[Uim] uim 0.2.1 released

David Oftedal david at start.no
Sun Dec 21 22:30:22 EET 2003

>  Hmm... I don't know existence such a bug. But fixing bug is good news
> even we don't know about the bug :-) 

Actually, I'm not sure this bug affected uim at all, but it did affect
im-ja, if I remember correctly. Anyway, fixing the priority of key
events was a great idea, even if it is a hack at present.

I have an unrelated question though, and sorry for interrupting the flow
of the thread...

I see a lot of Japanese people are writing one of their names in
all-capital/uppercase letters when using romagi, e.g.: BABA Yoshiko
(From TLUG), KATO Kazuyoshi, and yourself. Is the name written in caps
the family name and the other name the given name?


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