[Uim] Check result of uim's svn repository

TOKUNAGA Hiroyuki tkng at xem.jp
Wed Dec 1 21:32:37 EET 2004


Here is a good news, we can say uim's svn repository is safe, at least
after revision 1644.

This mail is a report about check of repository.

Masanari has a working copy of the repository of rev1644. (Rev1644 is
before compromised.)

He download the repository, and make a working copy from it. Then he
checked the diff of two working copies. There's no difference. So, at
the point of 1644, the repository is safe.

Then I checked after 1644 to 1650, so we can say the repository is safe,
at least after revision 1644.

Masahito also checked the repository. He has

 - A daily dump of the repository in his home directory of fd.o.
 - Working copy of 1576, before compromised.

He checked the diff between rev1645 (from his dumped repository) and
rev1576 by his eyes. There's no suspicious change.

So, rev1644 is checked by two persons.

There are other persons who also checked the repository.

Kazuki checked all changes under qt/ directory from rev1516 to rev1650.
Etsushi checked all of his changes from rev1516 to rev1650.

I checked the diff between rev1644 and rev1650 by my eyes, there's no
suspicious change.

Now we can say rev1650 is safe.

I'll reconstruct the repository with after 1644. So, new repository
doesn't include any suspicious change.

Many thanks to committers.



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