[utf-8] Re: Bidi standart
Wed, 10 Mar 2004 18:58:19 IST
On Wed, Mar 10, 2004 at 11:13:53AM -0500, Noah Levitt wrote:
> A bidi standard falls under this statement of purpose:
> ???Project UTF-8???s purpose is to document and promote proper
> Unicode support (particularly UTF-8 support) in free and
> Open Source software.???
> I think it???s a good idea to work on a standard before or
> while working on the gtk+ implementation, especially since
> it sounds like it may be difficult to make the gtk+
> implementation exactly right. Qt, Mozilla, OO.o developers
> I???m sure will be happier to contribute to and follow the
> standard if they see it as a collaborative project to
> describe ideal behavior rather than simply a description of
> gtk+???s.
> In fact I wonder if it might be better to hack on something
> simpler, like Yudit, to implement and test the standard.
> You???re not likely to get commit permission for gtk+ until
> Owen is convinced the implemented behavior is correct, and a
> tested standard would obviously help.
I would suggest doing the implementation on something even simpler,
e.g. protobidi, which I played around with about 5 years ago.
See: http://imagic.weizmann.ac.il/~dov/Hebrew/protobidi/ . But
on the other hand, today I am familiar enough with the Gtk sources
so that I can quite easy implement it there as well...