[Uim] A Korean input module for uim

TOKUNAGA Hiroyuki tkng at xem.jp
Sun Jun 26 14:33:46 EEST 2005

Hi, sorry for my late replying...

I read your byeoru.scm. Considering our lack of documents, I have to
say that this is an unbelievably great work.

I have some comments about byeoru.scm.

1. ^L on the line 49th is intended?

2. Conversion function from ucs to utf8 should be in the libuim, so I
imported your byeoru-ucs-to-utf-8-string as ucs-to-utf8-string. Thanks!

Currently, testing byeoru.scm is a bit difficult for normal users, I
think. That is not a problem of byeoru.scm, but a problem of uim
itself. We should make an easy way to add a new input module. I'll
tackle this problem on next weekend.


tkng at xem.jp

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