[Uim] uim-pref-qt

Etsushi Kato ek.kato at gmail.com
Sun Jul 30 20:45:09 PDT 2006

On 7/30/06, Tomohisa Irino <tomoirino at yahoo.co.jp> wrote:
> > It seems it is a bug in uim-pref-qt that IM context with immodule
> > enabled is used
> > in key capture widget.  And I assume you assign C-j and Henkan_Mode to your
> > default IM's mode change keys.
> Yes, exactly. I use C-j and/or Henkan_Mode both for IM on and off.
> Actually, uim-pref-qt accepts C-j and Henkan_Mode under "direct" input mode.
> > I'll investigate how to solve the problem.  Thanks for reporting.
> I hope you will find a good way.

I've checked qt-immodule patch and cannot find a way to bypass IM
context for a specific widget.

BTW, it can be said that this is a bug in qt-immodule.  In Fedora, the
problem is not existed since they applied
qt-x11-free-3.3.6-fix-key-release-event-with-imm.diff in their source
package (qt-3.3.6-0.4.fc5.src.rpm).  With the patch, no IM context is
created for widgets which don't require that (like key grab dialog).

So I leave uim-pref-qt unchanged at the moment.   YamaKen, if you know
how to bypass IM context in some specific widgets, please let me know.

For now, please choose one from the following workaround.
 * use qt-x11-free-3.3.6-fix-key-release-event-with-imm.diff patch
  * temporary switch to direct IM in uim
  * invoke uim-pref-qt with "QT_IM_MODULE=simple uim-pref-qt"

Etsushi Kato
ek.kato at gmail.com

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