[Uim] uim-qtkde-helper

Tomohisa Irino tomoirino at yahoo.co.jp
Sat Jul 22 04:56:07 PDT 2006

Hi All;
When I read Japanese uim wiki, I found there was uim-qtkde-helper developed by kzk-san.
It still works well with uim-1.0.1 but not with uim-1.1 and later.
I found that the functionality of uim-qtkde-helper was really useful for daily KDE users because it fits to KDE panel beautifully.
As one of daily uim users, I appreciate all the efforts of develpers of uim.
I hope the functionality of uim-qtkde-helper is merged into uim in the future release if possible.
Thanks for advance.

Best wishes,

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