[VDPAU] Support H264 Hi10 via vdpau

Christian König deathsimple at vodafone.de
Tue Oct 29 09:05:46 CET 2013

Am 28.10.2013 18:47, schrieb Stephen Warren:
> ... although actually looking at the new fields you're adding, won't 
> the values *always* be "10" if the new profile is in use? I think you 
> only need to do one of adding a new profile value, or adding new 
> fields to the picture info struct, not both? Re: [PATCH 1/2] hi10: 
> bump version in configure.ac

Nope, IIRC the spec says that those two fields *can* be larger than 0 if 
you have Hi10P (e.g. represent 9 or 10 bits per luma/chroma component), 
but they don't *have to*!


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