[Uim] Release system of uim

TOKUNAGA Hiroyuki tkng at xem.jp
Sat Dec 4 00:31:56 EET 2004


We should have discussions about future of uim. In this mail, I want to
discuss about release system.

Yes, we already discussed this topic, but current system is a misstep
obviously. We need new one.

As you know, the number of uim users is growing, we have to provide
stable release. For this purpose, I want to change release system.

My prolosal is quite similar to linux's. That is:

If minor version is even, that's stable release.
If minor version is uneven, that's development release.

For example, 0.5.x is development version to release 0.6.0 as stable
release. There's no beta release. (1.0.0 is exception. Because it's very
very important, I'll do beta release and release candidate.)

Next release of uim will be 0.4.6, this is the last release with current
release system. I'll do beta release of 0.4.6, stabilizing, then will
release 0.4.6 final.

So, until 1.0.0 release, we have 3 unstable branches. I think it's
enough, maybe too many.

Of course maintaining two branches is hard work for us, I'm almost sure
that I will not be able to maintain stable branch so fine. I hope
someone will maintain the stable branch. (Or if there is a person who
want to maintain *unstable* branch, tell me. I'll consider.)

I think maintaining stable branch would not be so difficult, but maybe


tkng at xem.jp

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