[Uim] What's going on: recent topics about uim

YAMAMOTO Kengo / YamaKen yamaken at bp.iij4u.or.jp
Sun Nov 19 14:42:29 EET 2006

Hi all, 

I've summarized recent topics about uim. I hope this helps
letting you know what's going on our project.

- uim 1.3.0

  The next stable release is going to be released in this
  year. It contains several important API extensions.

  * Text acquisition (and injection) API

    This is a generalized superset of the common "surrounding
    text" API. It is also a first experimental step to acquire
    pluggable editor functionality beyond traditional "input
    method" model. libuim and some bridges have already
    implemented it, but any input method does not use it yet.

    See "Text acquisition and injection API" section of
    following document for further information.


  * Proper distinction of reset/focus/placement API

    The lacking focus-in and focus-out API has been added to
    uim. And in accordance with it, the corrupted use of 'reset'
    API that only considers ephemeral automatonish input
    contexts by GUI toolkit especially GTK+ is being
    overhauled. A first-phase patch for GTK+ which fixes the
    'reset' handlings without API/ABI change is also being

    Detailed behaviors of Latin languages, Hangul beol-sik and
    Japanese multi-segment IMs are considered and discussed to
    define the APIset which can properly control the state of
    input contexts. The APIset had already been defined, but
    implementation in libuim and bridges is not yet.

    See "Focus activity and input position relocation
    notifications" section of following document for further


  * Japanese kana direct input improvement (experimental)
  * Dead keys support

    The long-awaited lacking logical keys has been
    supported. See "Add new key definition" section of following
    document for further information.


  * inputmethod-icons

    The icons for toolbars have been replaced with the
    inputmethod-icons package. But almost all icons are
    identical to previous ones. inputmethod-icons is not a
    design policy -oriented project but just an aggregation
    repository for any input method -related projects. Feel free
    to add your icons to the package.


- uim 1.4.0

  The next next stable release is being prepared to be released
  as soon as possible after uim 1.3.0, hopefully in this
  year. It replaces the non-standards-conformant Scheme
  interpreter of libuim with newly developed SigScheme to make a
  room for next leap.

  * SigScheme

    It had already been feature-frozen. And it is now under
    quality assurance phase. The important R5RS conformances
    that are needed to keep uim codes portable had already
    tested and validated, but some other parts are remaining.

    And some known critical bugs are also.

      - SEGV on LP64 platform on writing an integer to a port
      - A data alignment problem on m68k arch
      - A minor GC problem http://d.hatena.ne.jp/jun0/20060627

    See following log for further information about current


- Other topics related to uim development

  * API for input mode -specified text field

    I prefer using generic action API for such purpose instead
    of adding a dedicated API for it.

    http://lists.sourceforge.jp/mailman/archives/scim-imengine-dev/2006-November/001412.html (Japanese)


    An input method mediator intended to become a common
    frontend of SCIM and IIIMF is being discussed. But uim will
    likely not participate in the discussions since:

      - Development direction and (short-term) goals are
        probably different from uim project

      - Simply we don't have enough time to participate with it

    What we should do is wait for its first release, and
    evaluate its benefit for uim.


  * uim-pref frontend for m17n library

    The customization scheme of m17n library and its uim
    adaptation is being discussed.

    http://lists.sourceforge.jp/mailman/archives/anthy-dev/2006-August/003140.html (Japanese)
    http://lists.sourceforge.jp/mailman/archives/anthy-dev/2006-September/003150.html (Japanese)
    http://lists.sourceforge.jp/mailman/archives/anthy-dev/2006-September/003151.html (Japanese)
    http://lists.sourceforge.jp/mailman/archives/anthy-dev/2006-November/003208.html (Japanese)

  * A request for Chinese phrase-based input method

    A Chinese IM user suggested uim adaptation of Fcitx to
    acquire Chinese phrase-based IM. But since it seems
    technically not so easy due to its XIM dependency, uim-fcitx
    will probably not be implemented.


- Other than development itself

  * Wiki site migration

    New uim Wiki site is created on a MediaWiki-based service
    provider. But contents migration is not started yet.


  * Improvement of documentation

    An improvement of inadequate user-documents is proposed.


  * Mailinglist migration

    These Google Groups are prepared, but not migrated to yet
    due to the lacking message numberings on its web
    archive. I'll try reporting it again as a bug, rather than a



  * svn repository

    The stall-after-commit problem had been fixed although
    uim-commit mail is not recovered.

    I'll try to move it to the repository on Google code hosting
    once the svn 1.4 service has been started.


YAMAMOTO Kengo / YamaKen  yamaken at bp.iij4u.or.jp
FAMILY   Given / Nick

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