array(src_ca, dst_ca);
-  for (i = 1; i < src_sl->nr_cand_array; i++) {
-    int dup = 0;
-    src_ca = &src_sl->cands[i];
-    for (j = 1; j < dst_sl->nr_cand_array; j++) {
-      dst_ca = &dst_sl->cands[j];
-      if (!strcmp(src_ca->okuri, dst_ca->okuri)) {
-	dup = 1;
-	if (src_ca->nr_real_cands >= dst_ca->nr_real_cands)
-	  merge_real_candidate_array(src_ca, dst_ca);
-      }
-    }
-    if (!dup)
-      push_back_candidate_array_to_sl(dst_sl, src_ca);
-  }
-/* for merge sort */
-static int
-compare_entry(struct skk_line *p, struct skk_line *q)
-  int ret;
-  ret = strcmp(p->head, q->head);
-  if (ret != 0)
-    return ret;
-  else
-    return p->okuri_head - q->okuri_head;
- * Retern lines with differential "midashi-go" between two personal
- * dictionaly caches.  Also merge candidate arrays for line with same
- * "midashi-go".  p and q are needed to be sorted.
- */
-static struct skk_line *
-cache_line_diffs(struct skk_line *p, struct skk_line *q, int *len)
-  struct skk_line *r, *s, head;
-  int cmp;
-  for (r = &head; p && q; ) {
-    cmp = compare_entry(p, q);
-    if (cmp < 0) {
-      p = p->next;
-    } else if (cmp > 0) {
-      s = copy_skk_line(q);
-      r->next = s;
-      r = s;
-      q = q->next;
-      (*len)++;
-    } else {
-      compare_and_merge_skk_line(p, q);
-      p = p->next;
-      q = q->next;
-    }
-  }
-  while (q) {
-    s = copy_skk_line(q);
-    r->next = s;
-    r = s;
-    q = q->next;
-    (*len)++;
-  }
-  r->next = NULL;
-  return head.next;
-/* for merge sort */
-static struct skk_line *
-lmerge(struct skk_line *p, struct skk_line *q)
-  struct skk_line *r, head;
-  for (r = &head; p && q; ) {
-    if (compare_entry(p, q) < 0) {
-      r->next = p;
-      r = p;
-      p = p->next;
-    } else {
-      r->next = q;
-      r = q;
-      q = q->next;
-    }
-  }
-  r->next = (p ? p : q);
-  return head.next;
-/* merge sort */
-static struct skk_line *
-lsort(struct skk_line *p)
-  struct skk_line *q, *r;
-  if (p) {
-    q = p;
-    for (r = q->next; r && (r = r->next) != NULL; r = r->next)
-      q = q->next;
-    r = q->next;
-    q->next = NULL;
-    if (r)
-      p = lmerge(lsort(r), lsort(p));
-  }
-  return p;
-static void
-update_personal_dictionary_cache(const char *fn)
-  struct dic_info *di;
-  struct skk_line *sl, *tmp, *diff, **cache_array;
-  int i, diff_len = 0;
-  di = (struct dic_info *)malloc(sizeof(struct dic_info));
-  if (di == NULL)
-    return;
-  di->head.next = NULL;
-  skk_read_personal_dictionary(di, fn);
-  di->head.next = lsort(di->head.next);
-  /* keep original sequence of cache */
-  cache_array = (struct skk_line **)malloc(sizeof(struct skk_line *)
-		  * skk_dic->cache_len);
-  if (cache_array == NULL)
-    return;
-  i = 0;
-  sl = skk_dic->head.next;
-  while (sl) {
-    cache_array[i] = sl;
-    sl = sl->next;
-    i++;
-  }
-  skk_dic->head.next = lsort(skk_dic->head.next);
-  /* get differential lines and merge candidate */
-  diff = cache_line_diffs(skk_dic->head.next, di->head.next, &diff_len);
-  /* revert sequence of the cache */
-  if (cache_array[0]) {
-    sl = skk_dic->head.next = cache_array[0];
-    for (i = 0; i < skk_dic->cache_len - 1; i++) {
-      sl->next = cache_array[i + 1];
-      sl = sl->next;
-    }
-    sl->next = NULL;
-  }
-  /* add differential lines at the top of the cache */
-  if (diff != NULL) {
-    sl = diff;
-    while (sl->next) {
-      sl = sl->next;
-    }
-    sl->next = skk_dic->head.next;
-    skk_dic->head.next = diff;
-    skk_dic->cache_len += diff_len;
-  }
-  skk_dic->cache_modified = 1;
-  sl = di->head.next;
-  while (sl) {
-    tmp = sl;
-    sl = sl->next;
-    free_skk_line(tmp);
-  }
-  free(di);
-  free(cache_array);
-static uim_lisp
-skk_lib_save_personal_dictionary(uim_lisp fn_)
-  FILE *fp;
-  const char *fn = uim_scm_refer_c_str(fn_);
-  char *tmp_fn = NULL;
-  struct skk_line *sl;
-  struct stat st;
-  int lock_fd = -1;
-  if (!skk_dic || skk_dic->cache_modified == 0)
-    return uim_scm_f();
-  if (fn) {
-    if (stat(fn, &st) != -1) {
-      if (st.st_mtime != skk_dic->personal_dic_timestamp)
-	update_personal_dictionary_cache(fn);
-    }
-    lock_fd = open_lock(fn, F_WRLCK);
-    if (!(tmp_fn = malloc(strlen(fn) + 5)))
-      goto error;
-    sprintf(tmp_fn, "%s.tmp", fn);
-    fp = fopen(tmp_fn, "w");
-    if (!fp)
-      goto error;
-  } else {
-    fp = stdout;
-  }
-  for (sl = skk_dic->head.next; sl; sl = sl->next) {
-    if (sl->need_save)
-      write_out_line(fp, sl);
-  }
-  if (fclose(fp) != 0)
-    goto error;
-  if (rename(tmp_fn, fn) != 0)
-    goto error;
-  if (stat(fn, &st) != -1) {
-    skk_dic->personal_dic_timestamp = st.st_mtime;
-    skk_dic->cache_modified = 0;
-  }
-  close_lock(lock_fd);
-  free(tmp_fn);
-  return uim_scm_f();
-static uim_lisp
-skk_lib_get_annotation(uim_lisp str_)
-  const char *str, *sep;
-  uim_lisp res;
-  if (str_ == uim_scm_null_list())
-    return uim_scm_null_list();
-  str = uim_scm_refer_c_str(str_);
-  sep = strrchr(str, ';');
-  if (sep && (*(++sep) != '\0')) {
-    res = uim_scm_make_str(sep);
-  } else {
-    res = uim_scm_make_str("");
-  }
-  return res;
-static uim_lisp
-skk_lib_remove_annotation(uim_lisp str_)
-  char *str, *sep;
-  uim_lisp res;
-  if (str_ == uim_scm_null_list())
-    return uim_scm_null_list();
-  str = uim_scm_c_str(str_);
-  sep = strrchr(str, ';');
-  if (sep && (*(sep + 1) != '\0')) {
-    *sep = '\0';
-  }
-  res = uim_scm_make_str(str);
-  free(str);
-  return res;
-static uim_lisp
-skk_eval_candidate(uim_lisp str_)
-  const char *cand, *evaluated_str;
-  char *p, *q, *str;
-  size_t len;
-  uim_lisp cand_, return_val;
-  if (str_ == uim_scm_null_list())
-    return uim_scm_null_list();
-  cand = uim_scm_refer_c_str(str_);
-  /* eval concat only for now */
-  if ((p = strstr(cand, "(concat \"")) == NULL)
-    return str_;
-  /* check close paren */
-  q = strrchr(p, ')');
-  if (!q || (strstr(p, "\")") == NULL))
-    return str_;
-  /* ignore make-string */
-  if (strstr(p, "make-string"))
-    return str_;
-  len = q - p + 1;
-  /* replace elisp's concat with string-append */
-  str = malloc(len + strlen("string-append") - strlen("concat") + 1);
-  strcpy(str, "(string-append");
-  strncat(str, p + strlen("(concat"), q - (p + strlen("(concat")) + 1);
-  UIM_EVAL_FSTRING1(NULL, "%s", str);
-  return_val = uim_scm_return_value();
-  if (return_val == uim_scm_null_list()) {
-    free(str);
-    return str_;
-  }
-  evaluated_str = uim_scm_refer_c_str(return_val);
-  /* get evaluated candidate */
-  len = p - cand + strlen(evaluated_str);
-  if (len > strlen(str))
-    str = realloc(str, len + 1);
-  if (p != cand) {
-    strncpy(str, cand, p - cand);
-    str[p - cand] = '\0';
-    strcat(str, evaluated_str);
-  } else {
-    strcpy(str, evaluated_str);
-  }
-  cand_ = uim_scm_make_str(str);
-  free(str);
-  return cand_;
-  uim_scm_init_subr_3("skk-lib-dic-open", skk_dic_open);
-  uim_scm_init_subr_1("skk-lib-read-personal-dictionary", skk_lib_read_personal_dictionary);
-  uim_scm_init_subr_1("skk-lib-save-personal-dictionary", skk_lib_save_personal_dictionary);
-  uim_scm_init_subr_3("skk-lib-get-entry", skk_get_entry);
-  uim_scm_init_subr_1("skk-lib-store-replaced-numstr", skk_store_replaced_numeric_str);
-  uim_scm_init_subr_2("skk-lib-merge-replaced-numstr", skk_merge_replaced_numeric_str);
-  uim_scm_init_subr_1("skk-lib-replace-numeric", skk_replace_numeric);
-  uim_scm_init_subr_5("skk-lib-get-nth-candidate", skk_get_nth_candidate);
-  uim_scm_init_subr_4("skk-lib-get-nr-candidates", skk_get_nr_candidates);
-  uim_scm_init_subr_5("skk-lib-commit-candidate", skk_commit_candidate);
-  uim_scm_init_subr_4("skk-lib-learn-word", skk_learn_word);
-  uim_scm_init_subr_1("skk-lib-get-annotation", skk_lib_get_annotation);
-  uim_scm_init_subr_1("skk-lib-remove-annotation", skk_lib_remove_annotation);
-  uim_scm_init_subr_1("skk-lib-get-completion", skk_get_completion);
-  uim_scm_init_subr_2("skk-lib-get-nth-completion", skk_get_nth_completion);
-  uim_scm_init_subr_1("skk-lib-get-nr-completions", skk_get_nr_completions);
-  uim_scm_init_subr_1("skk-lib-clear-completions", skk_clear_completions);
-  uim_scm_init_subr_1("skk-lib-eval-candidate", skk_eval_candidate);
-  struct skk_line *sl, *tmp;
-  if (!skk_dic)
-    return;
-  if (skk_dic->addr) {
-    munmap(skk_dic->addr, skk_dic->size);
-  }
-  sl = skk_dic->head.next;
-  while (sl) {
-    tmp = sl;
-    sl = sl->next;
-    free_skk_line(tmp);
-  }
-  if (skk_dic->skkserv_ok)
-    skk_close_skkserv();
-  free(skk_dic);
-  skk_dic = NULL;
-/* skkserv related */
-static int
-skk_open_skkserv(int portnum)
-  int sock;
-  struct sockaddr_in hostaddr;
-  struct hostent *entry;
-  /* struct servent *serv; */
-  struct protoent *proto;
-  int a1, a2, a3, a4;
-  char *hostname;
-  signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
-  /* serv = getservbyname(SKK_SERVICENAME, "tcp"); */
-  memset((char*)&hostaddr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
-  if ((proto = getprotobyname("tcp")) == NULL) {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, proto->p_proto)) < 0) {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if (SKKServerHost)
-    hostname = SKKServerHost;
-  else if ((hostname = getenv("SKKSERVER")) == NULL) {
-    hostname = SKK_SERVER_HOST;
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if ('0' <= *hostname && *hostname <= '9') {
-    if (sscanf(hostname,"%d.%d.%d.%d", &a1, &a2, &a3, &a4) != 4) {
-      return 0;
-    }
-    a1 = (a1 << 24) | (a2 << 16) | (a3 << 8) | a4;
-    hostaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(a1);
-  } else {
-    if ((entry = gethostbyname(hostname)) == NULL) {
-      return 0;
-    }
-    memcpy(&hostaddr.sin_addr, entry->h_addr, entry->h_length);
-  }
-  hostaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
-  /* hostaddr.sin_port = serv ? serv->s_port : htons(portnum); */
-  hostaddr.sin_port = htons(portnum);
-  if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&hostaddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) < 0) {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  fprintf(stderr, "SKKSERVER=%s\n", hostname);
-  skkservsock = sock;
-  rserv = fdopen(sock, "r");
-  wserv = fdopen(sock, "w");
-  return 1;
-static void
-  if (skkservsock >= 0) {
-    fprintf(wserv, "0\n");
-    fflush(wserv);
-  }

Copied: trunk/uim/skk.c (from rev 903, trunk/uim/skk-dic.c)

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