[Uim] UIM as XIM problems

TOKUNAGA Hiroyuki tkng at xem.jp
Thu Dec 11 21:54:34 EET 2003

On Thu, 11 Dec 2003 09:37:56 +0100
David Oftedal <david at start.no> wrote:

> No, really. I've now got the ja_JP.eucJP locale, and it produces the 
> same error as all the other locales. The kanji selection list appears 
> when I type something, but I can't see any preedit text or output.

Hmm... I cannot detect what is wrong. I need more infomation to solve
this problem.

And I have a question. Where did the candidate window appear? (candiate
window == kanji selection list) If it's not the upper left, it's not
uim-xim's candidate window.

Following is the list to work uim-xim.

1. generate locale ja_JP.eucJP (This need root privilege)

 In debian, to genarate locale, you should add such line
 'ja_JP.EUC-JP EUC-JP' to /etc/locale.gen and exec 

2. set some env vars.

  LANG, LANGUAGE, LC_ALL should be set to ja_JP.eucJP

3. exec uim-xim

 Simply uim-xim&

4. exec a application

 I think using uim-xim through gtk+2's XIM immodule is good.

 GTK_IM_MODULE=xim gedit&

If kinput2 is works well, I think there is no font problem.



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