[Uim] uim-py: Adding idioms to PY.scm

Yukiko Bando ybando at k6.dion.ne.jp
Tue Apr 13 19:06:26 EEST 2004

On Fri, 09 Apr 2004 21:26:11 +0900 (JST), <yusuke at cherubim.icw.co.jp>  

> License is OK. But I have no idea make pinyin table from stardict.

Is there a way to extract Chinese entries from xdict-ce-gb.idx to a plain  
text file?

I made a new tool that finds pinyin for multisyllabic words.  It's again   
a spreadsheet and pasting Chinese words in column A returns pinyin in  
column B.  And if a word contains any character that has more than one  
pinyin (eg. 大=da;dai), it returns an error and in that case I have to  
check it up in a dictionary though.

I haven't tested the tool with many words yet, but given the fact that  
6463 characters out of 6732 (included in the original PY.scm) have only  
one pinyin (tone difference is ignored), I'm beginning to think it may  
work for 95% of the 160,997 words in xdict...



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