[Uim] uim-fep trouble on slackware

はとちゃん hatori at hatochan.dyndns.org
Thu Oct 12 10:43:33 EEST 2006

Hi all,

I made uim-1.2.1 package for slackware 11.0.
It's pretty good to use uim-xim on KDE.

But uim-fep doesn't work on console.
It doesn't turn from direct input mode multilingual input
mode by contrl plus j or any keys.

Its slackware 11.0 situation is the following:
- jfbterm 0.4.7 with patch
- It set LANG and LC_ALL to ja_JP.UTF-8 or ja_JP.utf8
- It set TERM to linux 

Please give me any hints.

Kentaro "hatochan" Hatori

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