[Uim] Focus and cursor position shift handlings (bug #7729)

Etsushi Kato ek.kato at gmail.com
Wed Nov 29 15:11:45 EET 2006

On 11/29/06, YAMAMOTO Kengo / YamaKen <yamaken at bp.iij4u.or.jp> wrote:
> > > And as noted above, to revise im reset code in
> > > gtkentry.c/gtktextview.c, it requires preedit displace/place handlers
> > > in GtkIMContext.  Do you intended that this also shouldn't be touched
> > > at the moment?

> As I said and you agreed with before as follows, we should not
> revise GTK+ API for now.
>  phase | patch type      | API/ABI | resolves  | involves
> -------+-----------------+---------+-----------+-------------------------------
>  1     | workaround hack | kept    | kr,cn,etc | GTK+ developers
>  2     | proper solution | broken  | ja        | GTK+, each IMs and distros
> The phase 1 is supposed to take few months, and it resolves the
> Korean IM problem by replacing reset() with
> fix_im_context_weakly(). Since this method uses preexisting
> focus-out/in interface to notice the contexts to be fixed,
> nothing is needed to follow this change by each IMs. This also
> resolves the corrupted reset() use of GTK+ which assumes that
> all input contexts are ephemeral. It is beneficial for Japanese
> IMs too and sufficient for now.

OK.   So you intended just replacing most of the reset() in GTK+ with
fix_im_context_weakly(), and postpone to use displace()/place() until
whole IM module revision.  I totally didn't think of using
fix_im_context_weakly() as a reset()...

IMHO, even it don't change API of immodule, it would be not so easy
for GTK+ and other IM developers (and me) to accept
fix_im_context_wealky() as reset() since it actually calls focus_out()
and focus_in() of IM context at ordinary reset timing, and other IMs
possibly haven't implemented focus_in()/focus_out() handlers as such
purpose (as gtkimcontextsimple haven't implemented the focus
handlers).  This may also involves other IM developers contrary to
your expectation.

> I'll read your patch later. But please let me know your opinion
> about the development scheme before discussing the actual
> implementations again.

You don't need to read the patch.  I just wanted to see the
effectiveness of place/displace model for IM development.  It's just
for test purpose.

Etsushi Kato
ek.kato at gmail.com

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