[Uim] Re: Release system of uim

TOKUNAGA Hiroyuki tkng at xem.jp
Sat Dec 4 10:10:30 EET 2004


On Sat, 4 Dec 2004 13:50:40 +0900 (JST)
UTUMI Hirosi <utuhiro78 at yahoo.co.jp> wrote:

> > My prolosal is quite similar to linux's. That is:
> > If minor version is even, that's stable release.
> > If minor version is uneven, that's development release.
> >
> > For example, 0.5.x is development version to release 0.6.0 as stable
> > release. There's no beta release.
> Most users don't test svn files. So uim-0.5.x should be a snapshot of
> svn files. If there are no problems, uim-0.5.x will be uim-0.6.x.

I agree with you that most users don't test svn. But, your approach is
quite hard and will be bottleneck.   i.e. Ensuring that 'there is no
problem' needs many tests,  In addition, I'm sure usesr will be confused
if we adopt our original release system. Already we failed with original
release system.

> IMHO, UIM doesn't have enough testers/developers to maintain two or
> three branches.

I agree. But I proposed the linux like release system because of lack of
testers.  i.e. We have less testers, they must be treasured. So, I want
to reduce the times of stable release. In addition, with linux like
release system, once we could be confident in 'this branch is stable',
not so many tests are needed anymore.

These three points are merits of my proposal.

 - User won't be confused
 - Maintaining stable branch is comparatively easy
 - Times of stable release could be reduced

Though I want to reduce times of stable release, now I'm planning 0.6 in
Jan 2005, 0.8 in Mar 2005, 1.0 in May 2005. IMHO 1 stable branch per 2
months is not so long period.

> btw, How can I get uim-rev1650 ?
> (You said "Now we can say rev1650 is safe".)
> $ svn checkout http://freedesktop.org:8080/svn/uim/trunk
> => can't connect to the server.
> Please upload the tarball of uim-rev1650.

Sorry, wait further 1 day, I want to recheck.

Svn repository will be recovered in this week end (hopefully).



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