[uim-commit] r2115 - branches/r5rs/sigscheme/test

yamaken at freedesktop.org yamaken at freedesktop.org
Fri Nov 11 06:59:00 PST 2005

Author: yamaken
Date: 2005-11-11 06:58:55 -0800 (Fri, 11 Nov 2005)
New Revision: 2115

* sigscheme/test/test-string.scm
  - Add tests for conventional escape sequence and raw control chars

* sigscheme/test/test-char.scm
  - Add tests for character literals

Modified: branches/r5rs/sigscheme/test/test-char.scm
--- branches/r5rs/sigscheme/test/test-char.scm	2005-11-11 14:56:56 UTC (rev 2114)
+++ branches/r5rs/sigscheme/test/test-char.scm	2005-11-11 14:58:55 UTC (rev 2115)
@@ -32,6 +32,53 @@
 (load "./test/unittest.scm")
+(define i->chlit
+  (lambda (i)
+    (obj->literal (integer->char i))))
+;; invalid character literal
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\nonexistent")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x0")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x1")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x0g")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x1g")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x00g")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x01g")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x000")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x010")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x001")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x100")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x00a")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x0a0")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\xa00")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x-0")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x-1")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x-00")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x-01")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x-000")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x-010")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x-001")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x-100")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x-00a")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x-0a0")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x-a00")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x+0")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x+1")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x+00")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x+01")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x+000")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x+010")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x+001")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x+100")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x+00a")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x+0a0")
+(assert-parse-error "invalid char literal" "#\\x+a00")
 ;; check char?
 (assert-true "alphabet char" (char? #\a))
 (assert-true "space 1"       (char? #\space))
@@ -59,6 +106,665 @@
 (assert-equal? "R6RS named chars" #\space     #\x20)  ;; 32
 (assert-equal? "R6RS named chars" #\delete    #\x7f)  ;; 127
+(assert-equal? "R6RS named chars #2" "#\\nul"     (obj->literal #\x00))  ;; 0
+(assert-equal? "R6RS named chars #2" "#\\alarm"   (obj->literal #\x07))  ;; 7
+(assert-equal? "R6RS named chars #2" "#\\backspace" (obj->literal #\x08))  ;; 8
+(assert-equal? "R6RS named chars #2" "#\\tab"     (obj->literal #\x09))  ;; 9
+(assert-equal? "R6RS named chars #2" "#\\newline" (obj->literal #\x0a))  ;; 10
+(assert-equal? "R6RS named chars #2" "#\\vtab"    (obj->literal #\x0b))  ;; 11
+(assert-equal? "R6RS named chars #2" "#\\page"    (obj->literal #\x0c))  ;; 12
+(assert-equal? "R6RS named chars #2" "#\\return"  (obj->literal #\x0d))  ;; 13
+(assert-equal? "R6RS named chars #2" "#\\esc"     (obj->literal #\x1b))  ;; 27
+(assert-equal? "R6RS named chars #2" "#\\space"   (obj->literal #\x20))  ;; 32
+(assert-equal? "R6RS named chars #2" "#\\delete"  (obj->literal #\x7f))  ;; 127
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\nul"       (obj->literal #\nul))       ;; 0
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\x01"       (obj->literal #\x01))       ;; 1
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\x02"       (obj->literal #\x02))       ;; 2
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\x03"       (obj->literal #\x03))       ;; 3
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\x04"       (obj->literal #\x04))       ;; 4
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\x05"       (obj->literal #\x05))       ;; 5
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\x06"       (obj->literal #\x06))       ;; 6
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\alarm"     (obj->literal #\alarm))     ;; 7
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\backspace" (obj->literal #\backspace)) ;; 8
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\tab"       (obj->literal #\tab))       ;; 9
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\newline"   (obj->literal #\newline))   ;; 10
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\vtab"      (obj->literal #\vtab))      ;; 11
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\page"      (obj->literal #\page))      ;; 12
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\return"    (obj->literal #\return))    ;; 13
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\x0e"       (obj->literal #\x0e))       ;; 14
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\x0f"       (obj->literal #\x0f))       ;; 15
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\x10"       (obj->literal #\x10))       ;; 16
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\x11"       (obj->literal #\x11))       ;; 17
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\x12"       (obj->literal #\x12))       ;; 18
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\x13"       (obj->literal #\x13))       ;; 19
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\x14"       (obj->literal #\x14))       ;; 20
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\x15"       (obj->literal #\x15))       ;; 21
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\x16"       (obj->literal #\x16))       ;; 22
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\x17"       (obj->literal #\x17))       ;; 23
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\x18"       (obj->literal #\x18))       ;; 24
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\x19"       (obj->literal #\x19))       ;; 25
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\x1a"       (obj->literal #\x1a))       ;; 26
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\esc"       (obj->literal #\esc))       ;; 27
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\x1c"       (obj->literal #\x1c))       ;; 28
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\x1d"       (obj->literal #\x1d))       ;; 29
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\x1e"       (obj->literal #\x1e))       ;; 30
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\x1f"       (obj->literal #\x1f))       ;; 31
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\space"     (obj->literal #\space))     ;; 32
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\!"         (obj->literal #\!))         ;; 33
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\\""        (obj->literal #\"))         ;; 34
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\#"         (obj->literal #\#))         ;; 35
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\$"         (obj->literal #\$))         ;; 36
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\%"         (obj->literal #\%))         ;; 37
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\&"         (obj->literal #\&))         ;; 38
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\'"         (obj->literal #\'))         ;; 39
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\("         (obj->literal #\())         ;; 40
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\)"         (obj->literal #\)))         ;; 41
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\*"         (obj->literal #\*))         ;; 42
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\+"         (obj->literal #\+))         ;; 43
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\,"         (obj->literal #\,))         ;; 44
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\-"         (obj->literal #\-))         ;; 45
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\."         (obj->literal #\.))         ;; 46
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\/"         (obj->literal #\/))         ;; 47
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\0"         (obj->literal #\0))         ;; 48
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\1"         (obj->literal #\1))         ;; 49
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\2"         (obj->literal #\2))         ;; 50
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\3"         (obj->literal #\3))         ;; 51
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\4"         (obj->literal #\4))         ;; 52
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\5"         (obj->literal #\5))         ;; 53
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\6"         (obj->literal #\6))         ;; 54
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\7"         (obj->literal #\7))         ;; 55
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\8"         (obj->literal #\8))         ;; 56
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\9"         (obj->literal #\9))         ;; 57
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\:"         (obj->literal #\:))         ;; 58
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\;"         (obj->literal #\;))         ;; 59
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\<"         (obj->literal #\<))         ;; 60
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\="         (obj->literal #\=))         ;; 61
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\>"         (obj->literal #\>))         ;; 62
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\?"         (obj->literal #\?))         ;; 63
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\@"         (obj->literal #\@))         ;; 64
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\A"         (obj->literal #\A))         ;; 65
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\B"         (obj->literal #\B))         ;; 66
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\C"         (obj->literal #\C))         ;; 67
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\D"         (obj->literal #\D))         ;; 68
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\E"         (obj->literal #\E))         ;; 69
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\F"         (obj->literal #\F))         ;; 70
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\G"         (obj->literal #\G))         ;; 71
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\H"         (obj->literal #\H))         ;; 72
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\I"         (obj->literal #\I))         ;; 73
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\J"         (obj->literal #\J))         ;; 74
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\K"         (obj->literal #\K))         ;; 75
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\L"         (obj->literal #\L))         ;; 76
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\M"         (obj->literal #\M))         ;; 77
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\N"         (obj->literal #\N))         ;; 78
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\O"         (obj->literal #\O))         ;; 79
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\P"         (obj->literal #\P))         ;; 80
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\Q"         (obj->literal #\Q))         ;; 81
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\R"         (obj->literal #\R))         ;; 82
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\S"         (obj->literal #\S))         ;; 83
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\T"         (obj->literal #\T))         ;; 84
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\U"         (obj->literal #\U))         ;; 85
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\V"         (obj->literal #\V))         ;; 86
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\W"         (obj->literal #\W))         ;; 87
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\X"         (obj->literal #\X))         ;; 88
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\Y"         (obj->literal #\Y))         ;; 89
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\Z"         (obj->literal #\Z))         ;; 90
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\["         (obj->literal #\[))         ;; 91
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\\\"        (obj->literal #\\))         ;; 92
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\]"         (obj->literal #\]))         ;; 93
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\^"         (obj->literal #\^))         ;; 94
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\_"         (obj->literal #\_))         ;; 95
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\`"         (obj->literal #\`))         ;; 96
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\a"         (obj->literal #\a))         ;; 97
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\b"         (obj->literal #\b))         ;; 98
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\c"         (obj->literal #\c))         ;; 99
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\d"         (obj->literal #\d))         ;; 100
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\e"         (obj->literal #\e))         ;; 101
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\f"         (obj->literal #\f))         ;; 102
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\g"         (obj->literal #\g))         ;; 103
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\h"         (obj->literal #\h))         ;; 104
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\i"         (obj->literal #\i))         ;; 105
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\j"         (obj->literal #\j))         ;; 106
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\k"         (obj->literal #\k))         ;; 107
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\l"         (obj->literal #\l))         ;; 108
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\m"         (obj->literal #\m))         ;; 109
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\n"         (obj->literal #\n))         ;; 110
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\o"         (obj->literal #\o))         ;; 111
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\p"         (obj->literal #\p))         ;; 112
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\q"         (obj->literal #\q))         ;; 113
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\r"         (obj->literal #\r))         ;; 114
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\s"         (obj->literal #\s))         ;; 115
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\t"         (obj->literal #\t))         ;; 116
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\u"         (obj->literal #\u))         ;; 117
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\v"         (obj->literal #\v))         ;; 118
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\w"         (obj->literal #\w))         ;; 119
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\x"         (obj->literal #\x))         ;; 120
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\y"         (obj->literal #\y))         ;; 121
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\z"         (obj->literal #\z))         ;; 122
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\{"         (obj->literal #\{))         ;; 123
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\|"         (obj->literal #\|))         ;; 124
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\}"         (obj->literal #\}))         ;; 125
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\~"         (obj->literal #\~))         ;; 126
+(assert-equal? "char literal" "#\\delete"    (obj->literal #\delete))    ;; 127
+;; R6RS(SRFI-75) hexadecimal character literal 
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\nul       #\x00)    ;; 0
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\x01       #\x01)    ;; 1
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\x02       #\x02)    ;; 2
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\x03       #\x03)    ;; 3
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\x04       #\x04)    ;; 4
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\x05       #\x05)    ;; 5
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\x06       #\x06)    ;; 6
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\alarm     #\x07)    ;; 7
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\backspace #\x08)    ;; 8
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\tab       #\x09)    ;; 9
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\newline   #\x0a)   ;; 10
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\vtab      #\x0b)   ;; 11
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\page      #\x0c)   ;; 12
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\return    #\x0d)   ;; 13
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\x0e       #\x0e)   ;; 14
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\x0f       #\x0f)   ;; 15
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\x10       #\x10)   ;; 16
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\x11       #\x11)   ;; 17
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\x12       #\x12)   ;; 18
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\x13       #\x13)   ;; 19
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\x14       #\x14)   ;; 20
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\x15       #\x15)   ;; 21
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\x16       #\x16)   ;; 22
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\x17       #\x17)   ;; 23
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\x18       #\x18)   ;; 24
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\x19       #\x19)   ;; 25
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\x1a       #\x1a)   ;; 26
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\esc       #\x1b)   ;; 27
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\x1c       #\x1c)   ;; 28
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\x1d       #\x1d)   ;; 29
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\x1e       #\x1e)   ;; 30
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\x1f       #\x1f)   ;; 31
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\space     #\x20)   ;; 32
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\!         #\x21)   ;; 33
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\"         #\x22)   ;; 34
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\#         #\x23)   ;; 35
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\$         #\x24)   ;; 36
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\%         #\x25)   ;; 37
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\&         #\x26)   ;; 38
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\'         #\x27)   ;; 39
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\(         #\x28)   ;; 40
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\)         #\x29)   ;; 41
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\*         #\x2a)   ;; 42
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\+         #\x2b)   ;; 43
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\,         #\x2c)   ;; 44
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\-         #\x2d)   ;; 45
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\.         #\x2e)   ;; 46
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\/         #\x2f)   ;; 47
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\0         #\x30)   ;; 48
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\1         #\x31)   ;; 49
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\2         #\x32)   ;; 50
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\3         #\x33)   ;; 51
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\4         #\x34)   ;; 52
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\5         #\x35)   ;; 53
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\6         #\x36)   ;; 54
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\7         #\x37)   ;; 55
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\8         #\x38)   ;; 56
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\9         #\x39)   ;; 57
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\:         #\x3a)   ;; 58
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\;         #\x3b)   ;; 59
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\<         #\x3c)   ;; 60
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\=         #\x3d)   ;; 61
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\>         #\x3e)   ;; 62
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\?         #\x3f)   ;; 63
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\@         #\x40)   ;; 64
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\A         #\x41)   ;; 65
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\B         #\x42)   ;; 66
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\C         #\x43)   ;; 67
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\D         #\x44)   ;; 68
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\E         #\x45)   ;; 69
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\F         #\x46)   ;; 70
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\G         #\x47)   ;; 71
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\H         #\x48)   ;; 72
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\I         #\x49)   ;; 73
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\J         #\x4a)   ;; 74
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\K         #\x4b)   ;; 75
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\L         #\x4c)   ;; 76
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\M         #\x4d)   ;; 77
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\N         #\x4e)   ;; 78
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\O         #\x4f)   ;; 79
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\P         #\x50)   ;; 80
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\Q         #\x51)   ;; 81
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\R         #\x52)   ;; 82
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\S         #\x53)   ;; 83
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\T         #\x54)   ;; 84
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\U         #\x55)   ;; 85
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\V         #\x56)   ;; 86
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\W         #\x57)   ;; 87
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\X         #\x58)   ;; 88
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\Y         #\x59)   ;; 89
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\Z         #\x5a)   ;; 90
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\[         #\x5b)   ;; 91
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\\         #\x5c)   ;; 92
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\]         #\x5d)   ;; 93
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\^         #\x5e)   ;; 94
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\_         #\x5f)   ;; 95
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\`         #\x60)   ;; 96
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\a         #\x61)   ;; 97
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\b         #\x62)   ;; 98
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\c         #\x63)   ;; 99
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\d         #\x64)  ;; 100
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\e         #\x65)  ;; 101
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\f         #\x66)  ;; 102
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\g         #\x67)  ;; 103
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\h         #\x68)  ;; 104
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\i         #\x69)  ;; 105
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\j         #\x6a)  ;; 106
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\k         #\x6b)  ;; 107
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\l         #\x6c)  ;; 108
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\m         #\x6d)  ;; 109
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\n         #\x6e)  ;; 110
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\o         #\x6f)  ;; 111
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\p         #\x70)  ;; 112
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\q         #\x71)  ;; 113
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\r         #\x72)  ;; 114
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\s         #\x73)  ;; 115
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\t         #\x74)  ;; 116
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\u         #\x75)  ;; 117
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\v         #\x76)  ;; 118
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\w         #\x77)  ;; 119
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\x         #\x78)  ;; 120
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\y         #\x79)  ;; 121
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\z         #\x7a)  ;; 122
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\{         #\x7b)  ;; 123
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\|         #\x7c)  ;; 124
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\}         #\x7d)  ;; 125
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\~         #\x7e)  ;; 126
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal" #\delete    #\x7f)  ;; 127
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\nul"       (obj->literal #\x00))  ;; 0
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\x01"       (obj->literal #\x01))  ;; 1
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\x02"       (obj->literal #\x02))  ;; 2
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\x03"       (obj->literal #\x03))  ;; 3
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\x04"       (obj->literal #\x04))  ;; 4
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\x05"       (obj->literal #\x05))  ;; 5
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\x06"       (obj->literal #\x06))  ;; 6
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\alarm"     (obj->literal #\x07))  ;; 7
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\backspace" (obj->literal #\x08))  ;; 8
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\tab"       (obj->literal #\x09))  ;; 9
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\newline"   (obj->literal #\x0a))  ;; 10
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\vtab"      (obj->literal #\x0b))  ;; 11
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\page"      (obj->literal #\x0c))  ;; 12
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\return"    (obj->literal #\x0d))  ;; 13
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\x0e"       (obj->literal #\x0e))  ;; 14
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\x0f"       (obj->literal #\x0f))  ;; 15
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\x10"       (obj->literal #\x10))  ;; 16
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\x11"       (obj->literal #\x11))  ;; 17
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\x12"       (obj->literal #\x12))  ;; 18
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\x13"       (obj->literal #\x13))  ;; 19
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\x14"       (obj->literal #\x14))  ;; 20
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\x15"       (obj->literal #\x15))  ;; 21
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\x16"       (obj->literal #\x16))  ;; 22
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\x17"       (obj->literal #\x17))  ;; 23
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\x18"       (obj->literal #\x18))  ;; 24
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\x19"       (obj->literal #\x19))  ;; 25
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\x1a"       (obj->literal #\x1a))  ;; 26
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\esc"       (obj->literal #\x1b))  ;; 27
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\x1c"       (obj->literal #\x1c))  ;; 28
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\x1d"       (obj->literal #\x1d))  ;; 29
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\x1e"       (obj->literal #\x1e))  ;; 30
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\x1f"       (obj->literal #\x1f))  ;; 31
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\space"     (obj->literal #\x20))  ;; 32
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\!"         (obj->literal #\x21))  ;; 33
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\\""        (obj->literal #\x22))  ;; 34
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\#"         (obj->literal #\x23))  ;; 35
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\$"         (obj->literal #\x24))  ;; 36
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\%"         (obj->literal #\x25))  ;; 37
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\&"         (obj->literal #\x26))  ;; 38
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\'"         (obj->literal #\x27))  ;; 39
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\("         (obj->literal #\x28))  ;; 40
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\)"         (obj->literal #\x29))  ;; 41
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\*"         (obj->literal #\x2a))  ;; 42
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\+"         (obj->literal #\x2b))  ;; 43
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\,"         (obj->literal #\x2c))  ;; 44
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\-"         (obj->literal #\x2d))  ;; 45
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\."         (obj->literal #\x2e))  ;; 46
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\/"         (obj->literal #\x2f))  ;; 47
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\0"         (obj->literal #\x30))  ;; 48
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\1"         (obj->literal #\x31))  ;; 49
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\2"         (obj->literal #\x32))  ;; 50
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\3"         (obj->literal #\x33))  ;; 51
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\4"         (obj->literal #\x34))  ;; 52
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\5"         (obj->literal #\x35))  ;; 53
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\6"         (obj->literal #\x36))  ;; 54
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\7"         (obj->literal #\x37))  ;; 55
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\8"         (obj->literal #\x38))  ;; 56
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\9"         (obj->literal #\x39))  ;; 57
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\:"         (obj->literal #\x3a))  ;; 58
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\;"         (obj->literal #\x3b))  ;; 59
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\<"         (obj->literal #\x3c))  ;; 60
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\="         (obj->literal #\x3d))  ;; 61
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\>"         (obj->literal #\x3e))  ;; 62
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\?"         (obj->literal #\x3f))  ;; 63
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\@"         (obj->literal #\x40))  ;; 64
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\A"         (obj->literal #\x41))  ;; 65
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\B"         (obj->literal #\x42))  ;; 66
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\C"         (obj->literal #\x43))  ;; 67
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\D"         (obj->literal #\x44))  ;; 68
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\E"         (obj->literal #\x45))  ;; 69
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\F"         (obj->literal #\x46))  ;; 70
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\G"         (obj->literal #\x47))  ;; 71
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\H"         (obj->literal #\x48))  ;; 72
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\I"         (obj->literal #\x49))  ;; 73
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\J"         (obj->literal #\x4a))  ;; 74
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\K"         (obj->literal #\x4b))  ;; 75
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\L"         (obj->literal #\x4c))  ;; 76
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\M"         (obj->literal #\x4d))  ;; 77
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\N"         (obj->literal #\x4e))  ;; 78
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\O"         (obj->literal #\x4f))  ;; 79
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\P"         (obj->literal #\x50))  ;; 80
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\Q"         (obj->literal #\x51))  ;; 81
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\R"         (obj->literal #\x52))  ;; 82
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\S"         (obj->literal #\x53))  ;; 83
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\T"         (obj->literal #\x54))  ;; 84
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\U"         (obj->literal #\x55))  ;; 85
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\V"         (obj->literal #\x56))  ;; 86
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\W"         (obj->literal #\x57))  ;; 87
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\X"         (obj->literal #\x58))  ;; 88
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\Y"         (obj->literal #\x59))  ;; 89
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\Z"         (obj->literal #\x5a))  ;; 90
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\["         (obj->literal #\x5b))  ;; 91
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\\\"        (obj->literal #\x5c))  ;; 92
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\]"         (obj->literal #\x5d))  ;; 93
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\^"         (obj->literal #\x5e))  ;; 94
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\_"         (obj->literal #\x5f))  ;; 95
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\`"         (obj->literal #\x60))  ;; 96
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\a"         (obj->literal #\x61))  ;; 97
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\b"         (obj->literal #\x62))  ;; 98
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\c"         (obj->literal #\x63))  ;; 99
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\d"         (obj->literal #\x64))  ;; 100
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\e"         (obj->literal #\x65))  ;; 101
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\f"         (obj->literal #\x66))  ;; 102
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\g"         (obj->literal #\x67))  ;; 103
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\h"         (obj->literal #\x68))  ;; 104
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\i"         (obj->literal #\x69))  ;; 105
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\j"         (obj->literal #\x6a))  ;; 106
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\k"         (obj->literal #\x6b))  ;; 107
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\l"         (obj->literal #\x6c))  ;; 108
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\m"         (obj->literal #\x6d))  ;; 109
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\n"         (obj->literal #\x6e))  ;; 110
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\o"         (obj->literal #\x6f))  ;; 111
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\p"         (obj->literal #\x70))  ;; 112
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\q"         (obj->literal #\x71))  ;; 113
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\r"         (obj->literal #\x72))  ;; 114
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\s"         (obj->literal #\x73))  ;; 115
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\t"         (obj->literal #\x74))  ;; 116
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\u"         (obj->literal #\x75))  ;; 117
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\v"         (obj->literal #\x76))  ;; 118
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\w"         (obj->literal #\x77))  ;; 119
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\x"         (obj->literal #\x78))  ;; 120
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\y"         (obj->literal #\x79))  ;; 121
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\z"         (obj->literal #\x7a))  ;; 122
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\{"         (obj->literal #\x7b))  ;; 123
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\|"         (obj->literal #\x7c))  ;; 124
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\}"         (obj->literal #\x7d))  ;; 125
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\~"         (obj->literal #\x7e))  ;; 126
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #2" "#\\delete"    (obj->literal #\x7f))  ;; 127
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char   0) #\x00)  ;; 0
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char   1) #\x01)  ;; 1
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char   2) #\x02)  ;; 2
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char   3) #\x03)  ;; 3
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char   4) #\x04)  ;; 4
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char   5) #\x05)  ;; 5
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char   6) #\x06)  ;; 6
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char   7) #\x07)  ;; 7
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char   8) #\x08)  ;; 8
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char   9) #\x09)  ;; 9
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  10) #\x0a)  ;; 10
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  11) #\x0b)  ;; 11
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  12) #\x0c)  ;; 12
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  13) #\x0d)  ;; 13
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  14) #\x0e)  ;; 14
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  15) #\x0f)  ;; 15
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  16) #\x10)  ;; 16
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  17) #\x11)  ;; 17
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  18) #\x12)  ;; 18
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  19) #\x13)  ;; 19
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  20) #\x14)  ;; 20
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  21) #\x15)  ;; 21
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  22) #\x16)  ;; 22
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  23) #\x17)  ;; 23
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  24) #\x18)  ;; 24
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  25) #\x19)  ;; 25
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  26) #\x1a)  ;; 26
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  27) #\x1b)  ;; 27
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  28) #\x1c)  ;; 28
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  29) #\x1d)  ;; 29
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  30) #\x1e)  ;; 30
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  31) #\x1f)  ;; 31
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  32) #\x20)  ;; 32
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  33) #\x21)  ;; 33
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  34) #\x22)  ;; 34
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  35) #\x23)  ;; 35
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  36) #\x24)  ;; 36
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  37) #\x25)  ;; 37
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  38) #\x26)  ;; 38
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  39) #\x27)  ;; 39
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  40) #\x28)  ;; 40
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  41) #\x29)  ;; 41
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  42) #\x2a)  ;; 42
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  43) #\x2b)  ;; 43
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  44) #\x2c)  ;; 44
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  45) #\x2d)  ;; 45
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  46) #\x2e)  ;; 46
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  47) #\x2f)  ;; 47
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  48) #\x30)  ;; 48
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  49) #\x31)  ;; 49
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  50) #\x32)  ;; 50
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  51) #\x33)  ;; 51
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  52) #\x34)  ;; 52
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  53) #\x35)  ;; 53
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  54) #\x36)  ;; 54
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  55) #\x37)  ;; 55
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  56) #\x38)  ;; 56
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  57) #\x39)  ;; 57
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  58) #\x3a)  ;; 58
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  59) #\x3b)  ;; 59
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  60) #\x3c)  ;; 60
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  61) #\x3d)  ;; 61
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  62) #\x3e)  ;; 62
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  63) #\x3f)  ;; 63
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  64) #\x40)  ;; 64
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  65) #\x41)  ;; 65
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  66) #\x42)  ;; 66
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  67) #\x43)  ;; 67
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  68) #\x44)  ;; 68
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  69) #\x45)  ;; 69
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  70) #\x46)  ;; 70
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  71) #\x47)  ;; 71
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  72) #\x48)  ;; 72
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  73) #\x49)  ;; 73
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  74) #\x4a)  ;; 74
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  75) #\x4b)  ;; 75
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  76) #\x4c)  ;; 76
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  77) #\x4d)  ;; 77
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  78) #\x4e)  ;; 78
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  79) #\x4f)  ;; 79
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  80) #\x50)  ;; 80
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  81) #\x51)  ;; 81
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  82) #\x52)  ;; 82
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  83) #\x53)  ;; 83
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  84) #\x54)  ;; 84
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  85) #\x55)  ;; 85
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  86) #\x56)  ;; 86
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  87) #\x57)  ;; 87
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  88) #\x58)  ;; 88
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  89) #\x59)  ;; 89
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  90) #\x5a)  ;; 90
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  91) #\x5b)  ;; 91
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  92) #\x5c)  ;; 92
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  93) #\x5d)  ;; 93
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  94) #\x5e)  ;; 94
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  95) #\x5f)  ;; 95
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  96) #\x60)  ;; 96
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  97) #\x61)  ;; 97
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  98) #\x62)  ;; 98
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char  99) #\x63)  ;; 99
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char 100) #\x64)  ;; 100
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char 101) #\x65)  ;; 101
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char 102) #\x66)  ;; 102
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char 103) #\x67)  ;; 103
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char 104) #\x68)  ;; 104
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char 105) #\x69)  ;; 105
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char 106) #\x6a)  ;; 106
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char 107) #\x6b)  ;; 107
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char 108) #\x6c)  ;; 108
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char 109) #\x6d)  ;; 109
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char 110) #\x6e)  ;; 110
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char 111) #\x6f)  ;; 111
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char 112) #\x70)  ;; 112
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char 113) #\x71)  ;; 113
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char 114) #\x72)  ;; 114
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char 115) #\x73)  ;; 115
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char 116) #\x74)  ;; 116
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char 117) #\x75)  ;; 117
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char 118) #\x76)  ;; 118
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char 119) #\x77)  ;; 119
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char 120) #\x78)  ;; 120
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char 121) #\x79)  ;; 121
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char 122) #\x7a)  ;; 122
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char 123) #\x7b)  ;; 123
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char 124) #\x7c)  ;; 124
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char 125) #\x7d)  ;; 125
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char 126) #\x7e)  ;; 126
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #3" (integer->char 127) #\x7f)  ;; 127
+;; capitalized hexadecimal
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char   0) #\x00)  ;; 0
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char   1) #\x01)  ;; 1
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char   2) #\x02)  ;; 2
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char   3) #\x03)  ;; 3
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char   4) #\x04)  ;; 4
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char   5) #\x05)  ;; 5
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char   6) #\x06)  ;; 6
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char   7) #\x07)  ;; 7
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char   8) #\x08)  ;; 8
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char   9) #\x09)  ;; 9
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  10) #\x0A)  ;; 10
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  11) #\x0B)  ;; 11
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  12) #\x0C)  ;; 12
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  13) #\x0D)  ;; 13
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  14) #\x0E)  ;; 14
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  15) #\x0F)  ;; 15
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  16) #\x10)  ;; 16
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  17) #\x11)  ;; 17
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  18) #\x12)  ;; 18
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  19) #\x13)  ;; 19
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  20) #\x14)  ;; 20
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  21) #\x15)  ;; 21
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  22) #\x16)  ;; 22
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  23) #\x17)  ;; 23
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  24) #\x18)  ;; 24
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  25) #\x19)  ;; 25
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  26) #\x1A)  ;; 26
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  27) #\x1B)  ;; 27
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  28) #\x1C)  ;; 28
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  29) #\x1D)  ;; 29
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  30) #\x1E)  ;; 30
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  31) #\x1F)  ;; 31
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  32) #\x20)  ;; 32
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  33) #\x21)  ;; 33
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  34) #\x22)  ;; 34
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  35) #\x23)  ;; 35
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  36) #\x24)  ;; 36
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  37) #\x25)  ;; 37
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  38) #\x26)  ;; 38
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  39) #\x27)  ;; 39
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  40) #\x28)  ;; 40
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  41) #\x29)  ;; 41
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  42) #\x2A)  ;; 42
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  43) #\x2B)  ;; 43
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  44) #\x2C)  ;; 44
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  45) #\x2D)  ;; 45
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  46) #\x2E)  ;; 46
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  47) #\x2F)  ;; 47
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  48) #\x30)  ;; 48
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  49) #\x31)  ;; 49
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  50) #\x32)  ;; 50
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  51) #\x33)  ;; 51
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  52) #\x34)  ;; 52
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  53) #\x35)  ;; 53
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  54) #\x36)  ;; 54
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  55) #\x37)  ;; 55
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  56) #\x38)  ;; 56
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  57) #\x39)  ;; 57
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  58) #\x3A)  ;; 58
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  59) #\x3B)  ;; 59
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  60) #\x3C)  ;; 60
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  61) #\x3D)  ;; 61
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  62) #\x3E)  ;; 62
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  63) #\x3F)  ;; 63
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  64) #\x40)  ;; 64
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  65) #\x41)  ;; 65
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  66) #\x42)  ;; 66
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  67) #\x43)  ;; 67
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  68) #\x44)  ;; 68
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  69) #\x45)  ;; 69
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  70) #\x46)  ;; 70
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  71) #\x47)  ;; 71
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  72) #\x48)  ;; 72
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  73) #\x49)  ;; 73
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  74) #\x4A)  ;; 74
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  75) #\x4B)  ;; 75
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  76) #\x4C)  ;; 76
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  77) #\x4D)  ;; 77
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  78) #\x4E)  ;; 78
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  79) #\x4F)  ;; 79
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  80) #\x50)  ;; 80
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  81) #\x51)  ;; 81
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  82) #\x52)  ;; 82
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  83) #\x53)  ;; 83
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  84) #\x54)  ;; 84
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  85) #\x55)  ;; 85
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  86) #\x56)  ;; 86
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  87) #\x57)  ;; 87
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  88) #\x58)  ;; 88
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  89) #\x59)  ;; 89
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  90) #\x5A)  ;; 90
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  91) #\x5B)  ;; 91
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  92) #\x5C)  ;; 92
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  93) #\x5D)  ;; 93
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  94) #\x5E)  ;; 94
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  95) #\x5F)  ;; 95
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  96) #\x60)  ;; 96
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  97) #\x61)  ;; 97
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  98) #\x62)  ;; 98
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char  99) #\x63)  ;; 99
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char 100) #\x64)  ;; 100
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char 101) #\x65)  ;; 101
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char 102) #\x66)  ;; 102
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char 103) #\x67)  ;; 103
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char 104) #\x68)  ;; 104
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char 105) #\x69)  ;; 105
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char 106) #\x6A)  ;; 106
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char 107) #\x6B)  ;; 107
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char 108) #\x6C)  ;; 108
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char 109) #\x6D)  ;; 109
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char 110) #\x6E)  ;; 110
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char 111) #\x6F)  ;; 111
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char 112) #\x70)  ;; 112
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char 113) #\x71)  ;; 113
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char 114) #\x72)  ;; 114
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char 115) #\x73)  ;; 115
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char 116) #\x74)  ;; 116
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char 117) #\x75)  ;; 117
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char 118) #\x76)  ;; 118
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char 119) #\x77)  ;; 119
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char 120) #\x78)  ;; 120
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char 121) #\x79)  ;; 121
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char 122) #\x7A)  ;; 122
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char 123) #\x7B)  ;; 123
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char 124) #\x7C)  ;; 124
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char 125) #\x7D)  ;; 125
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char 126) #\x7E)  ;; 126
+(assert-equal? "R6RS hexadecimal char literal #4" (integer->char 127) #\x7F)  ;; 127
 ;; integer->char
 ;; NOTE: #\x0e -style character is defined in R6RS(SRFI-75)
 (assert-equal? "integer->char" #\nul       (integer->char 0))    ;; 0
@@ -190,4 +896,133 @@
 (assert-equal? "integer->char" #\~         (integer->char 126))  ;; 126
 (assert-equal? "integer->char" #\delete    (integer->char 127))  ;; 127
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\nul"       (i->chlit 0))    ;; 0
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\x01"       (i->chlit 1))    ;; 1
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\x02"       (i->chlit 2))    ;; 2
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\x03"       (i->chlit 3))    ;; 3
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\x04"       (i->chlit 4))    ;; 4
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\x05"       (i->chlit 5))    ;; 5
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\x06"       (i->chlit 6))    ;; 6
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\alarm"     (i->chlit 7))    ;; 7
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\backspace" (i->chlit 8))    ;; 8
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\tab"       (i->chlit 9))    ;; 9
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\newline"   (i->chlit 10))   ;; 10
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\vtab"      (i->chlit 11))   ;; 11
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\page"      (i->chlit 12))   ;; 12
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\return"    (i->chlit 13))   ;; 13
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\x0e"       (i->chlit 14))   ;; 14
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\x0f"       (i->chlit 15))   ;; 15
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\x10"       (i->chlit 16))   ;; 16
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\x11"       (i->chlit 17))   ;; 17
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\x12"       (i->chlit 18))   ;; 18
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\x13"       (i->chlit 19))   ;; 19
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\x14"       (i->chlit 20))   ;; 20
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\x15"       (i->chlit 21))   ;; 21
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\x16"       (i->chlit 22))   ;; 22
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\x17"       (i->chlit 23))   ;; 23
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\x18"       (i->chlit 24))   ;; 24
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\x19"       (i->chlit 25))   ;; 25
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\x1a"       (i->chlit 26))   ;; 26
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\esc"       (i->chlit 27))   ;; 27
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\x1c"       (i->chlit 28))   ;; 28
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\x1d"       (i->chlit 29))   ;; 29
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\x1e"       (i->chlit 30))   ;; 30
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\x1f"       (i->chlit 31))   ;; 31
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\space"     (i->chlit 32))   ;; 32
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\!"         (i->chlit 33))   ;; 33
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\\""        (i->chlit 34))   ;; 34
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\#"         (i->chlit 35))   ;; 35
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\$"         (i->chlit 36))   ;; 36
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\%"         (i->chlit 37))   ;; 37
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\&"         (i->chlit 38))   ;; 38
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\'"         (i->chlit 39))   ;; 39
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\("         (i->chlit 40))   ;; 40
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\)"         (i->chlit 41))   ;; 41
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\*"         (i->chlit 42))   ;; 42
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\+"         (i->chlit 43))   ;; 43
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\,"         (i->chlit 44))   ;; 44
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\-"         (i->chlit 45))   ;; 45
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\."         (i->chlit 46))   ;; 46
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\/"         (i->chlit 47))   ;; 47
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\0"         (i->chlit 48))   ;; 48
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\1"         (i->chlit 49))   ;; 49
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\2"         (i->chlit 50))   ;; 50
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\3"         (i->chlit 51))   ;; 51
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\4"         (i->chlit 52))   ;; 52
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\5"         (i->chlit 53))   ;; 53
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\6"         (i->chlit 54))   ;; 54
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\7"         (i->chlit 55))   ;; 55
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\8"         (i->chlit 56))   ;; 56
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\9"         (i->chlit 57))   ;; 57
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\:"         (i->chlit 58))   ;; 58
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\;"         (i->chlit 59))   ;; 59
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\<"         (i->chlit 60))   ;; 60
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\="         (i->chlit 61))   ;; 61
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\>"         (i->chlit 62))   ;; 62
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\?"         (i->chlit 63))   ;; 63
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\@"         (i->chlit 64))   ;; 64
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\A"         (i->chlit 65))   ;; 65
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\B"         (i->chlit 66))   ;; 66
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\C"         (i->chlit 67))   ;; 67
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\D"         (i->chlit 68))   ;; 68
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\E"         (i->chlit 69))   ;; 69
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\F"         (i->chlit 70))   ;; 70
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\G"         (i->chlit 71))   ;; 71
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\H"         (i->chlit 72))   ;; 72
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\I"         (i->chlit 73))   ;; 73
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\J"         (i->chlit 74))   ;; 74
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\K"         (i->chlit 75))   ;; 75
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\L"         (i->chlit 76))   ;; 76
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\M"         (i->chlit 77))   ;; 77
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\N"         (i->chlit 78))   ;; 78
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\O"         (i->chlit 79))   ;; 79
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\P"         (i->chlit 80))   ;; 80
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\Q"         (i->chlit 81))   ;; 81
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\R"         (i->chlit 82))   ;; 82
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\S"         (i->chlit 83))   ;; 83
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\T"         (i->chlit 84))   ;; 84
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\U"         (i->chlit 85))   ;; 85
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\V"         (i->chlit 86))   ;; 86
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\W"         (i->chlit 87))   ;; 87
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\X"         (i->chlit 88))   ;; 88
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\Y"         (i->chlit 89))   ;; 89
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\Z"         (i->chlit 90))   ;; 90
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\["         (i->chlit 91))   ;; 91
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\\\"        (i->chlit 92))   ;; 92
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\]"         (i->chlit 93))   ;; 93
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\^"         (i->chlit 94))   ;; 94
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\_"         (i->chlit 95))   ;; 95
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\`"         (i->chlit 96))   ;; 96
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\a"         (i->chlit 97))   ;; 97
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\b"         (i->chlit 98))   ;; 98
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\c"         (i->chlit 99))   ;; 99
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\d"         (i->chlit 100))  ;; 100
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\e"         (i->chlit 101))  ;; 101
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\f"         (i->chlit 102))  ;; 102
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\g"         (i->chlit 103))  ;; 103
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\h"         (i->chlit 104))  ;; 104
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\i"         (i->chlit 105))  ;; 105
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\j"         (i->chlit 106))  ;; 106
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\k"         (i->chlit 107))  ;; 107
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\l"         (i->chlit 108))  ;; 108
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\m"         (i->chlit 109))  ;; 109
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\n"         (i->chlit 110))  ;; 110
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\o"         (i->chlit 111))  ;; 111
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\p"         (i->chlit 112))  ;; 112
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\q"         (i->chlit 113))  ;; 113
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\r"         (i->chlit 114))  ;; 114
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\s"         (i->chlit 115))  ;; 115
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\t"         (i->chlit 116))  ;; 116
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\u"         (i->chlit 117))  ;; 117
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\v"         (i->chlit 118))  ;; 118
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\w"         (i->chlit 119))  ;; 119
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\x"         (i->chlit 120))  ;; 120
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\y"         (i->chlit 121))  ;; 121
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\z"         (i->chlit 122))  ;; 122
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\{"         (i->chlit 123))  ;; 123
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\|"         (i->chlit 124))  ;; 124
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\}"         (i->chlit 125))  ;; 125
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\~"         (i->chlit 126))  ;; 126
+(assert-equal? "integer->char #2" "#\\delete"    (i->chlit 127))  ;; 127

Modified: branches/r5rs/sigscheme/test/test-string.scm
--- branches/r5rs/sigscheme/test/test-string.scm	2005-11-11 14:56:56 UTC (rev 2114)
+++ branches/r5rs/sigscheme/test/test-string.scm	2005-11-11 14:58:55 UTC (rev 2115)
@@ -198,103 +198,174 @@
 ;; All these conventional escape sequences should cause parse error as defined
 ;; in SRFI-75: "Any other character in a string after a backslash is an
-;; error". Since no way exist for testing parse error, the tests are simply
-;; disabled.
-;;;;                                                "\0"   ;; 0
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" " " "\ ")  ;; 32
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "!" "\!")  ;; 33
-;;;;                                                "\""   ;; 34
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "#" "\#")  ;; 35
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "$" "\$")  ;; 36
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "%" "\%")  ;; 37
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "&" "\&")  ;; 38
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "'" "\'")  ;; 39
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "(" "\(")  ;; 40
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" ")" "\)")  ;; 41
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "*" "\*")  ;; 42
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "+" "\+")  ;; 43
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "," "\,")  ;; 44
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "-" "\-")  ;; 45
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "." "\.")  ;; 46
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "/" "\/")  ;; 47
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "0" "\0")  ;; 48
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "1" "\1")  ;; 49
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "2" "\2")  ;; 50
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "3" "\3")  ;; 51
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "4" "\4")  ;; 52
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "5" "\5")  ;; 53
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "6" "\6")  ;; 54
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "7" "\7")  ;; 55
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "8" "\8")  ;; 56
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "9" "\9")  ;; 57
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" ":" "\:")  ;; 58
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" ";" "\;")  ;; 59
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "<" "\<")  ;; 60
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "=" "\=")  ;; 61
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" ">" "\>")  ;; 62
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "?" "\?")  ;; 63
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "@" "\@")  ;; 64
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "A" "\A")  ;; 65
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "B" "\B")  ;; 66
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "C" "\C")  ;; 67
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "D" "\D")  ;; 68
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "E" "\E")  ;; 69
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "F" "\F")  ;; 70
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "G" "\G")  ;; 71
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "H" "\H")  ;; 72
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "I" "\I")  ;; 73
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "J" "\J")  ;; 74
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "K" "\K")  ;; 75
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "L" "\L")  ;; 76
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "M" "\M")  ;; 77
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "N" "\N")  ;; 78
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "O" "\O")  ;; 79
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "P" "\P")  ;; 80
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "Q" "\Q")  ;; 81
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "R" "\R")  ;; 82
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "S" "\S")  ;; 83
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "T" "\T")  ;; 84
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "U" "\U")  ;; 85
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "V" "\V")  ;; 86
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "W" "\W")  ;; 87
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "X" "\X")  ;; 88
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "Y" "\Y")  ;; 89
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "Z" "\Z")  ;; 90
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "[" "\[")  ;; 91
-;;;;                                                "\\"   ;; 92
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "]" "\]")  ;; 93
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "^" "\^")  ;; 94
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "_" "\_")  ;; 95
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "`" "\`")  ;; 96
-;;;;                                                "\a"   ;; 97
-;;;;                                                "\b"   ;; 98
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "c" "\c")  ;; 99
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "d" "\d")  ;; 100
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "e" "\e")  ;; 101
-;;;;                                                "\f"   ;; 102
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "g" "\g")  ;; 103
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "h" "\h")  ;; 104
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "i" "\i")  ;; 105
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "j" "\j")  ;; 106
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "k" "\k")  ;; 107
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "l" "\l")  ;; 108
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "m" "\m")  ;; 109
-;;;;                                                "\n"   ;; 110
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "o" "\o")  ;; 111
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "p" "\p")  ;; 112
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "q" "\q")  ;; 113
-;;;;                                                "\r"   ;; 114
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "s" "\s")  ;; 115
-;;;;                                                "\t"   ;; 116
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "u" "\u")  ;; 117
-;;;;                                                "\v"   ;; 118
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "w" "\w")  ;; 119
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "x" "\x")  ;; 120
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "y" "\y")  ;; 121
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "z" "\z")  ;; 122
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "{" "\{")  ;; 123
-;;;;                                                "\|"   ;; 124
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "}" "\}")  ;; 125
-;;(assert-equal? "conventional escape sequence" "~" "\~")  ;; 126
+;; error".
+;;                                                      "\0"   ;; 0
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\ \"")  ;; 32
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\!\"")  ;; 33
+;;                                                      "\""   ;; 34
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\#\"")  ;; 35
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\$\"")  ;; 36
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\%\"")  ;; 37
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\&\"")  ;; 38
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\'\"")  ;; 39
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\(\"")  ;; 40
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\)\"")  ;; 41
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\*\"")  ;; 42
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\+\"")  ;; 43
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\,\"")  ;; 44
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\-\"")  ;; 45
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\.\"")  ;; 46
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\/\"")  ;; 47
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\0\"")  ;; 48
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\1\"")  ;; 49
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\2\"")  ;; 50
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\3\"")  ;; 51
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\4\"")  ;; 52
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\5\"")  ;; 53
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\6\"")  ;; 54
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\7\"")  ;; 55
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\8\"")  ;; 56
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\9\"")  ;; 57
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\:\"")  ;; 58
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\;\"")  ;; 59
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\<\"")  ;; 60
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\=\"")  ;; 61
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\>\"")  ;; 62
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\?\"")  ;; 63
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\@\"")  ;; 64
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\A\"")  ;; 65
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\B\"")  ;; 66
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\C\"")  ;; 67
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\D\"")  ;; 68
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\E\"")  ;; 69
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\F\"")  ;; 70
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\G\"")  ;; 71
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\H\"")  ;; 72
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\I\"")  ;; 73
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\J\"")  ;; 74
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\K\"")  ;; 75
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\L\"")  ;; 76
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\M\"")  ;; 77
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\N\"")  ;; 78
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\O\"")  ;; 79
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\P\"")  ;; 80
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\Q\"")  ;; 81
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\R\"")  ;; 82
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\S\"")  ;; 83
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\T\"")  ;; 84
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\U\"")  ;; 85
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\V\"")  ;; 86
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\W\"")  ;; 87
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\X\"")  ;; 88
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\Y\"")  ;; 89
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\Z\"")  ;; 90
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\[\"")  ;; 91
+;;                                                      "\\"   ;; 92
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\]\"")  ;; 93
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\^\"")  ;; 94
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\_\"")  ;; 95
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\`\"")  ;; 96
+;;                                                      "\a"   ;; 97
+;;                                                      "\b"   ;; 98
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\c\"")  ;; 99
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\d\"")  ;; 100
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\e\"")  ;; 101
+;;                                                      "\f"   ;; 102
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\g\"")  ;; 103
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\h\"")  ;; 104
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\i\"")  ;; 105
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\j\"")  ;; 106
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\k\"")  ;; 107
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\l\"")  ;; 108
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\m\"")  ;; 109
+;;                                                      "\n"   ;; 110
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\o\"")  ;; 111
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\p\"")  ;; 112
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\q\"")  ;; 113
+;;                                                      "\r"   ;; 114
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\s\"")  ;; 115
+;;                                                      "\t"   ;; 116
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\u\"")  ;; 117
+;;                                                      "\v"   ;; 118
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\w\"")  ;; 119
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\x\"")  ;; 120
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\y\"")  ;; 121
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\z\"")  ;; 122
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\{\"")  ;; 123
+;;                                                      "\|"   ;; 124
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\}\"")  ;; 125
+(assert-parse-error "conventional escape sequence" "\"\\~\"")  ;; 126
+;; raw control chars
+(assert-equal? "raw control char in string literal" (integer->string   0) " ")  ;; 0
+(assert-equal? "raw control char in string literal" (integer->string   1) "")  ;; 1
+(assert-equal? "raw control char in string literal" (integer->string   2) "")  ;; 2
+(assert-equal? "raw control char in string literal" (integer->string   3) "")  ;; 3
+(assert-equal? "raw control char in string literal" (integer->string   4) "")  ;; 4
+(assert-equal? "raw control char in string literal" (integer->string   5) "")  ;; 5
+(assert-equal? "raw control char in string literal" (integer->string   6) "")  ;; 6
+(assert-equal? "raw control char in string literal" (integer->string   7) "")  ;; 7
+(assert-equal? "raw control char in string literal" (integer->string   8) "")  ;; 8  ;; DON'T EDIT THIS LINE!
+(assert-equal? "raw control char in string literal" (integer->string   9) "	")  ;; 9
+(assert-equal? "raw control char in string literal" (integer->string  10) "
+")  ;; 10  ;; DON'T EDIT THIS LINE!
+(assert-equal? "raw control char in string literal" (integer->string  11) "")  ;; 11
+(assert-equal? "raw control char in string literal" (integer->string  12) "")  ;; 12
+(assert-equal? "raw control char in string literal" (integer->string  13) "
")  ;; 13  ;; DON'T EDIT THIS LINE!
+(assert-equal? "raw control char in string literal" (integer->string  14) "")  ;; 14
+(assert-equal? "raw control char in string literal" (integer->string  15) "")  ;; 15
+(assert-equal? "raw control char in string literal" (integer->string  16) "")  ;; 16
+(assert-equal? "raw control char in string literal" (integer->string  17) "")  ;; 17
+(assert-equal? "raw control char in string literal" (integer->string  18) "")  ;; 18
+(assert-equal? "raw control char in string literal" (integer->string  19) "")  ;; 19
+(assert-equal? "raw control char in string literal" (integer->string  20) "")  ;; 20
+(assert-equal? "raw control char in string literal" (integer->string  21) "")  ;; 21
+(assert-equal? "raw control char in string literal" (integer->string  22) "")  ;; 22
+(assert-equal? "raw control char in string literal" (integer->string  23) "")  ;; 23
+(assert-equal? "raw control char in string literal" (integer->string  24) "")  ;; 24
+(assert-equal? "raw control char in string literal" (integer->string  25) "")  ;; 25  ;; DON'T EDIT THIS LINE!
+(assert-equal? "raw control char in string literal" (integer->string  26) "")  ;; 26
+(assert-equal? "raw control char in string literal" (integer->string  27) "")  ;; 27
+(assert-equal? "raw control char in string literal" (integer->string  28) "
")  ;; 28
+(assert-equal? "raw control char in string literal" (integer->string  29) "
")  ;; 29
+(assert-equal? "raw control char in string literal" (integer->string  30) "
")  ;; 30
+(assert-equal? "raw control char in string literal" (integer->string  31) "")  ;; 31
+(assert-equal? "raw control char in string literal" (integer->string 127) "")  ;; 127
+;; escaped raw control chars
+;;(assert-parse-error "escaped raw control char in string literal" "\"\\ \"")  ;; 0  ;; cannot read by string port
+(assert-parse-error "escaped raw control char in string literal" "\"\\\"")  ;; 1
+(assert-parse-error "escaped raw control char in string literal" "\"\\\"")  ;; 2
+(assert-parse-error "escaped raw control char in string literal" "\"\\\"")  ;; 3
+(assert-parse-error "escaped raw control char in string literal" "\"\\\"")  ;; 4
+(assert-parse-error "escaped raw control char in string literal" "\"\\\"")  ;; 5
+(assert-parse-error "escaped raw control char in string literal" "\"\\\"")  ;; 6
+(assert-parse-error "escaped raw control char in string literal" "\"\\\"")  ;; 7
+(assert-parse-error "escaped raw control char in string literal" "\"\\\"")  ;; 8  ;; DON'T EDIT THIS LINE!
+(assert-parse-error "escaped raw control char in string literal" "\"\\	\"")  ;; 9
+(assert-parse-error "escaped raw control char in string literal" "\"\\
+\"")  ;; 10  ;; DON'T EDIT THIS LINE!
+(assert-parse-error "escaped raw control char in string literal" "\"\\\"")  ;; 11
+(assert-parse-error "escaped raw control char in string literal" "\"\\\"")  ;; 12
+(assert-parse-error "escaped raw control char in string literal" "\"\\
\"")  ;; 13  ;; DON'T EDIT THIS LINE!
+(assert-parse-error "escaped raw control char in string literal" "\"\\\"")  ;; 14
+(assert-parse-error "escaped raw control char in string literal" "\"\\\"")  ;; 15
+(assert-parse-error "escaped raw control char in string literal" "\"\\\"")  ;; 16
+(assert-parse-error "escaped raw control char in string literal" "\"\\\"")  ;; 17
+(assert-parse-error "escaped raw control char in string literal" "\"\\\"")  ;; 18
+(assert-parse-error "escaped raw control char in string literal" "\"\\\"")  ;; 19
+(assert-parse-error "escaped raw control char in string literal" "\"\\\"")  ;; 20
+(assert-parse-error "escaped raw control char in string literal" "\"\\\"")  ;; 21
+(assert-parse-error "escaped raw control char in string literal" "\"\\\"")  ;; 22
+(assert-parse-error "escaped raw control char in string literal" "\"\\\"")  ;; 23
+(assert-parse-error "escaped raw control char in string literal" "\"\\\"")  ;; 24
+(assert-parse-error "escaped raw control char in string literal" "\"\\\"")  ;; 25  ;; DON'T EDIT THIS LINE!
+(assert-parse-error "escaped raw control char in string literal" "\"\\\"")  ;; 26
+(assert-parse-error "escaped raw control char in string literal" "\"\\\"")  ;; 27
+(assert-parse-error "escaped raw control char in string literal" "\"\\
\"")  ;; 28
+(assert-parse-error "escaped raw control char in string literal" "\"\\
\"")  ;; 29
+(assert-parse-error "escaped raw control char in string literal" "\"\\
\"")  ;; 30
+(assert-parse-error "escaped raw control char in string literal" "\"\\\"")  ;; 31
+(assert-parse-error "escaped raw control char in string literal" "\"\\\"")  ;; 127

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