[Uim] uim for chinese user(Chinese Simplified)

MichaelBibby michaelbibby at sohu.com
Mon Nov 13 17:07:21 EET 2006

Ming Hua wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 10, 2006 at 06:00:37PM +0900, YAMAMOTO Kengo / YamaKen wrote:
>> Do you know future development plan of Fcitx? If the input core
>> has gotten independent of XIM, someone could consider porting it
>> into uim-fcitx (but sorry, we cannot promise).
> Disclaimer:  I do not use fcitx myself, and I am the Debian maintainer
> of scim, so my opinion is unavoidably biased.
> As far as I know, fcitx has always been mostly a one-man project, and
> reading from its official website, it seems its developer has quite
> limited time and has no plan what so ever to do big refactoring on fcitx
> code base.
Yes, you are right, one-man project, but fcitx is a very good software.
Most of chinese linux/bsd users use fcitx or scim as their chinese input 
method, and
they all work well. Most of users like fcitx because of its less 
dependency, stable and

Future development plan of Fcitx?
The author said he has no more time to develop it, it's a bad new.

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